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This should be this board's prayer until draft day


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Dear Lord:  DO NOT let Cam Newton be drafted by the Redskins.  They almost ruined the last Auburn QB they drafter and I'm not sure I could take them ruining Cam.


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Preach it Brother! Arizona at #5 or the Vikes would be better than the Deadskins. Yeah and  let us not forget that waste land in the valley of the shadow called Carolina. Leave that QB to Scrunch Face Claussen.  ;)

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I would take the Redskins over Buffalo.

Honestly, I'll take cheap and occasional lapses in team construction judgment over rich but horribly incompetent and short-tempered.  I wouldn't want my Patriots facing Cam twice a year (nor would I want Cam trying to read Rex Ryan and Bill Belichick's defenses 4 times a year, for that matter), but that's the lesser or two evils. 

On the plus side, a DT like Fairley should be slightly less dependent on the success of the rest of his team than a QB like Newton.  Still, I'd prefer that they both go to orgs where they are more likely to get the best available coaching in order to succeed. 

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Hey don't bad talk my 'Skins. Campbell wasn't almost ruined by the Redskins. Explain how you think they did. To be honest, Jason isn't a top tier QB in the league.

I hope the 'Skins take Cam  :thumbsup:

'skins SUCK!!!!!!!

GO COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(but i do hate jerry jones. he has ruined 'em. someday we'll be back though)

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Hey don't bad talk my 'Skins. Campbell wasn't almost ruined by the Redskins. Explain how you think they did. To be honest, Jason isn't a top tier QB in the league.

I hope the 'Skins take Cam  :thumbsup:

He was learning a new system every other year thanks to constant offensive coordinator turnover, and he never had a solid offensive line in front of him.  The latter is because Dan Synder has no idea what he is doing, and has shown no interest in letting those who do take care of things for him.  His ego is too big for that.  He's Jerry Jones without the brains, and unlike Al Davis, he won't die soon.  Maybe the Shanahan era will be an improvement, but I doubt it.  What Dan Snyder and Peter Angelos (Baltimore Orioles) have combined to do to the two premiere franchises in the Baltimore-DC area is a complete travesty. 

Now, to be honest, I doubt that Campbell would ever become a top QB in the NFL either, but I find it hard to hold his performance for the two most dysfunctional franchises in today's NFL against him.  We can't say that he was ruined, because we don't know what he might have become in, say, Pittsburgh or Philadelphia.  We can say that he was constantly put into one bad situation after another, because no pocket passer QB can survive in the NFL without an offensive line in front of him, and Campbell never had one. 

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Hey don't bad talk my 'Skins. Campbell wasn't almost ruined by the Redskins. Explain how you think they did. To be honest, Jason isn't a top tier QB in the league.

I hope the 'Skins take Cam  :thumbsup:

Any time you get sacked more than 40 times, the people putting an OL in front of you don't know what they're doing.

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Swestbrook.    The Skins have no idea what they are doing.  I lived there for 10 years.  He had 4 ocs at Au and 4 at DC.  PLEASE!!!!  That's how you ruin someone.  I'm not saying that Jason is a pro bowl caliber qb.  BUT he had a chance to be very good with a good franchise.  NOT with the Skins.  I really don't think I have to answer that question.  Res ipsa Loquiter.  Just so you know, Jim Zorn just got fired as qb coach for the Ravens.  DUH!!!

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I would take the Redskins over Buffalo.

Honestly, I'll take cheap and occasional lapses in team construction judgment over rich but horribly incompetent and short-tempered.  I wouldn't want my Patriots facing Cam twice a year (nor would I want Cam trying to read Rex Ryan and Bill Belichick's defenses 4 times a year, for that matter), but that's the lesser or two evils. 

On the plus side, a DT like Fairley should be slightly less dependent on the success of the rest of his team than a QB like Newton.  Still, I'd prefer that they both go to orgs where they are more likely to get the best available coaching in order to succeed. 

Buffalo is never on TV,if he went there,we would never see him play.

Id still take the Skins over the Bills.I think the Skins are closer to being good than Toronto.....er Buffalo.

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Buffalo is never on TV,if he went there,we would never see him play.

Id still take the Skins over the Bills.I think the Skins are closer to being good than Toronto.....er Buffalo.

Fair point on the TV coverage, I wasn't thinking about that at all. 

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Ok, I used to love the skins but with that said I absolutely hate them now. As far as the arguement about what position they put JC in. I personally dont think he would have been a top 10 QB in the NFL no matter what but I think there is absolutely no doubt that playing for them damaged what could have been the most productive stage of his career. He constantly had to look over his shoulder on and off the field, they gave him nothing to work with except a new system every other week. Then the fan base I dont know if you guys ever work in that area or travel up but besides the new york and boston teams I can not think of a more draining group of people ive expereinced. But with all that said hands down. HE FOUND OUT HIS CAREER WITH THE SKINS AFTER ALL THOSE YEARS OF GETTING HIS BUTT KICKED WAS OVER FROM A REPORTER! So as someone who enjoyed Jason while he was at Auburn and and generally likes to see people not get mistreated no I do not want them to get Cam. Let them get some souless player who mailed it in this year bc he was worried about damaging his draft status dont let them get some big hearted hard worker, they wont appreciate it even if he takes them to the top.

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