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Obama late again: Missed Moment of Silence for Paris victims


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Bill Nye's statement flies right over your head.

Bless your heart.

No, it's one I believe in, and have expressed that view myself, many times. Your idiotic , baseless claim that I'm a racist is nothing but a punk move you go to when you can't think of anything else to say.

Kinda like how you're doing now, yet again.

Bless YOUR heart for being so brain locked that you can't deal w/ just how hilariously wrong you are , about a great many things.

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Going to a moment of silence is over-reacting? That is too much to ask? RRREEEAAALLLLLLYYY??? :no:

Obama, hell his whole admin, not being able to show up for the Charlie Hebdo Memorial Service IN PARIS and now PBO cant be bothered to show up on time for yet another Memorial Service IN PARIS tells the whole world that they just cant be bothered to be human. In case you forgot, with Charlie Hebdo, PBO, Kerry, and Holder all were no shows. Holder and Kerry were in PARIS and were still no shows. PBO, unlike many other world leaders could not be bothered to put down his golf clubs and show up.

I forget about Biden but his son was either ill or just passed, so I give him a pass.

Showing respect for others, going to funerals and memorials, showing your allies you give a damn, representing your country, it is what your people pay your @$$ to do if you are a leader in the Free World.

Some of yall lead such sad little lives. You would rather kiss political rear end than admit that sometimes this administration just refuses to act like decent human beings.

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Going to a moment of silence is over-reacting? That is too much to ask? RRREEEAAALLLLLLYYY??? :no:

Obama, hell his whole admin, not being able to show up for the Charlie Hebdo Memorial Service IN PARIS and now PBO cant be bothered to show up on time for yet another Memorial Service IN PARIS tells the whole world that they just cant be bothered to be human. In case you forgot, with Charlie Hebdo, PBO, Kerry, and Holder all were no shows. Holder and Kerry were in PARIS and were still no shows. PBO, unlike many other world leaders could not be bothered to put down his golf clubs and show up.

I forget about Biden but his son was either ill or just passed, so I give him a pass.

Showing respect for others, going to funerals and memorials, showing your allies you give a damn, representing your country, it is what your people pay your @$$ to do if you are a leader in the Free World.

Some of yall lead such sad little lives. You would rather kiss political rear end than admit that sometimes this administration just refuses to act like decent human beings.


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I tease my black friends all the time by calling them "boy". They fire back with "whitey.." We have fun. Too bad you are hung up with that. Seriously, you need to get a life man. Come up with something to contribute instead of just the one thing you are good at.......looking for old posts. Which brings me to the challenge I made to you yesterday........find something where I said something really nasty to you in a long, long time.

Ben....still waiting.

Still not grasping this odd need of yours to stalk me, but why not?

How about the time you said my opinion didn't amount to s*** to you?


Full of s***?

Piece of s***?"

And there are countless examples of you criticizing being an a**hole toward USN and the little month long bend where you constantly referred to Homer as "homo". Not to mention the aforementioned blatant racism you directed at Cole.

Buzz off.

He must think we have very short memories.

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I tease my black friends all the time by calling them "boy". They fire back with "whitey.." We have fun. Too bad you are hung up with that. Seriously, you need to get a life man. Come up with something to contribute instead of just the one thing you are good at.......looking for old posts. Which brings me to the challenge I made to you yesterday........find something where I said something really nasty to you in a long, long time.

Ben....still waiting.

Still not grasping this odd need of yours to stalk me, but why not?

How about the time you said my opinion didn't amount to s*** to you?


Full of s***?

Piece of s***?"

And there are countless examples of you criticizing the service of and being an a**hole toward USN and the little month long bend where you constantly referred to Homer as "homo". Not to mention the aforementioned blatant racism you directed at Cole.

Buzz off.

To bad you wasted your time but I'm glad you did. All of these examples you list were provoked by YOU just as is the most recent one where YOU got nasty with me.

My exchanges with homer and AUUSN are also two way streets. Why don't you do an unbiased search of exchanges between me and AUUSN and post some where he was calling names.

I really feel for you or anyone who has nothing to do but go back and look at old posts. The current posts here are bad enough for most people.

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To bad you wasted your time but I'm glad you did. All of these examples you list were provoked by YOU just as is the most recent one where YOU got nasty with me. My exchanges with homer and AUUSN are also two way streets. Why don't you do an unbiased search of exchanges between me and AUUSN and post some where he was calling names.

Hear that, guys? It's different when Proud gets nasty. Because reasons or something. :rolleyes:

I stand by my statement, hypocrite. You have no standing to criticize me on nastiness.

I really feel for you or anyone who has nothing to do but go back and look at old posts. The current posts here are bad enough for most people.

This was about 5 minutes worth of work that you asked for. :glare:

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I tease my black friends all the time by calling them "boy". They fire back with "whitey.." We have fun. Too bad you are hung up with that. Seriously, you need to get a life man. Come up with something to contribute instead of just the one thing you are good at.......looking for old posts. Which brings me to the challenge I made to you yesterday........find something where I said something really nasty to you in a long, long time.

Ben....still waiting.

Still not grasping this odd need of yours to stalk me, but why not?

How about the time you said my opinion didn't amount to s*** to you?


Full of s***?

Piece of s***?"

And there are countless examples of you criticizing the service of and being an a**hole toward USN and the little month long bend where you constantly referred to Homer as "homo". Not to mention the aforementioned blatant racism you directed at Cole.

Buzz off.

To bad you wasted your time but I'm glad you did. All of these examples you list were provoked by YOU just as is the most recent one where YOU got nasty with me.

My exchanges with homer and AUUSN are also two way streets. Why don't you do an unbiased search of exchanges between me and AUUSN and post some where he was calling names.

I really feel for you or anyone who has nothing to do but go back and look at old posts. The current posts here are bad enough for most people.

Well umm you did ask him to find an old post.
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I tease my black friends all the time by calling them "boy". They fire back with "whitey.." We have fun. Too bad you are hung up with that. Seriously, you need to get a life man. Come up with something to contribute instead of just the one thing you are good at.......looking for old posts. Which brings me to the challenge I made to you yesterday........find something where I said something really nasty to you in a long, long time.

Ben....still waiting.

Still not grasping this odd need of yours to stalk me, but why not?

How about the time you said my opinion didn't amount to s*** to you?


Full of s***?

Piece of s***?"

And there are countless examples of you criticizing the service of and being an a**hole toward USN and the little month long bend where you constantly referred to Homer as "homo". Not to mention the aforementioned blatant racism you directed at Cole.

Buzz off.

To bad you wasted your time but I'm glad you did. All of these examples you list were provoked by YOU just as is the most recent one where YOU got nasty with me.

My exchanges with homer and AUUSN are also two way streets. Why don't you do an unbiased search of exchanges between me and AUUSN and post some where he was calling names.

I really feel for you or anyone who has nothing to do but go back and look at old posts. The current posts here are bad enough for most people.

Well umm you did ask him to find an old post.

Yes jeff I did as a result of a recent nasty post he made to me. This is an ongoing thing between me and Ben that flares up every now and then. Best not to jump into it but it's a free country.

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To bad you wasted your time but I'm glad you did. All of these examples you list were provoked by YOU just as is the most recent one where YOU got nasty with me. My exchanges with homer and AUUSN are also two way streets. Why don't you do an unbiased search of exchanges between me and AUUSN and post some where he was calling names.

Hear that, guys? It's different when Proud gets nasty. Because reasons or something. :rolleyes:

I stand by my statement, hypocrite. You have no standing to criticize me on nastiness.

I really feel for you or anyone who has nothing to do but go back and look at old posts. The current posts here are bad enough for most people.

This was about 5 minutes worth of work that you asked for. :glare:

LMAO. You are a pitiful nascissist. You can sling insults but get your panties in a wad when you get them. You can never admit you started something.

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To bad you wasted your time but I'm glad you did. All of these examples you list were provoked by YOU just as is the most recent one where YOU got nasty with me. My exchanges with homer and AUUSN are also two way streets. Why don't you do an unbiased search of exchanges between me and AUUSN and post some where he was calling names.

Hear that, guys? It's different when Proud gets nasty. Because reasons or something. :rolleyes:/>

I stand by my statement, hypocrite. You have no standing to criticize me on nastiness.

I really feel for you or anyone who has nothing to do but go back and look at old posts. The current posts here are bad enough for most people.

This was about 5 minutes worth of work that you asked for. :glare:/>

LMAO. You are a pitiful nascissist. You can sling insults but get your panties in a wad when you get them. You can never admit you started something.



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To bad you wasted your time but I'm glad you did. All of these examples you list were provoked by YOU just as is the most recent one where YOU got nasty with me. My exchanges with homer and AUUSN are also two way streets. Why don't you do an unbiased search of exchanges between me and AUUSN and post some where he was calling names.

Hear that, guys? It's different when Proud gets nasty. Because reasons or something. :rolleyes:/>

I stand by my statement, hypocrite. You have no standing to criticize me on nastiness.

I really feel for you or anyone who has nothing to do but go back and look at old posts. The current posts here are bad enough for most people.

This was about 5 minutes worth of work that you asked for. :glare:/>

LMAO. You are a pitiful nascissist. You can sling insults but get your panties in a wad when you get them. You can never admit you started something.




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