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Anyone who rolled toomer's for the bama game should be ashamed. That's just juvenile

Shhh don't say that.. I got exiled for saying that on here last night.

I was informed that my superior morale attitude was not welcome here when I said shame on the people who rolled, or didn't roll, Toomers.

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Imo the best post about this whole subject was in the thread last night.... http://www.thewareaglereader.com/2011/11/dean-foy-crowd-surfs-toomers-corner-celebrates-bamas-loss-to-vandy/

Obviously 2 things that really bother Ole Harvey was UAT losing and Auburn rolling Toomers. Given all that has transpired over the past 12 months. Hell I almost think it was the appropriate thing to do. However, if some of you are worried that Auburn fans rolling Toomers after an Updyke loss will some how shatter Auburn's image and compare the act to some of the classless crap Updyke U has done in the last 12 months well I guess I just will have to wholeheartedly disagree. Maybe its the age of political correctness but if Dean Foy can do it.......

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I am not sure why Toomers corner was rolled but I think it was because Auburn women soccer team won SEC championship... Again I could be wrong...

They didn't win it until today.. They are rolling Toomer's for that now.
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Yeah, I'm not exactly thrilled about it, but because we don't have much more opportunity to roll Toomer's, I'm not going to fault anyone for doing so.

If anything, I would roll Toomers after a Bama loss simply for their fans... I got no beef with the University of Alabama, just their stupid fans.
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Anyone who rolled toomer's for the bama game should be ashamed. That's just juvenile

Shhh don't say that.. I got exiled for saying that on here last night.

Yea, don't you know you're supposed to support everything anti-Bama activity. Even if it is low class, pathetic, and down right embarassing?

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Anyone who rolled toomer's for the bama game should be ashamed. That's just juvenile

Shhh don't say that.. I got exiled for saying that on here last night.

Yea, don't you know you're supposed to support everything anti-Bama activity. Even if it is low class, pathetic, and down right embarassing?

So Auburn fans rolling Toomers after an Updyke loss is low class, pathetic, down right embarassing, and juvenile??  :dunno:

Well what the hell do you call Updyke's who print up Scam Newton tees, kill Toomers' Oaks, play take the money and run and son of a preacher man before the IB, chant F* Auburn before the LSU game, and were even planning on selling Updyke Tree Service shirts this week????????

Seriously, if Auburn fans are all of the things mentioned above rolling Toomers Corner (I guess it includes Dean Foy and all thise folk back in '69 as well), what should the Updykes as?

Btw, I get the fact that some on here actually believe that if they show less biased towards UAT and Auburn alike it somehow makes their opinion more legit because they ain't being biased in their views. However, I must ask another question. If you can't be anti-UAT on an Auburn ONLY message board then where in the hell can you be anti-UAT?

Now carry on peering down from that moral highhorse.

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Anyone who rolled toomer's for the bama game should be ashamed. That's just juvenile

Shhh don't say that.. I got exiled for saying that on here last night.

Yea, don't you know you're supposed to support everything anti-Bama activity. Even if it is low class, pathetic, and down right embarassing?

So Auburn fans rolling Toomers after an Updyke loss is low class, pathetic, down right embarassing, and juvenile??  :dunno:

Well what the hell do you call Updyke's who print up Scam Newton tees, kill Toomers' Oaks, play take the money and run and son of a preacher man before the IB, chant F* Auburn before the LSU game, and were even planning on selling Updyke Tree Service shirts this week????????

Seriously, if Auburn fans are all of the things mentioned above rolling Toomers Corner (I guess it includes Dean Foy and all thise folk back in '69 as well), what should the Updykes as?

Btw, I get the fact that some on here actually believe that if they show less biased towards UAT and Auburn alike it somehow makes their opinion more legit because they ain't being biased in their views. However, I must ask another question. If you can't be anti-UAT on an Auburn ONLY message board then where in the hell can you be anti-UAT?

Now carry on peering down from that moral highhorse.

Man, why do Auburn people think they have to drag us down to the Gumpdyke level.  Dont base what we do off what these degenerates do.  Don't set every waning moment of your existence off what the bama fans do.  Be better.  Want better for yourself and your life

I hear some stupid stuff by Auburn fans all the time.  When we get to a point where everything we do is not directed by what the idiots in T-Town do, we will be so much better off.  Rise above what these fools do and live a better existence. 

Rolling toomers for any UA loss is pathetic.  If you dont want to be considered little brother any more, stop acting like it. 

The rolling of toomers is for big Auburn wins.  Not preseason basketball wins, football wins over Utah State or tiddly wink champions.  And certainly not for bad things that happen to the Bama program.  Toomers is getting over used by Auburn fans.   

Stop trying to justify everything we do by something those idiots do.  Live your own life.

War Eagle and lets kick some UGA butt this weekend.    This is a HUGE game for us.....

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You know, I can see both sides of this argument. On the one hand, we definitely shouldn't be driven by UAT in any shape, form, or fashion. On the other, they ARE our biggest rival, just as we are theirs, and to some degree rivals always drive each other. That's what makes college football great.

As I already said, I wouldn't have done it, but due to the limited amount of time left to celebrate the traditional way on Toomer's Corner, I don't have a problem with having a celebration over the program that took that tradition away (and yes, I blame Alabama, even if it was a part of the "fringe minority" that did it) losing their first game and getting knocked out of the national championship picture in one fell swoop.

And, again, if it was good enough for Dean Foy...

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Good ol' Dean Foy. Heck of a nice guy and madly enthusiastic about AU. Seems almost impossible to believe that he was a UAT grad.

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Did Auburn not win the SEC soccer tournament as a pretty big underdog?? 

Only 8 teams made the tournament.  Auburn was the 7 seed.

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Anyone who rolled toomer's for the bama game should be ashamed. That's just juvenile

Shhh don't say that.. I got exiled for saying that on here last night.

Yea, don't you know you're supposed to support everything anti-Bama activity. Even if it is low class, pathetic, and down right embarassing?

Well what the hell do you call Updyke's who print up Scam Newton tees, kill Toomers' Oaks, play take the money .

I'd call that juvenile and classless, too. It doesn't mean we have to do the same. Celebrate AU victories, not UA losses. UA losing in no shape, form, or fashion helped us on Saturday. Was I for LSU? You're damn right. But the only time you'll see me celebrate after a football game, is if i's after an AU victory. That's all I'm saying.

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Congrats, you did or did not roll Toomer's on Saturday night. The people who did, probably don't really care what people think about what they did. If we only controlled ourselves as much as we try to control others. :rolleyes:

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Congrats, you did or did not roll Toomer's on Saturday night. The people who did, probably don't really care what people think about what they did. If we only controlled ourselves as much as we try to control others. :rolleyes:

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And don't look now, but at #3 in the BCS with only OK ST in front of them Bama is very much still in the Natl Championship hunt. I can't believe they wound up ahead of undefeated Stanford but if Bama wins out and OK ST loses one of their remaining big games Bama could very well be playing in the BCS title game.   We need to beat them at JHS and ensure they don't go to Nawlins.

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And don't look now, but at #3 in the BCS with only OK ST in front of them Bama is very much still in the Natl Championship hunt. I can't believe they wound up ahead of undefeated Stanford but if Bama wins out and OK ST loses one of their remaining big games Bama could very well be playing in the BCS title game.   We need to beat them at JHS and ensure they don't go to Nawlins.

The only game OK State would lose is to Oklahoma, and I doubt Bama would get in over a one loss Oklahoma team that just beat the number 2 team in the country.

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I'm not a fan of reciprocating stupidity with stupidity.  AU fans/alum should at the very least appear to not give a crap what the bammers are doing.  Rollin Toomers because they lost? WTH?  :dunno:

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Lighten up people. Would I have gone out of my way to do this, no, BUT if I were standing there and someone handed me a roll, #e!! yeah I would have. It’s not like the cure for cancer was written on that roll.

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So if I had taken one of my sons to visit Auburn on a normal day and he wanted to throw a roll into the tree, just to say that he had rolled Toomers Corner, should I expect some elitist holier than thou Auburn student to come up and tell me how wrong it is and ruin my sons moment? If I do take them, please let some little punk student come up and do that. My son will get a lesson on how to properly knock an idiot out cold.  ;D

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Congrats, you did or did not roll Toomer's on Saturday night. The people who did, probably don't really care what people think about what they did. If we only controlled ourselves as much as we try to control others. :rolleyes:

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