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Interesting (disturbing) AUC / Sheridan Post

mustache eagle

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This may not belong anywhere on AE and may be discussed elsewhere.  It is free to see on AUC.  I put it here in College Football because it is Sheridan related and will also be hidden from non-AE members.  But I was curious as to what folks thought of this and if you have the opinion that there is any truth behind what the poster is obviously trying to say.


curious as to other folks thoughts...


now i have heard other folks thoughts!  EDSBS is the "culprit"...i dont surf college related sites, only auburn ones.  when i saw this on auc, i thought it was from that poster ... it was a cut and paste ... with context, this is pretty darn funny!  glad i took the cautious route and put here in as "secluded" a spot as exists on AE ... thanks to the folks who sniffed out the exposive truth!

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I'll tell you what it says to me, IN MY OPINION ONLY.

People who live comfortably in a foreign country at the behest and advantage of others, need not live in a glass house at home.

Very interesting. If that was the bow of my boat, I'd duck, that was a helluva shot.

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Some people can't see this link on phones etc. If one of the mods, thinks it's ok, post the article online. It is a game changer.

Again, it is free, but this is what the OP wrote that ran my radar up...

Danny, I'm not going to say anything about what you plan to do on Wednesday. I'm not. It's a big life, and certainly wide enough for everyone to get along. I'm not saying we'll ever even run into each other ever again. I'm not saying you'll run into a Labrador packed with C4, all smiles and wagging tail and thousands upon thousands of pounds of concealed destructive hell packed into its very body, sometime in the next 48 hours if you don't agree not to go on and say lies about Auburn university. I'm a dog. I can't even talk, let alone predict a painful and abrupt ending to your life. None of this could possibly be happening.

So I ask you to just remember this little fictional detail. Kuwait. 1991.

An American oddsmaker down on his luck and millions of dollars in debt has fled Vegas to serve a little time as the private sports gambler and consultant for a Kuwaiti sheikh with too much money and a case of diabetes so bad he can't think without an IV of liquid Kit Kat flowing into his veins. The American starts to skim a little off the top, no? Who would notice, right? So much money just lying around the place it's like the piles could cover the dead Indonesian servants the Sheikh's deranged son just left all over the place. After a while, it only seemed fair to take what was not yours, per se, but what was certainly not his, right?

So he's in trouble when, during a moment of insulin-fed clarity, the old sheikh realizes you've been stealing from the till. And it just so happens that like many gamblers, your luck hits at the right time and Saddam Hussein rolls 182 $**tty old Russian tanks into Kuwait and sends the old fatling scurrying like a panicked, bearded sea cucumber rolling into exile, but not before he's about to load you up at the airport to torture you in the basement of his French chateau when--well, what do we have here? Who knew the SEALs had already secured the airport? Besides the SEALs, of course. We always know.

I'm not saying a lot of things. Again, I wasn't officially there. I don't know about things like a crying mustachioed little shadow of a man, a glorified confidence man and pickpocket on the run, sprinting away from his captors and yelling about how he was American and caught in the middle. I don't know about two Kuwaiti bodyguards who thought it was a good idea to reach in their pockets and shoot after you, but i do know that flying attack dogs don't just come out of nowhere, Danny Sheridan. Bloody pawprints don't just appear places. Someone puts them there with someone's blood, Danny. Blood that was spilled for them in someone else's name, most likely, when someone got careless and needed a shovel to get them out of a hole they'd dug for themselves without noticing the dirt piling up around their head, Danny.

So you just go on the radio and say what you like, Danny. Don't think about things that didn't happen, like the smell of a man who crapped himself from fear on a scorching tarmac somewhere on the Arabian peninsula, or the figure of a dog trotting away from two dead Kuwaiti thugs like the very notion of freedom receding away from you and into the night. Don't think about any of those things, Danny. You don't do that, and I won't think about the two bullets I took in Kuwait for a two-bit shyster not worth the fur on my dog-taint because he happened to hold the same passport as me.

Yours in freedom,

Lt. WarDogEagle

ps. Your point spreads are crap.

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Wow is right.  :o

That is some post. I especially liked the part about DS crapping in his pants....the little coward. >:(

Was DS in Kuwait in 1991? I wonder if it's possible to find that out....

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Wow.  Don't know if I classify it as fiction or nonfiction.

That's a lot of detail of time and place for fictional material, but I agree without firsthand knowledge it's hard to tell. But some people need to learn, when you like to dance, sometimes you won't like every song that's played.
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Wow.  Don't know if I classify it as fiction or nonfiction.

That's a lot of detail of time and place for fictional material, but I agree without firsthand knowledge it's hard to tell. But some people need to learn, when you like to dance, sometimes you won't like every song that's played.


or every partner.

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There are at least two lessons here (probably more).  One, guys like Sheridan better be sure their closets are really skeleton free if they want to drag others through the rumor and innuendo mud.  Two, you can never really know for sure if what you read on the internet is true (factual) or not.  The OP does a great job of introducing the element of doubt in his post.

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Thanks for posting the article for us on our phones. :shocked:  I wish I had the little smiley rubbing his hands together in anticipation or even the one eating popcorn. This will get interesting.

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Looks like the counter-attack is already poised to be launched if DS/PF continue down this road of fabrication and lies and slander...

Could get interesting... and I get the impression that DS is using a pea shooter against a M-16 in this exchange...

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Looks like the counter-attack is already poised to be launched if DS/PF continue down this road of fabrication and lies and slander...

Could get interesting... and I get the impression that DS is using a pea shooter against a M-1 in this exchange...

I do too.  ;D

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