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This has to stop. I for one am tired of all the negative topics and replies on all the topics. I am still ALL IN. I saw much improvement last night. If anyone thought we were going undefeated with a new offense and new defense to learn I would like some of what you were drinking. We lost one non con game. This team will learn from the mistakes now that they have game film to watch. We still have a chance to win some games this year

Rally behind this young team. I know we gave up some yards on defense. But to me I could see flashes of what they can do. There was a different intensity under BVG than coach Roof

War Eagle. Stay ALL IN

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I'm with you on that. But then I am generally a person who looks at life in a positive way, and I think many do not.

I am not unaware of the issues that need work, but I believe that CGC knows a little more about how to fix them than any of us do. I believe that he will get the job done. I see the team as heading in the right direction, building a foundation of winning, and doing things the right way. CGC came to Auburn when the cupboard was almost bare. He is refilling it with better ingredients, but it takes a few recruiting cycles to do that, and then the kids still have to gain experience. CGC is essentially rebuilding the program, and he deserves our support.

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I agree. The O was good for the most part. A few mental errors and some first game jitters. Mason and OMac tore it up. The O Line is still wet behind the ears. The Defense gave up ONLY TWO touchdowns.

I am excited beyond belief about how our team is going to learn and grow from this. I know I am ALL IN!!!!

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From reading the posts and thread titles like this one, seems like criticizing is frowned upon here too. I come from AE where it was a LOT more "sunshine pumping" (Not quite as bad over here) I'm all for being positive, but to start a thread about negativity and then accuse posters of not being "ALL IN" is hypocritical. Good thing there is a block button.

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From reading the posts and thread titles like this one, seems like criticizing is frowned upon here too. I come from AE where it was a LOT more "sunshine pumping" (Not quite as bad over here) I'm all for being positive, but to start a thread about negativity and then accuse posters of not being "ALL IN" is hypocritical. Good thing there is a block button.

Not when we had to wade through the mindless negativity that permeated the board last night. It was the worst its ever been here in all the years I've been at this site. Most of those "fans" should be ashamed of themselves for how they were acting.

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From reading the posts and thread titles like this one, seems like criticizing is frowned upon here too. I come from AE where it was a LOT more "sunshine pumping" (Not quite as bad over here) I'm all for being positive, but to start a thread about negativity and then accuse posters of not being "ALL IN" is hypocritical. Good thing there is a block button.

Go ahead and block me. I don't care. I'm not pumping all sunshine. There are things that need to be worked on. We all know that. But putting the players and coaches down all night last night has to stop. We are Auburn. Doing things the right way with class is more important to me than football. This team is young and talented. We saw flashes on both sides of the ball. Just think of how good they can be by the end of the year

Criticize all you want. That is fine. You can still be critical without coming across like the world is going to end because we lost to a good football team. I'm proud of what they accomplished.


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From reading the posts and thread titles like this one, seems like criticizing is frowned upon here too. I come from AE where it was a LOT more "sunshine pumping" (Not quite as bad over here) I'm all for being positive, but to start a thread about negativity and then accuse posters of not being "ALL IN" is hypocritical. Good thing there is a block button.

So let me get this straight, you want to block all of the posters who are sunshine pumping and saying positive things so you can see all the posts containing negativity. WTH??

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Not when we had to wade through the mindless negativity that permeated the board last night. It was the worst its ever been here in all the years I've been at this site. Most of those "fans" should be ashamed of themselves for how they were acting.

That comes with success. Did you see anyone complain much last year? Probably not. Fans understood last year was a transition year. This year, not so much. And before anyone chimes in, I know there are 2 new coordinators, but so what? OCs and DCs are revolving doors these days. Last year, we returned 4 starters. This year, 18. The team should have been better than what we saw. In fact, the new starters were the best ones out there: Robinson, Young, Prosche, and Whitehead. The veterans were the ones getting whooped.

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We have to improve! Last night was disappointing but certainly not the end of the season.

I think I guys learned some lessons last night. Our O-Line performed pretty well. I think trying to send OMac up the middle was a mistake overall. He had a few good runs up the middle, but for the most part, was stuffed.

Tre Mason had some good runs and so did OMac. Running game was fine.

Passing game, Mr Frazier made some really good throws and some that were not so good. Did not hurt us with his throws, but a couple were no where near on target. But he will settle down and be fine. We saw really good arm strength and a potential super star in the making. He needs to trust himself more. Think that is why he had some bad throws.

Think guys. If Trovon Reed would have realized where he was on the endzone pass we would be talking about the over time. We were close and that is a reason to take away a positive from a tough loss.

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This has everything to do with people not understanding that criticism is not negativity.

Negativity- Keihl will never understand the offense and will never be able to be a great QB in the SEC

Criticism- Kiehl looked to have a hard time making reads and did not play up to standards of an AU QB. He needs to get better

The second comment provides insightful knowledge on the play of the game whlie the first is just a doomsday prediction for the team. We should demand for our team to be perfect. If there is one thing Saban and the Bama fans do, it is they demand for the players to be perfect all the time. Even being up by 20+ on Michigan, Saban never allowed his players to play less than standard. Point being, their players will only know how to play perfect football and be the best.

Also, the criticism is an accurate representation of how Kiehl played. I believe he will get better, I hope he will. The fact is though, Kiehl didn't look the part and it should be noted. I am not quite sure why anyone is defending him, outside of his throw to Blake he was consistently playing subpar.

He is a big boy and he can take it. Comes with the nature of playing QB at a top 25 program. If he doesn't like it play better and it will go away

That goes for every player. If they want to get treated like superstars around campus and by fans (lots of them do), then play like one.

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This has everything to do with people not understanding that criticism is not negativity.

Negativity- Keihl will never understand the offense and will never be able to be a great QB in the SEC

Criticism- Kiehl looked to have a hard time making reads and did not play up to standards of an AU QB. He needs to get better

The second comment provides insightful knowledge on the play of the game whlie the first is just a doomsday prediction for the team. We should demand for our team to be perfect. If there is one thing Saban and the Bama fans do, it is they demand for the players to be perfect all the time. Even being up by 20+ on Michigan, Saban never allowed his players to play less than standard. Point being, their players will only know how to play perfect football and be the best.

Also, the criticism is an accurate representation of how Kiehl played. I believe he will get better, I hope he will. The fact is though, Kiehl didn't look the part and it should be noted. I am not quite sure why anyone is defending him, outside of his throw to Blake he was consistently playing subpar.

He is a big boy and he can take it. Comes with the nature of playing QB at a top 25 program. If he doesn't like it play better and it will go away

That goes for every player. If they want to get treated like superstars around campus and by fans (lots of them do), then play like one.

Exactly what we have been saying. Criticism is OK. Negativity is not.

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The other thing to remember is that the gameday thread is both catharsis and stream-of-consciousness.

I choose not to watch or participate in the game thread because I know that my emotions are very in-the-moment...which means that when good things happen, there are fireworks and ladies throwing roses, and when bad things happen, a bama fan just ran over my garden with a lawnmower. I know that sharing those things in the moment means that people read them after that moment has passed and I have most likely moved on to a brand new emotion. I'm ADD like that.

That also means that I know very keenly what some of the doomsday comments are borne from. It's not that people think that the team should be entirely disbanded and the equipment sold for scrap, its that they're pissed off that we missed a tackle or a catch, and in a second when there's a sack, things will be dandy again. Ebb and flow, and very in-the-moment.

Some people watch the game and need that catharsis, and others do not. I get my catharsis because I am lucky enough to live close enough to my parents to go there for every game, and we get to complain and moan about poor tackles and overthrown balls and sending OMac up the middle and that the economy is down and that the chicken really is greasy today, innit?

Others may not be so lucky, and may have to watch alone or with someone who doesn't understand their passion for big men running full-tilt into each other. They seek out people they know will understand that, and they come here and share those emotions with extended family. But, just like any family, those emotions can lead to more emotions and then to bickering and then someone's tossed the potato salad onto grandma and half the family leaves in a huff.

Negativity is not necessarily a negative. Sometimes, people aren't optimistic-natured, or are frustrated, or don't like what they see, but they may not be rational enough at that point to figure out exactly WHY that didn't pass that particular eyeball test. They say stupid emotional things because it is in the moment and they're scared that that moment isn't going to end.

Luckily for all of us, it invariably does. And when it does, the things we say get left behind to get taken out of context, or get twisted, or just float in the air like words you wish you didn't say and everyone knows it.

Negativity and criticism are part of life. If I go through a drive through and get mustard on my hamburger, I get pissed, and take it back. I don't offer criticism, I just want them to fix it. It doesn't mean I don't like hamburgers or will swear off them for life or will burn down the restaurant. Likewise, I don't do somersaults in the parking lot if they give me extra pies in my bag. The game day threads are like that. I personally would love it if there were less people yelling at each other in them, and more free pies.

But since that isn't going to happen, I would instead urge people to realize that just because someone expresses displeasure in the game thread (valid, semi-valid, or panicked), it doesn't mean they want to raze Jordan-Hare and are soothsaying destruction on Auburn and the surrounding areas.

Likewise, If someone calls you out for being way over the top with your negativity, then it may mean you need to examine if the emotions you feel are really that heavy-handed, that maybe you really ARE being a total jackwagon, and that things may ACTUALLY BE OK and the sun will rise and we'll all get bloody marys in the morning and get to watch better football next week.

And, I think, watching better football next week is something we can all agree on.

To sum up:

Negativity - Sometimes understandable

Unfounded Negativity - Not good

Everyone play nice


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