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Things That Are Just Wrong

Proud Tiger

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It depends. Military under the DOD (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps) are getting paid. NOAA (Commerce), Coast Guard (Homeland Security) and Commissioned Corps of the United States Public Health Service (Health and Human Services) are not. 

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Ben is mostly correct (HHS has also been funded, the others have not). Technically this is a partial government shutdown. The following appropriations bills have been passed and agencies under these bills have funding for FY 2019 (through Sept 30):

  • Defense
  • Labor-HHS-Education
  • Energy and Water
  • MilCon-VA
  • Leg Branch

All other agencies are impacted by the shutdown.

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3 minutes ago, channonc said:

Ben is mostly correct (HHS has also been funded, the others have not). Technically this is a partial government shutdown. The following appropriations bills have been past and agencies under these bills have funding for FY 2019 (through Sept 30):

  • Defense
  • Labor-HHS-Education
  • Energy and Water
  • MilCon-VA
  • Leg Branch

All other agencies are impacted by the shutdown.

I stand corrected. It's only certain members, not all. 

  • USPHS Commissioned Corps: All USPHS personnel received their December pay. Moving forward, whether a USPHS officer receives pay depends on his or her assigned agency. USPHS officers at these unfunded agencies will work without pay: Indian Health Services; Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry; Bureau of Federal Prisons; Department of Homeland Security; Department of Commerce; Environmental Protection Agency; Food and Drug Administration (partial); Department of the Interior (including National Parks); Department of Justice; Department of Agriculture. USPHS members are paid on a monthly cycle, so they will not miss a check until the end of January. 
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1 hour ago, channonc said:

This is mostly correct (HHS has also been funded, the others have not). Technically this is a partial government shutdown. The following appropriations bills have been passed and agencies under these bills have funding for FY 2019 (through Sept 30):

  • Defense
  • Labor-HHS-Education
  • Energy and Water
  • MilCon-VA
  • Leg Branch

All other agencies are impacted by the shutdown.

Glad to know that.

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I do think cutting off the pay - and contributions - of congress during any shutdown is a good idea.

The whole concept of "shutting down" the government as a political tactic is absolutely disgraceful - regardless of party.  It should be an impeachable offense.

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