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Job Hunt Issues


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So I'm at a job I'm okay with but I recently earned my Master's in Educational Leadership and I want to put it to use.

Four jobs in a row in my local area I went and interviewed for, felt like I crushed it, was highly qualified, and four times in a row I find out later they had it filled way before ever speaking to me. That's very infuriating and feels incredibly unethical if not illegal; though I really don't know.

On top of that, I have applied to over 30 jobs at Auburn (a good number of which I'm overqualified for) with zero phone calls or follow up. I don't know what is wrong with their hiring department but damn I just want one pity call or interview at least.

Just venting a bit.

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I feel for you. Job hunting can be a real soul draining experience. 

A lot of "fake jobs" and nepotism hires out there where they legally or through corporate policy have to pretend to give outsiders interviews even if they already know who they'll hire, and in many cases you'll be lucky to get a stock automatic denial email much less a personal message from places you interview at but don't hire you. 


Keep at it! A lot of Job hunting just comes down to luck and finding the right company with the right position at the right time. The more jobs you apply and put in for the higher your chance of eventually finding that right 'fit'. 


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Week late to this thread, but are you using a recruiter at all? There are jobs that never even get posted that recruiting agencies fill (I know from how I found my way to my current job).

And are there any opportunties to work remotely (I'm not sure what one does in your field of study)? Can you apply nationally instead of just locally? 


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