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Polio - Why are we still dealing with this?


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The answer is because some refuse to get vaccinated based on "religious" grounds.... whatever those may be.  I find it interesting that they don't refuse treatment based on that same logic once they are ill.


This vaccine idiocy is a pluperfect example of how the political spectrum is not shaped like a straight line with the extremes far apart at each end.  It's shaped like a horseshoe, where the two ends are far closer to one another than they are willing to admit.  We've seen it with the "vaccines cause autism" nuttery, parents refusing childhood measles vaccines, the COVID vaccine wackos - bringing liberal granola hippie weirdos and fundamentalist religious conservatives together in common stupidity.

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as an aside one of the hands down best guitar players to ever come out of alabama had polio and one leg was shorter than the other. his name was ray honea and he was from sand mountain. he was so good he and his band Warm got a write up in rolling stone magazine.

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One thing it mentioned is it was believed that it was contracted from a person from another country who had been given a weakened form of the Polio vaccine. Since the disease had been eradicated from this country for many years there would be no spread internally even if you were not vaccinated. ( I believe in  vaccines  so don't take this statement as my being against people being vaccinated). What we can't control is people from foreign countries spreading diseases in the US especially if they are illegal entrants. 

Over the years I have helped multiple people enter this country legally by either sponsoring my wives family members while filling out all required applications or volunteering to do required paper work for people who have asked me to help them sponsor family members. I am a great believer in legal Immigration and based on how many people come illegally and find work we should probably increase the quotas of people who come legally.   

A key advantage of doing it legally that nobody mentions is there is a medical exam that is required that includes verifying that the person has all the required vaccinations. This protects all of us. Sadly this is not done for those coming illegally putting all of us at risk.

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On 8/16/2022 at 1:05 PM, AuburnNTexas said:

One thing it mentioned is it was believed that it was contracted from a person from another country who had been given a weakened form of the Polio vaccine. Since the disease had been eradicated from this country for many years there would be no spread internally even if you were not vaccinated. ( I believe in  vaccines  so don't take this statement as my being against people being vaccinated). What we can't control is people from foreign countries spreading diseases in the US especially if they are illegal entrants. 

Over the years I have helped multiple people enter this country legally by either sponsoring my wives family members while filling out all required applications or volunteering to do required paper work for people who have asked me to help them sponsor family members. I am a great believer in legal Immigration and based on how many people come illegally and find work we should probably increase the quotas of people who come legally.   

A key advantage of doing it legally that nobody mentions is there is a medical exam that is required that includes verifying that the person has all the required vaccinations. This protects all of us. Sadly this is not done for those coming illegally putting all of us at risk.

It's far from clear they got this from a foreigner or immigrant, much less one here illegally.  The strain he got could have been in circulation for over a year in the area (not everyone has a full reaction to polio when exposed).  As many international flights come and go from NYC, another unvaccinated US citizen could have traveled abroad, been exposed and brought it back, or someone coming to the US from another part of the world for vacation or other perfectly legal reason could have brought it with them and spread it.  Let's not jump to theorizing that some dirty illegal got it here.  The bottom line is that no matter how it got here, Americans need to stop refusing these vaccines.

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38 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

It's far from clear they got this from a foreigner or immigrant, much less one here illegally.  The strain he got could have been in circulation for over a year in the area (not everyone has a full reaction to polio when exposed).  As many international flights come and go from NYC, another unvaccinated US citizen could have traveled abroad, been exposed and brought it back, or someone coming to the US from another part of the world for vacation or other perfectly legal reason could have brought it with them and spread it.  Let's not jump to theorizing that some dirty illegal got it here.  The bottom line is that no matter how it got here, Americans need to stop refusing these vaccines.

I never said or intimated that is came from an illegal alien.  It did say that it came from a foreigner who had been vaccinated with a weaker strain of the Polio vaccine. I also never said anything about a dirty illegal alien those are your words not mine.  I have over the years met many illegal aliens and every one I have met except one has been a very good person and hard working. They are good people and if I was from one of the countries with no opportunity I probably would have tried to come here also. 

That does not change the fact that they didn't come here the correct way and that because of that many who were not caught never went through any type of medical check including verifying their vaccination records.  That does put us at some type of risk.  IAs I said I have helped many people over the years come here illegally and a few who originally came here illegally as kids who decided to remedy the situation.  In one case a young man who was a certified electrician that I met through my wife who was married to an American citizen and who with his wife had bough a  house told us he was illegal after we became friends. I helped him fill out all the legal forms to become legal. He had to return to Mexico and while there his wife got sick so could not work so because of that she could no longer sponsor her own husband. I ended up sponsoring him so he could get a green card and in about 1 more year I will help him with his citizenship papers. 

So please don't ever try and portray me as somebody who would refer a person who comes here illegally  as a dirty illegal alien.  I still stand by my point that when people come here illegally especially from some countries that don't have great health care available especially to the poor that there is a greater risk that that person is a carrier of some disease. That is simple science not the racism you seem to indicate I was saying in my original post.

I wish we had a better immigration system but until we do like any country if you come here without being approved whether using coyotes to cross the border or overstaying some temporary Visa you have broken the law and that makes you an illegal Alien. 

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30 minutes ago, AuburnNTexas said:

I never said or intimated that is came from an illegal alien.  It did say that it came from a foreigner who had been vaccinated with a weaker strain of the Polio vaccine. I also never said anything about a dirty illegal alien those are your words not mine.  I have over the years met many illegal aliens and every one I have met except one has been a very good person and hard working. They are good people and if I was from one of the countries with no opportunity I probably would have tried to come here also. 

That does not change the fact that they didn't come here the correct way and that because of that many who were not caught never went through any type of medical check including verifying their vaccination records.  That does put us at some type of risk.  IAs I said I have helped many people over the years come here illegally and a few who originally came here illegally as kids who decided to remedy the situation.  In one case a young man who was a certified electrician that I met through my wife who was married to an American citizen and who with his wife had bough a  house told us he was illegal after we became friends. I helped him fill out all the legal forms to become legal. He had to return to Mexico and while there his wife got sick so could not work so because of that she could no longer sponsor her own husband. I ended up sponsoring him so he could get a green card and in about 1 more year I will help him with his citizenship papers. 

So please don't ever try and portray me as somebody who would refer a person who comes here illegally  as a dirty illegal alien.  I still stand by my point that when people come here illegally especially from some countries that don't have great health care available especially to the poor that there is a greater risk that that person is a carrier of some disease. That is simple science not the racism you seem to indicate I was saying in my original post.

I wish we had a better immigration system but until we do like any country if you come here without being approved whether using coyotes to cross the border or overstaying some temporary Visa you have broken the law and that makes you an illegal Alien. 

75% of your post was about legal vs illegal immigration and how much you favor the former over the latter.  The "dirty illegal" was implied whether you think you meant to do so or not.  It's been a common trope for people who get inordinately exercised over "illegals" coming here to float the possibility that they're bringing in all sorts of diseases.  Many on the right were even trying to blame various COVID surges over the last year or so on illegals streaming across the border.  And what you said was basically mimicking much of their disgusting rhetoric.

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3 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

75% of your post was about legal vs illegal immigration and how much you favor the former over the latter.  The "dirty illegal" was implied whether you think you meant to do so or not.  It's been a common trope for people who get inordinately exercised over "illegals" coming here to float the possibility that they're bringing in all sorts of diseases.  Many on the right were even trying to blame various COVID surges over the last year or so on illegals streaming across the border.  And what you said was basically mimicking much of their disgusting rhetoric.

That is how you try and postulate what people meant to say.  I don't want people to come hear illegally but once they are here I work with many groups in the Hispanic community to help the people who came here whether legal or illegal. My wife is Hispanic and we both work with Church group's to help people that need help. It doesn't matter if they are legal or illegal as it is the right thing to do. I am sorry you are so narrow minded that you can't understand that I would prefer people to come here legally then illegally. By the way some of our Texas border towns that have been overwhelmed by Illegal immigration did have a higher surge of Covid. Some related to immigration some related to the fact that the smaller border towns don't have the same healthcare options as places like Austin, Dallas, Houston,  and San Antonio. The surge of illegal immigrants did overwhelm some of the border towns ability to provide adequate healthcare and sadly the Federal government did very little to help those towns if it wasn't for Church groups providing help they probably would have been completely overwhelmed.

Since you seem to judge me based on my preference of people coming here legally. How many illegal immigrants have you personally helped with food, clothing, filling out government forms to get aid or driven to court hearings?  I do all of that on a fairly regular basis I doubt that you do yet you try and judge me.

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2 hours ago, AuburnNTexas said:

That is how you try and postulate what people meant to say.  I don't want people to come hear illegally but once they are here I work with many groups in the Hispanic community to help the people who came here whether legal or illegal. My wife is Hispanic and we both work with Church group's to help people that need help. It doesn't matter if they are legal or illegal as it is the right thing to do. I am sorry you are so narrow minded that you can't understand that I would prefer people to come here legally then illegally. By the way some of our Texas border towns that have been overwhelmed by Illegal immigration did have a higher surge of Covid. Some related to immigration some related to the fact that the smaller border towns don't have the same healthcare options as places like Austin, Dallas, Houston,  and San Antonio. The surge of illegal immigrants did overwhelm some of the border towns ability to provide adequate healthcare and sadly the Federal government did very little to help those towns if it wasn't for Church groups providing help they probably would have been completely overwhelmed.

Since you seem to judge me based on my preference of people coming here legally. How many illegal immigrants have you personally helped with food, clothing, filling out government forms to get aid or driven to court hearings?  I do all of that on a fairly regular basis I doubt that you do yet you try and judge me.

I prefer they come here legally too. I manage to feel that way without floating the notion out there that they might be bringing a bunch of eradicated diseases into the country. 

If you don’t want people to get the wrong impression, don’t employ the rhetoric of people you claim not to be of like mind with. 

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Furthermore, viruses don't care about immigration status or if a person is immigrating or just visiting the U.S. as a tourist or on business.

As long as a given virus exists somewhere on the globe there is a possibility it will eventually enter the U.S.

Edited by homersapien
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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

Furthermore, viruses don't care about immigration status or if a person is immigrating or just visiting the U.S. as a tourist or on business.

As long as a given virus exists somewhere on the globe there is a possibility it will eventually enter the U.S.

mike yard no shit GIF by The Nightly Show

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