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Political Groups Paid Two Relatives of House Leader


Published: April 6, 2005

ASHINGTON, April 5 - The wife and daughter of Tom DeLay, the House majority leader, have been paid more than $500,000 since 2001 by Mr. DeLay's political action and campaign committees, according to a detailed review of disclosure statements filed with the Federal Election Commission and separate fund-raising records in Mr. DeLay's home state, Texas.


Most of the payments to his wife, Christine A. DeLay, and his only child, Dani DeLay Ferro, were described in the disclosure forms as "fund-raising fees," "campaign management" or "payroll," with no additional details about how they earned the money. The payments appear to reflect what Mr. DeLay's aides say is the central role played by the majority leader's wife and daughter in his political career.

Mr. DeLay's national political action committee, Americans for a Republican Majority, or Armpac, said in a statement on Tuesday that the two women had provided valuable services to the committee in exchange for the payments: "Mrs. DeLay provides big picture, long-term strategic guidance and helps with personnel decisions. Ms. Ferro is a skilled and experienced professional event planner who assists Armpac in arranging and organizing individual events."

Mrs. Ferro has managed several of her father's re-election campaigns for his House seat.

His spokesman said that Mr. DeLay had no additional comment. Although several members of Congress employ family members as campaign managers or on their political action committees, advocacy groups seeking an overhaul of federal campaign-finance and ethics laws say that the payments to Mr. DeLay's family members were unusually generous, and should be the focus of new scrutiny of the Texas congressman


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They should make him give it back. I mean the R's are really dropping the ball. They have a majority in both the house and the senate, but they can't get anything done. This is another setback.

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They should have to give it back. It just looks too bad now.

Wonder if any Dems would do the same? No, I bet they would just claim to be victims of a Right Wing Kabal.... :big:

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They should have to give it back. It just looks too bad now.

Wonder if any Dems would do the same? No, I bet they would just claim to be victims of a Right Wing Kabal.... :big:


Yeah, and I'm sure some dems will try to use this as the Republicans not being trustworthy. It's one republican , but just wait and will hear the plural of republican in a matter of days

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