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Hey ESPN.......


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One of my favorite Auburn moments is in the 2004 Georgia game when they put the camera on Cadillac Williams and he said "Hey Bama....You're Next" Now that JJ and CGC gave an anal probe to the lying sack of cow manure that pretends to be a journalist, Lets get ESPN in our sights. They are nothing more than a contrived monopoly which the Department of Justice Should investigate for antitrust violations. As a matter of fact I should write doj and make that suggestion.


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And here is the email I just sent to the Antitrust Division at the US Department of Justice.

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am a former antitrust and trade regulation attorney in the Trade Practices Division of USDA. That was a long time ago. I am also a graduate of Auburn University and am an avid fan of the Auburn football team. The Cable Television Network ESPN should be investigated for Sherman Act violations. ESPN does two things. It makes money on advertising from sporting events including college football which it broadcasts. It also comments on who it thinks are the best teams, or which teams are in violation of rules and regulations through print, internet and television commentary. By acting in both of these capacities it can manipulate which football teams play in bowl games or for the BCS championship games most of which they broadcast. In 2004 ESPN''s commentators made a concerted effort to keep Auburn University out of the BCS national championship game by denigrating it. In reality they felt that Oklahoma would be a better ratings draw and they would make more money.

They now run FALSE stories about Auburn University which cause Auburn to be at a competitive disadvantage in the recruiting of high school athletes with other more nationally known teams which may give more ratings such as the University of Alabama or may have a larger home market such as the University of Georgia (Atlanta) This is very frustrating because ESPN controls the vast majority of sports news in the United States and they literally have the power to make or break a college's sports program by what it editorializes about such program which it can then discard in favor of a better draw upon which it can profit through the sale of advertising.

I have tried to be short and succinct in this request and I think my complaint is obvious factually.

Thank you for your consideration

It may do no good but it makes be feel better. WDE!!!

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Benjazz, I like it. Efforts like this and scores of others should continue to be part of the movement. Good job.

One small thing, but you never know who else may have complained. We'll see what happens.

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Good luck.

They will probably say there is enough competition within that market, so the next logical step is to review market share and anti-competitive acquisitions that have been made to shrink the market, say since 2000.

I know there are a few media types on this board who can access this and then throw it to Stats for a few visual charts. I know what I expect to see. . . .

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I have deleted them from my favorites list and don't search on their web sight any longer. You want to stop them, follow the money. If we all stop reading or watching their stuff for a month, they might finally get the hint.

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Here is what I'm sure is the usual reply. Hey. Its a tiny something.

Thank you for contacting the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department

of Justice. The Citizen Complaint Center has reviewed your complaint,

and we have forwarded it to the appropriate legal staff for further

review. We have your information on file and should legal staff need

further information, they may contact you in the future.

We appreciate your interest in the enforcement of federal antitrust



Citizen Complaint Center

Antitrust Division

Department of Justice

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i stated a month or two back we should sue some of these idiots that are just trying to smear auburn apparantly for the hell of it. it did not go over well here but i can tell you when bear bryant got accused of fixing games he sued and they never bothered him again after they won. i still think to this day its why bear not got in trouble after that. i just want us to fight for our honor. make one or two examples and more people might be hesitant to trash us for the hell of it..............

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Keep it up! We may not know the degree of productivity until it blows up in their face, but it's worth a shot.

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It's a much different world we live in now compared to when "the bar" prowled the sidelines and perfected cheating in college football. The perveyors of lies and rumour mongers would welcome a lawsuit now because it's free advertising and increases their following. I agree that we (AUBURN UNIVERSITY) need to start firing back at the unfounded allegations that plague our reputations and our abilities to compete on an even playing field.

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Benjazz, thank you! We have more legal rights than we realize. We just need to learn what they are and what we can do. Your example inspires us all...and it's short, sweet, straight to the point!

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i stated a month or two back we should sue some of these idiots that are just trying to smear auburn apparantly for the hell of it. it did not go over well here but i can tell you when bear bryant got accused of fixing games he sued and they never bothered him again after they won. i still think to this day its why bear not got in trouble after that. i just want us to fight for our honor. make one or two examples and more people might be hesitant to trash us for the hell of it..............

If I recall, "Bar" sued a magazine that claimed to have intercepted long distance phone calls between him and a coach at UGa and extrapolated a conversation you could barely hear or understand to mean that he was conspiring to fix a game. It was specific and only one issue...and the interpretation was questionable. On the other hand, ESPN and the like throw so many accusations into one "article" that to respond would be like suing a swarm of bees. The persons who actually slandered AU were some former football players and all will soon be guests of the state for a few years or more. And if sued, they would ask the government to provide them with an attorney. ESPN and the like are experts at dodging the libel and slander laws....they probably never run a piece that has not been reviewed by their legal staff to make sure they are on the right side of the line....while still getting their salacious points across. Going after them on anti-trust sounds like an interesting approach but forget suing for libel or slander.....there is nothing there.

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When ESPN comes to broadcast any football game or any sporting event involving an Auburn team, all Auburn fans should wear a yellow armband symbolizing the yellow (sensational unsupported) journalism they engage in. A small but inexpensive protest which will be seen by millions of viewers.

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When ESPN comes to broadcast any football game or any sporting event involving an Auburn team, all Auburn fans should wear a yellow armband symbolizing the yellow (sensational unsupported) journalism they engage in. A small but inexpensive protest which will be seen by millions of viewers.

LIKE! Keep them coming, Ben!

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And here is the email I just sent to the Antitrust Division at the US Department of Justice.

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am a former antitrust and trade regulation attorney in the Trade Practices Division of USDA. That was a long time ago. I am also a graduate of Auburn University and am an avid fan of the Auburn football team. The Cable Television Network ESPN should be investigated for Sherman Act violations. ESPN does two things. It makes money on advertising from sporting events including college football which it broadcasts. It also comments on who it thinks are the best teams, or which teams are in violation of rules and regulations through print, internet and television commentary. By acting in both of these capacities it can manipulate which football teams play in bowl games or for the BCS championship games most of which they broadcast. In 2004 ESPN''s commentators made a concerted effort to keep Auburn University out of the BCS national championship game by denigrating it. In reality they felt that Oklahoma would be a better ratings draw and they would make more money.

They now run FALSE stories about Auburn University which cause Auburn to be at a competitive disadvantage in the recruiting of high school athletes with other more nationally known teams which may give more ratings such as the University of Alabama or may have a larger home market such as the University of Georgia (Atlanta) This is very frustrating because ESPN controls the vast majority of sports news in the United States and they literally have the power to make or break a college's sports program by what it editorializes about such program which it can then discard in favor of a better draw upon which it can profit through the sale of advertising.

I have tried to be short and succinct in this request and I think my complaint is obvious factually.

Thank you for your consideration

It may do no good but it makes be feel better. WDE!!!

Not to rain on your parade, but your complaint has no grounds for them to do anything. ESPN is not an anti-trust as there are many alternatives to their sports cast. They can manipulate the voters of the BCS all they want, there is no rule or law regulating that and it certainly isn't anti trust as you should know. They are not surprising the market to create a monopoly and control pricing. You'd have a better run at a Libel case against them... but that is a hard one to prove. I just ignore their idiotic anti-auburn pieces... I think they are still burned a bit by the whole Cam story that wasn't. In time they will find another target to go after and leave us alone. What is good is that our Athletic department has been run through the ringer and come out clean... something that is pretty amazing for any school if you ask me.
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And here is the email I just sent to the Antitrust Division at the US Department of Justice.

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am a former antitrust and trade regulation attorney in the Trade Practices Division of USDA. That was a long time ago. I am also a graduate of Auburn University and am an avid fan of the Auburn football team. The Cable Television Network ESPN should be investigated for Sherman Act violations. ESPN does two things. It makes money on advertising from sporting events including college football which it broadcasts. It also comments on who it thinks are the best teams, or which teams are in violation of rules and regulations through print, internet and television commentary. By acting in both of these capacities it can manipulate which football teams play in bowl games or for the BCS championship games most of which they broadcast. In 2004 ESPN''s commentators made a concerted effort to keep Auburn University out of the BCS national championship game by denigrating it. In reality they felt that Oklahoma would be a better ratings draw and they would make more money.

They now run FALSE stories about Auburn University which cause Auburn to be at a competitive disadvantage in the recruiting of high school athletes with other more nationally known teams which may give more ratings such as the University of Alabama or may have a larger home market such as the University of Georgia (Atlanta) This is very frustrating because ESPN controls the vast majority of sports news in the United States and they literally have the power to make or break a college's sports program by what it editorializes about such program which it can then discard in favor of a better draw upon which it can profit through the sale of advertising.

I have tried to be short and succinct in this request and I think my complaint is obvious factually.

Thank you for your consideration

It may do no good but it makes be feel better. WDE!!!

Not to rain on your parade, but your complaint has no grounds for them to do anything. ESPN is not an anti-trust as there are many alternatives to their sports cast. They can manipulate the voters of the BCS all they want, there is no rule or law regulating that and it certainly isn't anti trust as you should know. They are not surprising the market to create a monopoly and control pricing. You'd have a better run at a Libel case against them... but that is a hard one to prove. I just ignore their idiotic anti-auburn pieces... I think they are still burned a bit by the whole Cam story that wasn't. In time they will find another target to go after and leave us alone. What is good is that our Athletic department has been run through the ringer and come out clean... something that is pretty amazing for any school if you ask me.

++ I agree....when the NCAA moves in they always uncover things not intended as part of their initial investigation and I was amazed that all they came up with at AU were a few inconsequential secondary violations. Those guys are like your friendly internal auditor in the corporate world....they expect to find stuff and are truly disappointed when they don't. They probably take that failure as a shortcoming on their part ...and not an indication of the "target's fidelity. As Chiz noted in his comments,.....check with Ohio State or Penn State or UNC about what usually happens when the NCAA comes calling. With ESPN...their fallback position when the facts don't support their story is to resort to rumor, innuendo and/or comments attributed to "reliable sources" or people with an ax to grind. Keep that in mind when you see them target some other school. ESPN is not an objective news organization...they are a media corporation with a "point of view/agenda" and will do what it takes to promote their agenda. Just look at what's important to ESPN these days and you will see what I mean. ....they are currently on a number of campaigns these days....gays in sports, paying college players, the safety issue and a number of others. Just sayin'....consider the source when you read their stuff.
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And here is the email I just sent to the Antitrust Division at the US Department of Justice.

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am a former antitrust and trade regulation attorney in the Trade Practices Division of USDA. That was a long time ago. I am also a graduate of Auburn University and am an avid fan of the Auburn football team. The Cable Television Network ESPN should be investigated for Sherman Act violations. ESPN does two things. It makes money on advertising from sporting events including college football which it broadcasts. It also comments on who it thinks are the best teams, or which teams are in violation of rules and regulations through print, internet and television commentary. By acting in both of these capacities it can manipulate which football teams play in bowl games or for the BCS championship games most of which they broadcast. In 2004 ESPN''s commentators made a concerted effort to keep Auburn University out of the BCS national championship game by denigrating it. In reality they felt that Oklahoma would be a better ratings draw and they would make more money.

They now run FALSE stories about Auburn University which cause Auburn to be at a competitive disadvantage in the recruiting of high school athletes with other more nationally known teams which may give more ratings such as the University of Alabama or may have a larger home market such as the University of Georgia (Atlanta) This is very frustrating because ESPN controls the vast majority of sports news in the United States and they literally have the power to make or break a college's sports program by what it editorializes about such program which it can then discard in favor of a better draw upon which it can profit through the sale of advertising.

I have tried to be short and succinct in this request and I think my complaint is obvious factually.

Thank you for your consideration

It may do no good but it makes be feel better. WDE!!!

Not to rain on your parade, but your complaint has no grounds for them to do anything. ESPN is not an anti-trust as there are many alternatives to their sports cast. They can manipulate the voters of the BCS all they want, there is no rule or law regulating that and it certainly isn't anti trust as you should know. They are not surprising the market to create a monopoly and control pricing. You'd have a better run at a Libel case against them... but that is a hard one to prove. I just ignore their idiotic anti-auburn pieces... I think they are still burned a bit by the whole Cam story that wasn't. In time they will find another target to go after and leave us alone. What is good is that our Athletic department has been run through the ringer and come out clean... something that is pretty amazing for any school if you ask me.

And there you have it. They simply can't believe that we aren't guilty of SOMETHING. I mean everybody cheats right? Even Notre Dame and Alabama, they happen to be much too lucrative for all the right people to face much scrutiny at this time, but it will come. Auburn on the other hand hasn't had a major violation in 20 years. A fact this life long Auburn Man was surprised to hear. With the microscope we've been under that is truly amazing. With D-Bags like Paul finebaum and Danny Sheridan in the world if it was there someone would have found out. The problem other fanbases have with this is they don't believe they would fare as well and it scares the bejeezus out of them because they know the Sun don't shine on the same dog's a$$ every day. With the current state of the NCAA it may be a minute, but everyone has to pony up eventually. So fear not my Auburn brethren the days ahead look mostly sunny. It won't be easy but we will prevail.

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Does anybody have any idea why ESPN has such a vendetta against AU? Surely it can't be the Tuberville issue--that was about 10 years ago, maybe more. Is it really because the NCAA couldn't ding AU on the Cam Newton situation, even though ESPN just knew that AU was guilty as hell on the matter? Do they hate being wrong that much that they continue this vitriol against the AU football program? I know they have some Bammers on their staff, but it's what---2, maybe 3 out of how many? And, to me it's funny how when Nick Saban dumped the Miami Dolphins to come to UA, who was the loudest at ridiculing him? ESPN. Now, they can't shove their noses up his ass far enough to kiss it. Honestly, what has AU done to ESPN to deserve this bitterness that they have heaped on AU? Hell, all AU wants to do is produce a quality product on the football field and win, just like every other BCS school wants to do. I'm just stumped at this hatred they have for AU.

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Does anybody have any idea why ESPN has such a vendetta against AU? Surely it can't be the Tuberville issue--that was about 10 years ago, maybe more. Is it really because the NCAA couldn't ding AU on the Cam Newton situation, even though ESPN just knew that AU was guilty as hell on the matter? Do they hate being wrong that much that they continue this vitriol against the AU football program? I know they have some Bammers on their staff, but it's what---2, maybe 3 out of how many? And, to me it's funny how when Nick Saban dumped the Miami Dolphins to come to UA, who was the loudest at ridiculing him? ESPN. Now, they can't shove their noses up his ass far enough to kiss it. Honestly, what has AU done to ESPN to deserve this bitterness that they have heaped on AU? Hell, all AU wants to do is produce a quality product on the football field and win, just like every other BCS school wants to do. I'm just stumped at this hatred they have for AU.

My speculation (opinion) is that it all started with Bowden and when he went to ESPN. I think they heard a bunch of stories about pay to play. Once the Cam story broke, I think those that had bought into Bowden's story believed that we had to of paid for Cam and have had a vendetta to prove it or make us pay of what they perceive we did in any way they can.

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Does anybody have any idea why ESPN has such a vendetta against AU? Surely it can't be the Tuberville issue--that was about 10 years ago, maybe more. Is it really because the NCAA couldn't ding AU on the Cam Newton situation, even though ESPN just knew that AU was guilty as hell on the matter? Do they hate being wrong that much that they continue this vitriol against the AU football program? I know they have some Bammers on their staff, but it's what---2, maybe 3 out of how many? And, to me it's funny how when Nick Saban dumped the Miami Dolphins to come to UA, who was the loudest at ridiculing him? ESPN. Now, they can't shove their noses up his ass far enough to kiss it. Honestly, what has AU done to ESPN to deserve this bitterness that they have heaped on AU? Hell, all AU wants to do is produce a quality product on the football field and win, just like every other BCS school wants to do. I'm just stumped at this hatred they have for AU.

It's an excellent question. One that we will never know for sure. But it is there, no doubt about it.

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Cancelled my ESPN the Mag subscription over the phone. Lady offered free issues tacked on to my subscription to stay. Told her that I got more proven fact reading TMZ and no thank you. It's only like $12, but every little bit, right?

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