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Cuomo Bros Used BIDEN Playbook To Avoid #MeToo Scandal

DKW 86

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"Pull what Biden did during the campaign and ....we can victim shame...." Welcome to the #Metoo Industrial Complex.....

Cuomo Bros Used BIDEN Playbook To Avoid #MeToo Scandal



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Krystal Ball is one of the biggest pieces of s*** out there for what she did to Biden's accuser. Too lazy to actually do journalism in her fervor to tank Biden and hung Ms. Reade out to dry. 

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11 hours ago, AUDub said:

Krystal Ball is one of the biggest pieces of s*** out there for what she did to Biden's accuser. Too lazy to actually do journalism in her fervor to tank Biden and hung Ms. Reade out to dry. 


You took a report backed by several news sources that shows that the Cuomo Bros openly discussing taking a page from the biden playbook and victim shaming to get out of trouble. And from that, you go after someone reporting on two other reports of the report? You are not even talking about the source, you are slamming someone that is merely reporting that two other entities reported this?  Wow, dude....

Edited by DKW 86
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Framing this as the "Biden strategy" is utter pablum. That's not "reporting on the report." That's editorializing. These two idiots saw the word "Biden" and their knees jerked so hard they kicked their own damn teeth in. 

And they're comparing apples to airplanes, to boot. Biden and his camp had to tread very carefully, which they did, while the media did its job and vetted her. Biden himself in his interview was careful to avoid attacking her but did unequivocally deny the accusation, which is about all a person can do in that situation. Contrast that with the Cuomo situation, where we have a LOT of accusers who seem far more credible, and how the Cuomo's have behaved on the back channels, and why these situations are nowhere near the same is bleeding obvious. 

That Ms. Reade turned out to be a less than credible accuser, to put it bluntly, is on the Balls, Halpers and Grims of the world for not actually doing a bare minimum of research before amplifying her grievance.

Edited by AUDub
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9 minutes ago, AUDub said:

Framing this as the "Biden strategy" is utter pablum. That's not "reporting on the report." That's editorializing. These two idiots saw the word "Biden" and their knees jerked so hard they kicked their own damn teeth in. 

They saw the word Biden because the people involved used the term: "Biden."

And they're comparing apples to airplanes, to boot. Biden and his camp had to tread very carefully, which they did, while the media did its job and vetted her. Biden himself in his interview was careful to avoid attacking her but did unequivocally deny the accusation, which is about all a person can do in that situation. Contrast that with the Cuomo situation, where we have a LOT of accusers who seem far more credible, and how the Cuomo's have behaved on the back channels, and why these situations are nowhere near the same is bleeding obvious. 

The Cuomos took their cues from Biden...THAT is the point of the article. sigh.....

That Ms. Reade turned out to be a less than credible accuser, to put it bluntly, is on the Balls, Halpers and Grims of the world for not actually doing a bare minimum of research before amplifying her grievance.

"Creepy Uncle Joe Biden" has been a fixture of Washington DC Lore for decades. His manhandling of women and young girls is sickening and has been that way for ages. There is a veritable Youtube topic on Joe and his extremely sick dealings with women going back ages.

My God, Jon Stewart did a video BACK IN 2015 about how creepy Joe Biden acts with women.

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4 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

My God, Jon Stewart did a video BACK IN 2015 about how creepy Joe Biden acts with women.

Joe Biden himself had acknowledged his troublesome history with boundaries, and I've certainly never shied away from mentioning them.

But Tara Reade was the first and really only one to accuse him of a full on assault.

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Just now, AUDub said:

Joe Biden himself had acknowledged his troublesome history with boundaries, and I've certainly never shied away from mentioning them.

But Tara Reade was the first and really only one to accuse him of a full on assault.

That's nothing but a cop-out. I guarantee that the women that he pawed over for decades and likely complained loudly for decades, were marginalized by PTB. 

Biden has a LONG history of trampling boundaries. When Tara Reade came forward, likely funded by trump or his friends, that doesnt mean that she was lying. The point of the article was that there was a trove of emails and texts in the Cuomo group stating that they wanted "to do it the same way that Biden did it." Reade was slammed back door by Biden thru the press contacts. That was what the Cuomo group wanted to do too.

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36 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

They saw the word Biden because the people involved used the term: "Biden."


36 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

The Cuomos took their cues from Biden...THAT is the point of the article. sigh.....

One staffer mentioned copying his statement word for word and that was the extent of fleaing Biden's strategy. 


"This absolutely did not happen," Lever then wrote, quoting the Biden campaign. "He firmly believes that women have a right to be heard — and heard respectfully,' deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield said. ‘Such claims should also be diligently reviewed by an independent press. What is clear about this claim: it is untrue.’"

The logical leap to victim shaming and attacking the victim's character was one Krystal there made. 

The Cuomos are sleazes. You'll get no argument from me there. 

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22 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

That's nothing but a cop-out. I guarantee that the women that he pawed over for decades and likely complained loudly for decades, were marginalized by PTB. 

You could ask them. 

Oh wait. We have. With the exception of Reade they took it as I've characterized it, Biden meaning well but having serious issues with boundaries.

22 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Biden has a LONG history of trampling boundaries. When Tara Reade came forward, likely funded by trump or his friends, that doesnt mean that she was lying. The point of the article was that there was a trove of emails and texts in the Cuomo group stating that they wanted "to do it the same way that Biden did it." Reade was slammed back door by Biden thru the press contacts. That was what the Cuomo group wanted to do too.

They didn't have to slam her. She did that to herself. 

In a he said/she said scenario, the credibility of the accuser carries a lot of weight. That she turned out to have a history of low level grifting, an inconsistent story and docunented lies under oath isn't on the media. It's their job to uncover this kind of stuff. 

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3 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

That's nothing but a cop-out. I guarantee that the women that he pawed over for decades and likely complained loudly for decades, were marginalized by PTB. 

Biden has a LONG history of trampling boundaries. When Tara Reade came forward, likely funded by trump or his friends, that doesnt mean that she was lying. The point of the article was that there was a trove of emails and texts in the Cuomo group stating that they wanted "to do it the same way that Biden did it." Reade was slammed back door by Biden thru the press contacts. That was what the Cuomo group wanted to do too.



Cuomo's PR team took heavy inspiration from how Joe Biden responded to a sexual assault allegation he faced while on the campaign trail. I 100% agree that this seems to be true. I think it reflects very poorly on Cuomo, his PR team, and in particular ex-aid Dani Lever who seems to be the one who strongly suggested following the Joe Biden's PR playbook. 

What this story DOES NOT DO is implicate Joe Biden or lend any credibility to the Tara Reade claims, which such an implication is EXACTLTY what Fox News and this Breaking Points segment is intending to make when they reported on the emails and wrote the article and made this video. 


You yourself are making the implication and connecting the dots yourself to Biden and his actions, when the facts of the article do not lead there. The stroy isn't that Biden helped Cuomo..it's not that Cuomo has inside knowledge of Biden's accusation and situation..it's that Cuomo's PR  team and aids looked at the PR strategy of Biden and said "It seems to have worked out for him, so lets do THAT"  


The problem that Andrew Cuomo and his aids had was that it wasn't a simple, one off twitter accusation by one women. It turned into an  entire scandal with multiple women alleging sexual misconduct, reporting was done that showed consistencies and corroboration linking the accusations and Cuomo...then an official investigation...and then a finding that it was all mostly true. 

Compared now to the Biden and Tara Reade situation where a very serious accusation was made by a single woman where, despite the "media coverup" you alleged, Right wing media is large and powerful in America and reported on and dug into the Reade accusations Very, Very heavily. 

The reality is that nobody was able to find any corroboration or evidence of Tara Reade's claims. No emails, no witnesses, no police reports, no HR reports, no co-worker backup. It's Tara Reade claiming that Joe Biden raped her..an accusation that to this point NOBODY else has ever made of Biden....does that mean that Tara Reade is 100% lying? No. Maybe Joe Biden did it. I don't know.....but the difference between the cases we're talking about here  is that we can prove and show a consistent behavior of Cuomo over a period of time that clearly establishes his guilt....and we just don't have any of the with Joe Biden. Getting up close and putting his head against womens heads when taking photos (while 100% inappropriate) is not the same as a rape accusation.   


Because Andrew Cuomo is guilty and copied Bidens PR strategy does not mean Joe Biden himself was guilty or that the PR in question used by Biden was bad for Bide....it was bad for Cuomo because there was multiple allegations and actual evidence that Cuomo was lying and was guilty. We don't have that for Biden.

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2 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Compared now to the Biden and Tara Reade situation where a very serious accusation was made by a single woman where, despite the "media coverup" you alleged, Right wing media is large and powerful in America and reported on and dug into the Reade accusations Very, Very heavily. 

It was interesting early on that the story incubated more in the fever swamps of far LEFT media rather than the far right. Even FOX didn't really touch on the story until the rest of the mainstream media started reporting on it. Your main perpetrators were Katie Halper, Ryan Grim and Krystal Ball in the video above. Them and the outlets they work for are uniquely hostile to Biden and more centrist Democrats in general and it was a sort of Hail Mary to tank Biden's candidacy in lieu of Bernie.

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3 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:




Cuomo's PR team took heavy inspiration from how Joe Biden responded to a sexual assault allegation he faced while on the campaign trail. I 100% agree that this seems to be true. I think it reflects very poorly on Cuomo, his PR team, and in particular ex-aid Dani Lever who seems to be the one who strongly suggested following the Joe Biden's PR playbook. 

What this story DOES NOT DO is implicate Joe Biden or lend any credibility to the Tara Reade claims, which such an implication is EXACTLTY what Fox News and this Breaking Points segment is intending to make when they reported on the emails and wrote the article and made this video. 


You yourself are making the implication and connecting the dots yourself to Biden and his actions, when the facts of the article do not lead there. The stroy isn't that Biden helped Cuomo..it's not that Cuomo has inside knowledge of Biden's accusation and situation..it's that Cuomo's PR  team and aids looked at the PR strategy of Biden and said "It seems to have worked out for him, so lets do THAT"  


The problem that Andrew Cuomo and his aids had was that it wasn't a simple, one off twitter accusation by one women. It turned into an  entire scandal with multiple women alleging sexual misconduct, reporting was done that showed consistencies and corroboration linking the accusations and Cuomo...then an official investigation...and then a finding that it was all mostly true. 

Compared now to the Biden and Tara Reade situation where a very serious accusation was made by a single woman where, despite the "media coverup" you alleged, Right wing media is large and powerful in America and reported on and dug into the Reade accusations Very, Very heavily. 

The reality is that nobody was able to find any corroboration or evidence of Tara Reade's claims. No emails, no witnesses, no police reports, no HR reports, no co-worker backup. It's Tara Reade claiming that Joe Biden raped her..an accusation that to this point NOBODY else has ever made of Biden....does that mean that Tara Reade is 100% lying? No. Maybe Joe Biden did it. I don't know.....but the difference between the cases we're talking about here  is that we can prove and show a consistent behavior of Cuomo over a period of time that clearly establishes his guilt....and we just don't have any of the with Joe Biden. Getting up close and putting his head against womens heads when taking photos (while 100% inappropriate) is not the same as a rape accusation.   


Because Andrew Cuomo is guilty and copied Bidens PR strategy does not mean Joe Biden himself was guilty or that the PR in question used by Biden was bad for Bide....it was bad for Cuomo because there was multiple allegations and actual evidence that Cuomo was lying and was guilty. We don't have that for Biden.




32 minutes ago, AUDub said:

It was interesting early on that the story incubated more in the fever swamps of far LEFT media rather than the far right. Even FOX didn't really touch on the story until the rest of the mainstream media started reporting on it. Your main perpetrators were Katie Halper, Ryan Grim and Krystal Ball in the video above. Them and the outlets they work for are uniquely hostile to Biden and more centrist Democrats in general and it was a sort of Hail Mary to tank Biden's candidacy in lieu of Bernie.



KUDOS. Those are two reasoned and rational replies. Wish the whole forum went that way.

Thanks folks.


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On 12/13/2021 at 10:10 AM, DKW 86 said:

That's nothing but a cop-out. I guarantee that the women that he pawed over for decades and likely complained loudly for decades, were marginalized by PTB. 

Biden has a LONG history of trampling boundaries. When Tara Reade came forward, likely funded by trump or his friends, that doesnt mean that she was lying. The point of the article was that there was a trove of emails and texts in the Cuomo group stating that they wanted "to do it the same way that Biden did it." Reade was slammed back door by Biden thru the press contacts. That was what the Cuomo group wanted to do too.

This is why the people that would make the best Presidents and leaders in general would rather not get in the fray.  Biden hugs a lot so he must be groping them and therefore he must be some sort of sexual predator.  Really?  Bill Clinton got head in the Oval Office from an intern.  That doesn't mean that he isn't an intellectual giant or that he failed as President.  He simply acted badly and used bad judgment. Instead of censuring him with a bi partisan resolution, the party not in power went for it all and lost. 

Andrew Cuomo isn't the worst governor New York has ever had, in fact he was very effective for the better part of his tenure. His actions made him ineffective and he resigned.  He still has the right to defend himself.  I'm certain that some of the allegations are true and some are over exaggerated to take advantage of the circumstances. That is what happens. 

Where are all of these Biden accusers?  Assuming that there is a great number is ridiculous.  I know some powerful women that will tell anyone that asks that they have had uncomfortable encounters at some point over the span of their career.  When we start equating a hug or an inappropriate flirtation with sexual assault, we really do harm to women that are actually assaulted.  There are a lot of acts that aren't appropriate in an office environment that are nonetheless not illegal.

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For a life long politician Biden has done some really stupid s*** regarding his image. The inappropriate touching certainly qualifies as does allowing Hunter to run wild with cashing in on his relationship. (The latter is exactly why I voted for Amy Klobuchar in the primary.)

But as AU9377, neither is illegal.

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I would laugh at this point but the Cuomos managed to get away with this s*** for decades. 

Biden has manhandled women and little girls for decades as well. Clinton? I could start naming all the "bimbo eruptions" and all the slut shaming that went along with all that for decades but it would fall on 100% deaf ears.

The Cuomo Brothers got away with all that decades because they are who they are. Same for Biden and Clinton.

Afterall, if a pervert wins an election he is still an election winner....

Back to the bottomline: Biden suceeded in taking out Reade by slandering her and that was where Team Cuomo was heading based on the emails. CC was already digging up dirt on some of the accusers when it all fell apart. 

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On 12/13/2021 at 9:04 AM, AUDub said:

Joe Biden himself had acknowledged his troublesome history with boundaries, and I've certainly never shied away from mentioning them.

But Tara Reade was the first and really only one to accuse him of a full on assault.

You’re trying facts, logic and reason on a dog with a bone. It never works.

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