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Why all of the liberal bitterness?


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Just wondering why the libs are pitchin' such fits these days? Is it out of jealousy or do they simply not have a message or a plan so that is all they can do these days?

Which is it?

I think they can read the writing on the wall and know that their days, as a legit party in this country, are numbered. When the "head" of your party is THAT stupid and hitlary is your "best" hope for victory, well, I can understand some bitterness and desperation.

I hope we always have at least one liberal around. We need to be able to point to "it" for future generations to understand what they "were". :D

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There is a whole lot to laugh at in the lib party these days. I really get a kick out of dean. He is the best thing to happen to the REPUBLICAN Party in a long time.

All he needs is more coverage. I think Fox News should air every word the fellow says. Great stuff!

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Harry Reid's flip flop on privaitzing SS

Then you have Dennis Kusinich calling the Iraqi elections a farce

Barbara Boxer, Ted Kennedy

Howard Dean

Poor Joe Liberman.... hard to see him through all the negativity with no plan

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The Demoncratic party of the last 40 years has functioned best as an opposition party where they can simply be against everything and don't have to offer an alternative plan for the ones they oppose.

When the demoncrats have been in power, the country has gone to hell in a handbasket. Just remember the 20% inflation of the Carter years and the policies that allowed the radical muslims to break out of their cages. The soft foreign policy of that democratic administration is responsible for much of the terrorism that exists today.

Or look back at the administration of Lyndon Johnson, with it's deepening involvement in the war in Vietnam with no plan to win and no clue how to wage war.

Or look at the democrat's shining star, Bill Clinton. The only reason that his years were not a disaster is that his socialist plans faced a hostile, republican controlled congress for 6 of his 8 years in office.

So, just maybe, the demoncratic party has found it's niche. From the outside, scream and cry and whine about those horrible old republicans and the stupid people who voted for them. As long as they are the opposition party, they don't HAVE TO be responsible for doing anything else.

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Just firing from the hip here, but, shouldn't they remember that those same "stupid" folks that voted all of these Republicans into office will/ will not vote for them in the future? :blink::lol:

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