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I got it. First Elder Scrolls game I have ever played. Wish I could give you a good review but I haven't played it much. Kinda wish I would have played the others because I am a little lost. It is a HUGE world. Which is why I got it.lol. I just like roaming around and doing crap in games with huge worlds. Like GTA and Fallout.

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I got it at the midnight release. It's better than Oblivion, but I'm not sure how familiar you are with the series. PM if you want to go more in depth.

I'm very familiar with the series, thanks for the offer though!

This game is very deep and addicting. I'm loving it so far..

I got it. First Elder Scrolls game I have ever played. Wish I could give you a good review but I haven't played it much. Kinda wish I would have played the others because I am a little lost. It is a HUGE world. Which is why I got it.lol. I just like roaming around and doing crap in games with huge worlds. Like GTA and Fallout.

I agree with you. The world is HUGE. It's awesome!

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I am absolutely blown away with it. I finished Oblivion a couple of years ago. It is similar but Skyrim is incredible.

It has blown me away too. It is so deep and detailed that I constantly catch myself thinking, "Okay. What am I going to do/level up next?"

Oblivion was excellent. Skyrim is even better.

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