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Rush Limbaugh thinks Guantanamo is funny

Tiger Al

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Piggie, the only fertilizer being spread is by the likes of Durbin and those who defend his idiotic comments. We ARE treating the folks in Gitmo far better than they deserve, and much better than anyone in the World will acknowledge. They're GAINING weight for all the good food and leisurely living going on down there..... there's no hard labor , no blistering heat or bone numbing cold they're dealing with...Don't fall prey to the phony shock and mock indigation the Dems are putting forth for the sole purpose to belittle the military and humiliate OUR President. The extremist on the far Left are banking on the useful idiots who ignore the facts and only react to such mindless hyperbole.


I haven't the slightest interest in belittling those brave people who are willing to risk bullets to keep America free. And while Bush deserves, it seems to me, a whole lot of humiliation over his domestic policies, so far I've pretty much given him the benefit of the doubt on Iraq. You and the far left got this in common: you both just love to pigeonhole anyone who don't agree with you and call them extremists, regardless of the facts.

Guantanamo isn't about shame on the whole military, nor is it about Bush. I didn't say it was, and neither did Al, and neither did Durbin. YOU guys rushing to kick Durbin around 'cause he's a Democrat said that. Republicans like Hagel and McCain and Santorum have similarly criticized Guantanamo or compared some Americans with Nazis. If you ask me, the blame is with some overzealous mid-level bureaucrats in intelligence or the pentagon, and THEY are the ones who are making America look bad, by doing things that honorable Americans don't do.

It ain't about the food. YOU keep coming back to the food--no one I know has criticized the food. Assuming it's at least as good as army rations, there's no problem there. It ain't about female interrogators, or about disrespecting their Koran. Is it about the temperature? I'm not sure. There are temperatures hot or cold enough to kill or permanently injure people, especially if they don't have water. It IS about people having to lie in their own excrement. That's just wrong. And it's especially about people dying in custody. For that, there's just gotta be accountability.

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Guantanamo isn't about shame on the whole military, nor is it about Bush. I didn't say it was, and neither did Al, and neither did Durbin.
- Yes, he (Sen. Durbin) did. You just don't want to acknowledge that. Why you're giving him cover, I can't imagine.
YOU guys rushing to kick Durbin around 'cause he's a Democrat said that. Republicans like Hagel and McCain and Santorum have similarly criticized Guantanamo or compared some Americans with Nazis.
Where? Care to cite some examples ?

It ain't about the food. YOU keep coming back to the food--no one I know has criticized the food. Assuming it's at least as good as army rations, there's no problem there. It ain't about female interrogators, or about disrespecting their Koran. Is it about the temperature? I'm not sure. There are temperatures hot or cold enough to kill or permanently injure people, especially if they don't have water. It IS about people having to lie in their own excrement. That's just wrong. And it's especially about people dying in custody. For that, there's just gotta be accountability.

What's just WRONG is 3,000 Americans being incinerated for the crime of going to work on a sunny day in September. Dying in custody? WTF are you talking about ? You'd hold the Governor responsible for the death of every inmate across the state ? There guys are trained TERRORIST, not petty drug runners or purse snatchers. What the hell is wrong w/ you?

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Idiot Dem, Democratic Party Strategist Julian Epstein, on Fox news this AM swore we had killed exactly 100 at Club Gitmo. Not 99, not 101, exactly 100. The Rep schlepp just blew him off at this point and Kiran Chetry corrected him but he refused to acknowledge he was wrong.

And they wonder why real people dont take them seriously.

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Guantanamo isn't about shame on the whole military, nor is it about Bush....

What's just WRONG is 3,000 Americans being incinerated for the crime of going to work on a sunny day in September. Dying in custody? WTF are you talking about ? You'd hold the Governor responsible for the death of every inmate across the state ? There guys are trained TERRORIST, not petty drug runners or purse snatchers. What the hell is wrong w/ you?


1. You're hiding the pea up your sleeve during the shell game, again. No one's disputing the wrongness of 9/11. Those aren't the guys in Guantanamo, though.

2. No, I don't hold the Governor responsible for the prison deaths. I'd hold wardens, or guards, or others, depending on the situation. See where I say up there that it's NOT about Bush? Now you're not just putting stuff in my mouth, you're flat out contradicting me.

3. Not all of them are terrorists. Unless we're in the business of setting terrorists free again, in some cases, we got the wrong people.

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1. You're hiding the pea up your sleeve during the shell game, again. No one's disputing the wrongness of 9/11. Those aren't the guys in Guantanamo, though. - Not hiding anythig, but yes, those are the guys ( al qaeda ) who were involved w/ the attack on 9-11, as well as other attacks. These are the trained soldiers/ terrorist who have vowed to destroy us. Please try to comprehend that

2. No, I don't hold the Governor responsible for the prison deaths. I'd hold wardens, or guards, or others, depending on the situation. See where I say up there that it's NOT about Bush? Now you're not just putting stuff in my mouth, you're flat out contradicting me. Again, what deaths have occured at Gitmo ? Under what circumstances did they occur? You have that information...how ? Please, share it with us.

3. Not all of them are terrorists. Unless we're in the business of setting terrorists free again, in some cases, we got the wrong people. So ? We got these guys on the battle field, during a time of conflict. Outside of shooting first, and THEN asking questions, we decided to bring them in for a time to sort it them all out. Over 400,000 P.O.W.'s were held in the U.S. during WW2, and not all of THEM were NAZIs either. Some were prisoners the Germans had captured and forced to fight for them. We didn't shoot them, we didn't torture them, but we did hold them untill a) we could confidently figure out who they really were or B ) the war was over. Same thing now as we did back then, it's Standard Operating Proceedure.

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Is it about the temperature? I'm not sure. There are temperatures hot or cold enough to kill or permanently injure people, especially if they don't have water.  It IS about people having to lie in their own excrement. That's just wrong. And it's especially about people dying in custody. For that, there's just gotta be accountability.


These savages come from a part of the world where the temperatures rise to well over 100 degrees during the summer and dip down well below freezing during the winter. I doubt turning an air conditioner up and down has that great an effect on their overall mental wellbeing.

Lying in their own excrement.....I really don't care. These are people that don't wipe their butts. Although it is nasty, I don't think it compares to sawing off heads or flying planeloads of innocents into tall buildings.

Dying in custody.....I have yet to see a cold body shipped from Gitmo.

I am still waiting on the left to prove that bonafide torture is occurring. All I have heard of so far has been politically driven BS from the liberals who insist on making mountains out of molehills.

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June 22, 2005

Some Republicans Seek Prison Abuse Panel


WASHINGTON, June 21 - Despite opposition from the White House, some Republicans have begun to join Congressional Democrats in calling for an independent commission to review accusations of abuse of prisoners by American forces in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and elsewhere.

The idea's appeal has grown in recent weeks, with Republican endorsements from, among others, Bob Barr, a former congressman from Georgia who now works for the American Conservative Union, and Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a former Air Force lawyer and a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

The Republican leadership in the House succeeded on Tuesday in blocking a vote on an amendment backed by Democrats that would have attached a call for such a panel to the military authorization bill. But Senate Democrats say they intend to seek approval of a similar measure, in which Congress would establish a panel modeled after the Sept. 11 commission, with an independence that critics say has been lacking from the investigations conducted by the Pentagon to date.

The White House spokesman, Scott McClellan, said Tuesday that he believed that the Pentagon's own reviews had been adequate. But Democrats pressing for an independent review noted that the White House had also initially opposed the creation of the Sept. 11 commission and the more recent presidential panel that examined intelligence related to unconventional weapons, but ultimately relented on both questions.

In an interview last week, Mr. Graham said he had until now resisted the idea of Congressional action to review issues related to prisoner abuse. But Mr. Graham said the uproar related to the latest accusations of abuse at Guantánamo had convinced him that "we've crossed that point where that isn't working anymore." Mr. Graham said the United States needed "to prove to the world that we are a rule-of-law nation."

Among others pressing for a review are Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, the top Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, who sent a six-page letter on May 26 to Senator John W. Warner, Republican of Virginia, who is the panel's chairman, calling for an independent inquiry or, at minimum, a joint inquiry by staff members from the House and Senate. In a reply sent on June 16, Mr. Warner said that "at this time, I am not prepared to support" either approach.

An effort by one Democratic senator to call attention to the issue of prisoner abuse has had major political repercussions, with Republicans pouncing on statements made last week by the senator, Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate. Mr. Durbin likened American mistreatment of detainees to that of "Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime - Pol Pot or others - that had no concern for human beings."

At the White House on Tuesday, Mr. McClellan said he believed that inquiries by the Pentagon, rather than a commission, were the best way to investigate prisoner abuse.

"I think there have been 10 such investigations launched - major investigations launched by the Department of Defense," Mr. McClellan said of the reports conducted since the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq came to light a year ago. "They have looked into these issues. They continue to look into allegations of abuse. People are being held to account. And we think that's the way to go about this."

Mr. Barr, the former Republican congressman, said in a telephone interview on Tuesday that he believed the White House would benefit from creating an independent commission because such a panel would "to some extent deflect the day-to-day questions and the need to respond to these allegations."

In an op-ed article published this month in The Washington Post, Mr. Barr wrote, "This is a time when we should be making extra efforts to reach out to Muslims and ask them to work with us in the war against terrorism." The article was also signed by Floyd Abrams, the First Amendment lawyer, and Thomas R. Pickering, a former United States ambassador to the United Nations.

"Instead," the article continues, "our failure to undertake a thorough and credible investigation has created severe resentment of the United States."

Sheryl Gay Stolberg contributed reporting for this article.


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OK, lets suppose for a second that a panel is formed and they find no major abuses occurred. Do you think Al Qaeda will buy that? Will this revelation suddenly make every arab from Egypt to Afghanistan magically fall in love with us? The answer to both of these questions is no. Now, suppose abuses are uncovered, and by abuses I mean real abuses....not the pouring a cup of water over someones head or turning their air conditioners off....I mean real abuses like hanging them from their ankles from the ceiling and making human pinatas out of them or strapping electrodes to their testicles and cranking up the batteries. What will this revelation do? Will they (the extremists we are fighting) hate us even more? The answer to that question is once again no. No matter what we do, they (the extremists we are fighting) are not going to fall in love with us. As far as the remainder of the arab world, I really could care less whether they like us or not. These people wrote the book on human rights abuses and they have the gall to come out and accuse someone else of mistreating people? Give me a break. It's the revenge of Newsweek: from phony story to manufactured crisis, all in less than a few weeks.

Gitmo is about detaining terrorists who want to kill Americans — the al Qaeda kind of terrorists, the September 11th kind of terrorists, the comrades of Mohammed Atta. What does the left propose we do with these murderers? Oh yeah, I forgot....they have no solutions, all they can do is sit on the sideline and complain. They seem to have forgotten that we are at war with these savages. Google search the names Louis Pepe or Mamdouh Mahmud Salim and read what these poor mistreated souls are capable of doing. These murderers down there are not the poor unfortunates whos cause our media has decided to champion. These are people that have sworn to kill Americans at every opportunity. The handwringers that are so concerned over the treatment of these bloodthirsty thugs are getting played like a fiddle. They're playing right into the terrorists hand and they are too dumb to see it. God forbid they ever do.

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To date there have been 29 different committees and organizations looking into Club Gitmo. The research is at 16000 pages and rising and all they have is an anonymous e-mail that may or may not exist. If it does, what does an anonymous anything prove these days.

We can all see RatherGate for what it was/is, a telling, crystal clear, example of professional media types abusing the 'anonymous source' portrayal in reports. Remember, a man that just got over a nervous breakdown with a decades old trail of political opposition to W was found to given CBS News horribly cheap faked-forged documents. This was, according to Dan Rather, "an unimpeachable source."

I have already supplied a link in another thread where FBI officials deny Durbins reading of the memo/e-mail, whatever.

Channon, your boss was the one that had the Confederate Flag placed on the SC Capital while he was governor wasnt he? If he did that, what do you have to say about it? Lott lost his position of power in the Senate over a toast one evening. The State of SC wa torn apart about that flag for years.

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