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Puttin' bammers in their place


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Thought it would be fun to hear some stories of how members of the Auburn Family put a bammer in their place.  I'll start with two.  The first one happened just yesterday, and the second one was actually done by my uncle several years ago.  Enjoy, and please share your stories!

Yesterday, a bammer co-worker of mine called me over and proudly exclaimed "Just thought you might want to know that we just won our 4th National Championship of the year for Women's Softball."  I replied "That's great.  Now tell me, will the football team be claiming all of those, as well?  Will we be seeing "Got 18?" bumper stickers pretty soon?".  He had nothing to say in return.

Several years ago, at the annual Iron Bowl gathering at my grandmother's house, all of the bammers in our family (none of which attended Turd U) were all decked out in their turd-wear, covered from head to toe in crimson and white.  They were in their room of the house.  The Auburn fans in our family (85% of which are graduates of Auburn) were in our room of the house, watching the pre-game.  One of my bammer relatives sarcastically asked "Wayne, if your so proud of your team, why aren't you wearing anything orange and blue?".  My uncle smiled, and held up his hand, showing the Auburn class ring he has worn ever since the day he earned his engineering degree from Auburn, and just said "This is all the school color I need to wear.  Where is yours?".  You could have heard a pin drop in the room.  BTW, my uncle was a student in 1957, and witnessed the NC in person.  His son, who was born with a rare condition that took his life at an early age, was visited in the hospital by Pat Sullivan and several Auburn players, and given a game ball autographed by all of them.  That is Family.

War Eagle!!!

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Too many to talk about.  :laugh:  Just this past Thursday, I had a bammer mention that they won their 4th NC and proceeded to list them: Football, Gymnastics, Women's Golf and Softball.  I said "Yep, yall sure did. By the way, can you name the coaches or any of the athletes on any of those teams, other than football?"  He thought for a second and said the Gymnastics coach is Patterson (didn't know her first name) and the Softball coach was some dude with glasses.  I asked about any players on the softball team since he supposedly stayed up until 1AM watching the game.  The only thing he could come with was J Train (didn't even know her real name).  I then threw him a change up, I asked him who their new Football Offensive Coordinator was and he said McIlwain or something like that (last year's OC and new HC at Colorado State).  I said very good, nice talking to you.    :dunno:

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a few months ago at work i had a 19 yr old kid talking about all their championships, i asked "how come in 1983 ya'll claimed 6, and in 1984 ya'll claimed 11. ya'll won 5 in one year?" he gave me a weird look and walked away

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I have a friend that is a Bammer.  She has not been to a game in at least the last 20 years....asked her to name 5 players on the football team last year (not named Trent R) and she could not do it....

That is a "real" fan if you ask me...



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Last night my daughters boyfriend asked me if i knew that bama had their 4th NC for 2012?

I said really, in what sports? He said football, softball and not sure what other 2.

I said you realize the football title is for 2011 dont you? So where do you get 4? I know,

The same way yall count 14.....there was no more talk of turds after that.

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Last night my daughters boyfriend asked me if i knew that bama had their 4th NC for 2012?

I said really, in what sports? He said football, softball and not sure what other 2.

I said you realize the football title is for 2011 dont you? So where do you get 4? I know,

The same way yall count 14.....there was no more talk of turds after that.

Why do you allow your daughter to date a turd fan is the big question?        j/k 71

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Guest shirley4au9

Last night my daughters boyfriend asked me if i knew that bama had their 4th NC for 2012?

I said really, in what sports? He said football, softball and not sure what other 2.

I said you realize the football title is for 2011 dont you? So where do you get 4? I know,

The same way yall count 14.....there was no more talk of turds after that.

Why do you allow your daughter to date a turd fan is the big question?         j/k 71


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I save this one for those very "special" bamrz who are being obnoxious:

"I am for uaT too.  You would be surprised how many AU people are glad there is a Bamr.

Otherwise, people we wouldn't want associated with AU would not have anything to obsess over. Followed by  ;)"

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At the gas station in Florida pumping gas in my Auburn hat, when a man in a camouflage shirt and a cowboy hat calls out to me and says, "Roll Tide!" I smirked and continued to pump my gas when he cried out again, "Did ya hear me?" I said, "What?" "I said, 'Roll Tide'. I chuckled and said, "Whatever man...you definitely fit the bill." Then he mumbled something about doing better than last year as he walked away from the gas station (he didn't have a vehicle). I almost called out to him, "don't you go poisoning any trees now!", but it was rainy and the family was waiting in the car. Lol

The really hilarious thing to me was that he was so insistent to make sure I acknowledged his "row tighd" that he said, "Did ya hear me?" when I initially ignored him. haha - silly bammer.

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Last night my daughters boyfriend asked me if i knew that bama had their 4th NC for 2012?

I said really, in what sports? He said football, softball and not sure what other 2.

I said you realize the football title is for 2011 dont you? So where do you get 4? I know,

The same way yall count 14.....there was no more talk of turds after that.

You know as a father, you have the right and obligation to protect and keep her out of harm's way, right?

Why in the world would you allow her to have a bama boyfriend?  :dunno:

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Guys,  :( she too is a bama fan  :'(

As is her mother  :'( :'( :'(

Stay strong. :'(

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Bammer fans bragging about their "bama slamma jamma" this morning. I asked:

"What are the coaches names for those teams?"

"Can you name some players from those teams?"



Stupid bammernecks. If you are going to brag, at least know what you are bragging about.  :beatmullet:

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Last night my daughters boyfriend asked me if i knew that bama had their 4th NC for 2012?

I said really, in what sports? He said football, softball and not sure what other 2.

I said you realize the football title is for 2011 dont you? So where do you get 4? I know,

The same way yall count 14.....there was no more talk of turds after that.

You know as a father, you have the right and obligation to protect and keep her out of harm's way, right?

Why in the world would you allow her to have a bama boyfriend?   :dunno:

Nah, I think we should let our kids learn from their mistakes...just sayin'.

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Since I work in Tuscaloosa, have stories on nearly a daily, if not weekly basis. But was at WalMart getting items for vacation, and had on AU tshirt, and maybe an AU cap. Bammer have never seen before walks across the main aisle, and says RT to me, to which I answered who? He said RT again, to which I said who? He then said RT a 3rd time, to which I replied, "Oh, I didn't know ya'll still had a team competing." He stormed off with nothing to say after that.

Had another instance in 2010, Arkansas game was ower class reunion at Fayette(30th), and had to stop in Northside 10 pm to fill up with gas on way home. He comes across parking lot and says AU couldn't win if we didn't cheat. I said yes we do. He said some other stupid remark I don't remember, then the all time stupidest comment have ever heard. He said, "If it wasn't for the 4th quarter, you wouldn't win any games." His wife/girlfriend told him to shut up, and I didn't even respond. Was afraid that kind of stupidity was contagious. Guess we are only supposed to play 3 quarters, and then watch as other team has fun in the 4th. After I went in to pay for gas, he shouted RT one more time, to which I just ignored it. His lady told him to shut up. My wife and myself had a good laugh on the way home about his stupid comment. Just proves that it takes at least 5 Alabama fans to make up the IQ of even the dumbest Auburn fan.

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Guys,  :( she too is a bama fan  :'(

As is her mother  :'( :'( :'(

I know how you feel 71.I'm in the same fix. 6 kids,3 War Eagles,3 bammers.My wife is also a bammer.Funny thing, the 3 that are Auburn are married to turds,and the 3 that are bammers are married to good Auburn fans. Go figure. What are the odds of that.
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This happened about 14 -15 years ago, about 3 months before my daughter started her freshman year at Auburn.

I graduated from Auburn in 1976, joined the AU Alumni and GAF, bought my season tickets, and married an Auburn Woman. We raised our children in the Auburn Family. Towards the last couple of months of my daughter,s senior year of high school, I began to hear her talk about "the cutest and smartest boy in her class" and how she "wished he would ask her out". Now that's all she  ever said about him. One afternoon I was sitting in my " approprately AU decorated den, minding my own business, reading. My AU cap sitting on the back of the couch so I CAN GRAB IT WHEN i get ready to go some where. The doorbell rang and I remain in my chair and continue to read. In a moment my daughter answers the ring and soon walks in with a young man, the same young man she was swooning over. I don't say aword, because I had already pegged this kid when he walked in. Call it an "Auburn Father's intuition". He was an arrogant, self loving, puke bammer. My daughter introduced him with the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face up until the and they sat down on the couch near my cap. I still hadn't spoken a word yet. The little puke did not say helo, hey, how are you doing sir, or anything. He just started looking at all of my AU Pictures and statues, bobbing his head up and down and finally said, "rollllllll thad', and grinned. Then he turned and picked up my cap and turned it toward the wall. My daughter turned the color of milk and I thought she would pass out. I got up and walked over to where they were sitting and pointed my finger at my daughter and said, " I raised you better than this". Then I turned my cap back around , looked the little bammer puke straight in the eye and said, " we don't use profanity in this house and DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH MY CAP AGAIN!" and I walk back to my study. One minute latter I heard the door shut and my daughter walked into my study and said "well that wil NEVER work.

We still laugh about today :happydance::zapbama:

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I was in Orange Beach last week and had some bammer telling me how much better little nick was than Chiz.  I told him I was very happy with our coach.  When he asked me how that could be, I just told him that my coach had never lost to Louisian-Monroe, gotten beat by Utah in the Sugar Bowl, or blown a 24 point lead in the Iron Bowl.

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I was in Orange Beach last week and had some bammer telling me how much better little nick was than Chiz.  I told him I was very happy with our coach.  When he asked me how that could be, I just told him that my coach had never lost to Louisian-Monroe, gotten beat by Utah in the Sugar Bowl, or blown a 24 point lead in the Iron Bowl.

Nice!  :bow:

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Guys,  :( she too is a bama fan  :'(

As is her mother  :'( :'( :'(

I know how you feel 71.I'm in the same fix. 6 kids,3 War Eagles,3 bammers.My wife is also a bammer.Funny thing, the 3 that are Auburn are married to turds,and the 3 that are bammers are married to good Auburn fans. Go figure. What are the odds of that.

That's a strange family you got there j/k j/k

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