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Trump made millions from Saudi government: report


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Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump reportedly made millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia, The New York Daily News reported.


A Daily News investigation found that in June 2001, the GOP nominee sold the 45th floor of Trump World Tower to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for $4.5 million.

The apartments became part of the Saudi Mission to the United Nations in 2008, according to the report.

At the time of the sale, the five apartment that were sold had yearly common charges of $85,585 for building amenities, meaning Trump has been paid at least $5.7 million by the Saudi government since 2001 — if those rates stayed the same.

The Daily News investigation also found Osama Bin Laden's half-brother, Shafiq Bin Laden, lived in an apartment in Trump Tower for four months in 1986. He paid an $8,500 security deposit for the apartment.

The GOP nominee has in the past criticized his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, for accepting money from Saudi Arabia for the Clinton Foundation.

“Crooked Hillary says we must call on Saudi Arabia and other countries to stop funding hate,” Trump said in a June Facebook post.

“I am calling on her to immediately return the $25 million plus she got from them for the Clinton Foundation!”



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So are we saying that Trump selling a floor of a building in 2001 to Saudi Arabia when he was a businessman is equivalent to Mrs. Clinton taking money from Saudia Arabia in her private foundation while she was secretary of state and almost assuredly planning to run for president?

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Trump Living Large On Donors’ Dime

The GOP nominee’s campaign is spending lavishly on Trump businesses instead of cheaper alternatives.

Any way you slice it, this level of self-dealing looks bad. It looks like a candidate who is pocketing donors’ money.

Both anti-Trump Republicans and RNC members supporting Trump said most GOP donors probably don’t know the details about how Trump’s campaign is spending their money.

“I think they’re only vaguely aware,” said Florida strategist Rick Wilson. “It’s Putinesque.”

“It’s such a scam,” added Stuart Stevens, a top aide to 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney.




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2 hours ago, Grumps said:

Just to be clear, are you saying that Trump is actually going to spend less of his money on his campaign than Mrs. Clinton will spend on hers?

"Just to be clear"? :-\   I didn't say anything approaching that, so no.

But to answer question, I don't know.  And apparently no one will until an accounting can be made at the end of his campaign.

But I am pretty sure he has an intention to profit from this one way or the other.  I don't think he really wants the job.

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

"Just to be clear"? :-\   I didn't say anything approaching that, so no.

But to answer question, I don't know.  And apparently no one will until an accounting can be made at the end of his campaign.

But I am pretty sure he has an intention to profit from this one way or the other.  I don't think he really wants the job.

I apologize, I should have said "Just so that I can be sure that I understand clearly".

I agree that he is going to milk his campaign for all it's worth, but I still think that he will end up spending way more of his own money than will Mrs. Clinton.

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