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Grumps last won the day on May 31 2020

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  1. Q: What's the difference between UAT and ISIS? A: Not much. One is controlled by SABAN and the other is controlled by SATAN.
  2. Q: What is the difference between UAT and ISIS? A: One was previously coached by the GOAT and the other has sex with goats.
  3. Q: What's the difference between UAT and ISIS? A: There is no difference except that one group wraps towels around their waist after they shower and the other group doesn't shower and wraps towels around their heads.
  4. Q: What's the difference between UAT and ISIS? A: One is a group of degenerates who rape and kill innocent people and the other is a Middle Eastern terrorist group.
  5. Q: What's the difference between UAT and ISIS? A: ISIS admits it when its members kill people.
  6. His jump was 10.5" higher than 2nd place!!!!
  7. Jim Fyffe Rod Bramblett Maverick.AU THE GOATs 😁
  8. Here's how it works: When we are winning - We are doomed at tournament time because we are peaking too soon. When we are losing - We are doomed now and at tournament time because we suck. When we are tied - We are doomed because we alway choke at the end of the halves.
  9. That was a great win!!! OM is a good team who played out of their minds in front of the second best home crowd in the conference and we took their best shot and then proceeded to chew up their manhood and spit it out in the shape of interlocking "A" and "U" on their midcourt logo. War Eagle!!!
  10. It is on ESPN 2. Our offense looks bad, but our D looks really good again. It is not as bad as this thread is making it sound!
  11. Auburn up 26-15 with 3:56 to go in the half.
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