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From the Gun-Grabber Department: "We're not saying [police officers] can't sell firearms and ammunition. You just can't be a Baltimore County police officer and do it. We believe that as a government agency we have a right to regulate what our employees do. We don't want our police officers doing things that could besmirch the reputation of our organization." -- Baltimore County Police Chief Terrence Sheridan on ordering officer Robert Warnick to divest in the gun store he operates **Lawfully selling constitutionally protected guns "besmirches" the reputation of police?

Postcards from the fringe: "What bothers me is the bit of hypocrisy in this. When the President and the Congress get involved because all life is sacred and must be preserved at all cost, they don't say the same thing about men in a death row cell. Their life is just as sacred." -- Jack Kevorkian aka Dr. Death

This week's "Keen Sense of the Obvious" Award: "[Religious believers] live longer, they're healthier, and everything else works better. So even if it's delusional, even if it's wrong, it's functional. And ultimately, we have to think about that and respect that. Saying there is no God is a dead end. The concept of God is offering people something they want. Why do they want it, and what can we offer in its place? ... We've got to figure out what that is and separate it from the delusional parts. We've got to get past this God stuff." -- Author Larry Beinhart, who penned "Wag the Dog"

Going off half-cocked: "Putting more guns in our schools is an irresponsible position to advocate publicly -- an awful, awful idea. The National Rifle Association should disavow this policy position immediately. To use a tragedy like this to advocate for more guns in the streets is unconscionable. It is also, unfortunately, vintage NRA. Whenever there is high profile gunfire, their reaction is to try to sell more guns. The leadership ought to be ashamed of the incoming [NRA] president's radicalism." -- Michael Barnes, president of the Brady Campaign


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I don't necessarily agree with what Kevorkian said, but he makes a point worth considering. To call him an idiot for what he said is not fair, imo. Many people are saying that "all life is sacred" in the schiavo case while supporting the death penalty. I can see how some would call that hypocrisy.

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So having armed security personnel at schools is just selling more guns? Maybe we just let them use their own existing gun instead of buying a new one. In my county we have school police officers. Shold we cut that program becasue they carry a gun? If you are trained, you should be able to help protect our citizens. The NRA wants to stop the bad people by meeting them on a level playing field. Its been proven that most bad guys won't attack if they know you are armed. Now I know we can't just open the doors of a school and say everybody bring your own gun. But we could have select teachers attend police training and certification as armed security personnel. Even if you arm them with tasers, it will be a deterrent to any freak that wants to have his way with unarmed innocent students. The Brady Campaign would have us all sitting out there as victims. They think that all evil can be erradicated by getting rid of all guns. Won't happen. Their glorious plan in the UK and Australia is FAILING. Violent crime is WAY up. I've been to the UK several times and have spoken with many people on the subject. Several have even shown me their guns as we talk. They have them. Because the bad guys have them too. Instead of "stop the violence", we need to have a "stop the idiocy" campaign and attach it to the Sarah Brady's existence.

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