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Cox or Booker?


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I have been very impressed with Cox. However, some people want to go with Booker. Why go for a pig-in-a-poke when you can have a proven commodity? I think Cox is going to light it up with these WRs we have.

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how in the world is brandon cox a proven commodity???? his 7 series' really make him that much more experienced than a redshirt guy who's spent the year learning the system? i think brandon is going to be the starter, and i think he's going to be a great qb by the time he leaves here. i don't think, however, that he's light years ahead of calvin booker when it comes to proving himself.

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Generally I am a "scrambling QB" kind of guy. I get vibes on players. I don't like Cox at all. I see him as the type that will make great throws, but will cost us late in the game on a 2 minute drill by throwing an interception.

Booker - he looks like he relies too much on the run/scramble for his game. I like scrambling, but only when you have to. I think he'll end up a backup the rest of his days.

Cox will start. Booker will come in when necessary and maybe learn how to play the game. Cox is the man until proven otherwise.

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Funny how some "fans" love to carve into AU qbs. :rolleyes:

I have stated it before and I will state it again here..... I have had season tickets for the past 19 years. I have attended MANY more AU games prior to that.

Brandon Cox is the BEST passer that I have EVER seen. Many things go into making a great qb. It takes time and experience to get to the level of a Jason Campbell. Brandon will have his turn in a very short while. What he makes of it is yet to be seen. I will be rooting for him just as strongly as I have rooted for Jason all these years.

Calvin Booker has all the tools to be a very good qb. He too has much to learn. We have a staff that has done a very good job of coaching up kids and getting them in the right position. I have faith they will continue to do the same.

Again, I have never seen as good a passer as Brandon Cox...ever.

Time will tell, but, The FUTURE of AU Football is very bright indeed.

WAR EAGLE...O N E at a time. :au:

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i have, his name was jason campbell, played here not too long ago. he's the most accurate passer petrino ever coached as well.

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I have never seen C. Booker play so I can't comment on him. But I must say I can't remember a young QB looking as poised and accurate as Cox. In both the spring game and in the back-up role this season, he played beyond his years. His QB efficiency was 180.00

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This magical season isn't even over and we already have a QB controversy for next year? :no: Well, here's hoping we can see Cox play the 4th quarter in the Sugar Bowl.

Question: do the redshirts come off for the bowl games? That is, are Booker and the rest of the redshirts eligible to play in the Sugar Bowl (given the chance)? Anybody know about these things?

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Proven commodity? Best passer ever?

C'mon..... it's not even fair to place those expectations on a very unproven player.

Does he have the tools? Absolutely, but so does Booker. Booker throws the best deep ball on the team, even despite the vast improvements Campbell has made.

It's generally assumed that the hardest pass to make is the deep out. Booker throws it better than Cox, and need I remind you what type of pass routes Cox was attempting to connect to when he got his interceptions?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing any of them. But it's a little early for any type of fair comparison, IMO. Thank goodness we have several QB's that can compete for a starting spot in a viable system.

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But is that a good thing? Yes and No. It's good to have great backups. But we don't want to be put in a position where we are rotating in QB's. Look what happened to LSU and Tennessee and Georgia this year with that situation. Many teams tried it this year and it didn't work.

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All the talk about passing ability is not the main issue. All the QB's on Auburn's team have SEC ability. The starter will be the guy who can read defenses and keep his cool under pressure.

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Great point. I think much of JC's success this year was the result of being aware of the whole field and where everyone was. How many times did he dump a pass off to a back or someone crossing short at the last possible second when the pocket closed down? There was no locking on to one receiver and he looked like someone who was totally comfortable with what was going on around him.

Those are things that only come with experience and the coaches will decide who handles it the best. Alright, I'm gettin' pumped already for next year. Let's smoke the Hokies and bring on the little stinging bugs from Atlanta.

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Cox looked great in the spring game, but he hasn't done much to impress in mop up duty this fall. He is very accurate on short routes, but the interceptions are a little disturbing.

However, once Borges begins preparing him to be the starter, I expect significant improvement. Borges helped mold Campbell into SEC player of the year in less than a year. Borges will have worked with Cox for nearly two years by the start of next season. Jason Campbell would be in New York this weekend if he had had Borges coaching him for two years.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

The next starting quarterback I choose for Auburn will be the first since...well, forever.

I have never seen Booker play, but I have seen Cox, both in high school and at Auburn.

He has put on about 20 pounds since he has been at Auburn, but could stand a little more. His last year of high school basketball, I had the opportunity to referee one of his games and I was shocked at how skinny he was out of football pads. He has a hell of an arm though.

I am behind whoever they choose to start next season. I have never booed an Auburn player and I will not start now. (I have said a few choice words under my breath, but c'mon, these are kids we are talking about.)

Wreck Tech, Wreck Tech.

Wreck the hell out of Georgia (and Virginia) Tech!

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One thing that we never really factor in is the fact that Cox rarely, if ever, played with the first team. His roles were always with the second team and it's real hard to guage how he would really perform. I would have loved some opportunities for him to run a few series with the first team line, CW, RB and a whole can of Borges whoop-a$$ at his disposal.

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Not a slow day at all. We're just already talking Auburn Football for next year. How many days til' we kickoff 2005? This is the south. This is Auburn Football. Can you think of too many better subjects. :D:au::cheer::cheer:

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Cox looked no worse than any back up I have seen so far. He has had moments where he looked great and some bad along the way as well.

Cox will likely start, Booker will have his opportunities too tho.

I do like the fact that we are 12-0 and there isnt one word that JC is black. Just that he is very capable. CTT stayed with him and didnt pull him like CSS would have. I bet some black kids noticed that. And maybe some Momma's and Daddy's too.

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