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Call ESPN regarding Lou Holtz throwing our helmet


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Afternoon Auburn Family, it is TIME that we flood ESPN with our outrage. We need to let them know that WE have had enough. You can call this number and you actually get a REAL person.

Express your outrage regarding Holtz, regarding the witchhunt and let me them know that they have definitely offended ALL AU people. I even mentioned their advertiser, that I no longer go to their website, and that I can't believe how biased them are. Pass it on to EVERY AU fan you know. We need to flood their phones! ENOUGH already!

The phone # to call and complain is 888-549-3776.


  We need to KILL BAMMER! I have had it!

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You might wanna mention his leaving USCe with 10 NCAA violations, 5 major ones. Just sayin........ ;D

He's actually the only coach in NCAA history to leave three programs on probation-- ND, Minn., USCe

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Everybody needs to call.  People that are in the public need to be held accountable for their actions.  What Holtz did was very disrespectful to our university.  We should stand together and let him know he was wrong.  I called and was very nice to the lady I talked to. We should show class when we call.  Make sure Holtz knows we are a family that will show respect to people that shows us respect.  Call and pass the number to all your Auburn friends! :believe:

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I'm sorry but i am not wasting my time to call espn claiming outrage over a helmet getting tossed... he tossed a stupid football helmet, he didn't break out a copy of the AU creed and take a leak all over it.... I get people being mad at espn for their coverage or tabloid journalism of the Cam situation, but looking for every little thing to feel slighted about is getting really old.......

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I just called and gave Greg an ear full... he didnt seem scathed. I told him to make sure that Lou's personal assistant makes him take his laxtives daily.

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I'm sorry but i am not wasting my time to call espn claiming outrage over a helmet getting tossed... he tossed a stupid football helmet, he didn't break out a copy of the AU creed and take a leak all over it.... I get people being mad at espn for their coverage or tabloid journalism of the Cam situation, but looking for every little thing to feel slighted about is getting really old.......

Agreed, they don't care, they do all of these things for ratings.  I think we have been whining a bit much over the last few weeks.  We all know Lou is a joke, why even pay attention to him?

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I'm sorry but i am not wasting my time to call espn claiming outrage over a helmet getting tossed... he tossed a stupid football helmet, he didn't break out a copy of the AU creed and take a leak all over it.... I get people being mad at espn for their coverage or tabloid journalism of the Cam situation, but looking for every little thing to feel slighted about is getting really old.......

Agreed, they don't care, they do all of these things for ratings.  I think we have been whining a bit much over the last few weeks.  We all know Lou is a joke, why even pay attention to him?

Thank you!!! 

And we wonder why ESPN hates us.  I for one am only worried about one thing this week and that is bammer.  :zapbama:

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Yea you guys that called didn't do anything but make matters worse. that just showed him that people are tuning in. They want to get viewers and now they know they've got that many more PLUS they know they are getting a rise out of us now too.

Yay.  :D

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Sent the email at three informed them that I would change the channel when ever Lou the Senile appeared.

Auto mated response:"Thank you for the email it will be forwarded to the appropriate.....blah blah blah. 

I know it makes little difference but it made me feel better.

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Yea you guys that called didn't do anything but make matters worse. that just showed him that people are tuning in. They want to get viewers and now they know they've got that many more PLUS they know they are getting a rise out of us now too.

Yay.  :D

This is an excellent point.

ESPN doesn't care what you think.  ESPN cares about money.  All of you are watching and providing more viewers for ESPN's advertisers.  I quit watching ESPN a few years ago (other than live game broadcasts) and I don't feel like I am missing anything.

How many of you are actually going to stop watching ESPN after this year?  I am guessing very few.

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It is a ratings driven thing...Mark and Lou have to disagree about something or else there is no show. Instead of calling why don't you persuade people to not watch Lou Holtz on ESPN or just except there are things that you cannot control in life. Trying to control situations that you can no way possibly do is an arrogant wasteful way to spend your life. Just take it for what it is and laugh.  

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If you want to get their attention, you contact the sponsors.  Thousands of emails and phone calls to the sponsors telling them that you will no longer watch nor will you buy their product or service because they sponsor him will do more than calling ESPN. 

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