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Dem Rep Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About Joe Biden During IRS Whistleblower Hearing

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Dem Rep Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About Joe Biden During IRS Whistleblower Hearing


The IRS whistleblower hearing in front of the House Oversight Committee today did not go well for Democrats, who looked disorganized and misinformed. The line of questioning for some was quickly smacked down merely because they couldn’t get the timelines right. The identity of “Mr. X” or “Agent X” was revealed to be Joseph Ziegler, a 13-year veteran of the Internal Revenue Service. He’s also a gay Democrat, so the Republican operative smear doesn’t work. IRS Special Agent Greg Shapley has already come forward with allegations of interference in their investigation of Hunter Biden from the Justice Department. 


Both men offered mountains of evidence and testimony about how this administration appears to be doing everything it can to protect the cracked-out son of the president. These men aren’t Michael Cohen, whose testimony against Trump years ago was viewed with rightful skepticism; he’s a rat. Shapley and Ziegler are credible professionals, offering damning accounts of the reported wrongdoing during the probe into Hunter. Democrats couldn’t smear them, though they tried before the hearing. Shapley was accused of leaking sensitive information to the press, a provable lie. That allegation reared its ugly head during the hearings when he was pressed to reveal if anyone else had leaked anything to the media.

All Democrats could do was run around like chickens with their heads cut off for hours and ignore the facts from these respectable officials who hammered home the felonies that could be slapped against the Biden family. That couldn’t be ignored or swept away. And now, as you know, Shapley’s account has placed Attorney General Merrick Garland in jeopardy of being impeached for perjury. Garland claimed US Attorney David Weiss had magical prosecutorial powers to go after Hunter. At the very least, he could charge him, which wasn’t the case since he was denied multiple times in 2022. Garland also said no one from the DOJ interfered with this case. 


But Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) deserves the dunce award today because he said the quiet part out loud, corroborating what Shapley alleged weeks ago: that the investigation into Hunter endured severe interference from DOJ because the roads could’ve led to Joe. Goldman opened the door during his questioning, which could have been worse if his time hadn’t expired. Jonathan Turley, a George Washington University Law School law professor, live-tweeted the hearing, adding that Goldman might have sealed the deal concerning whether a special counsel should be appointed to investigate the Biden family. It's painful to watch:



 Rep. Goldman just tripped the wire on Joe Biden. In trying to grill the whistleblowers to show that there is no evidence that Joe Biden was involved, he elicited an answer that the witnesses established that Joe Biden did discuss business deals of Hunter with the Chinese. 

 Goldman was trying to show that the witnesses did not mention a substantive role of Joe Biden; Shapley immediately noted that it did mean that he came to discuss one of the Hunter's deals. The President continues to deny that fact. 

Goldman prompted a sworn statement from the investigator that Biden did indeed discuss his son's business deals. In doing so, Goldman may have delivered one of the most damaging moments in the hearing for the Bidens. 

Unfortunately, time ran out. With a few more minutes along this line, Goldman could well have sealed the case for the appointment of a Special Counsel. 


Just brutal. Goldman was lead counsel during the first Trump impeachment effort. Before the hearing, he and others tried to gaslight us that Hunter Biden was a victim of this two-tiered justice system. You cannot make this up.



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You realize that this all falls apart when David Weiss, appointed by Trump, testifies that he was not restricted in any way from charging any charge he deemed appropriate in any district he chose right?  An IRS investigator only knows what he concludes from the info at his disposal.  He certainly has no real knowledge of the inner workings of the DOJ.  Again, it is very common for investigators to disagree with a prosecutor when it comes to what charges should and should not be filed.  The decision always lies with the Prosecutor, the one who went to law school and understands how burdens of proof and a multitude of other factors go into a charging decision.

Have to love the line calling Michael Cohen a "rat".......... A rat that took the trash out for Trump for over a decade.  LOL

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It's against DOJ policy to drop the felony charge with a misdemeanor.

Pleading guilty shouldn't have resulted in dropping any felony charge.


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Both men offered mountains of evidence and testimony about how this administration appears to be doing everything it can to protect the cracked-out son of the president.

 That article was tough to read with all the over the top commentary, but this part stuck out to me. 

Mountains of evidence......? 

These whistleblowers are indeed offering plenty of testimony and telling us what their opinions are about what happened, but I don't know that I'd say we actually have 'evidence' of anything yet. We're kind of spinning our wheels in the mud here with a he said/he said situation. 

The whistleblowers are saying they were told by Weiss and others that the case is being influenced by the Whitehouse/Biden, but Weiss and the DOJ are disputing these accounts and saying they were not influenced. So where does that leave us? 

It's clear these agents wanted to charge Hunter with more serious crimes, but that the senior prosecutors denied their wishes. It's not uncommon that investigators in probes will disagree with each other on what actions to take, threads to investigate, and what charges to bring, so the disagreement of these agents alone isn't evidence of anything. 

Republicans are going to need either Weiss or DOJ leadership admitting something nefarious happened or some actual physical documents/letters/emails/texts/recordinga, etc that directly implicate wrongdoing or unlawful influence. 

Until then we're just going to continue to get these clownshow  hearings with Conservative website like townhall.com writing "BOMBSHELL" articles every day, pretending like Joe Biden is only moments away from being impeached and sent to prison. 

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In any accusation, the #1 priority is SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE. So far, there is zero evidence. And the testimony of their superiors is .. Nope!


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On 7/26/2023 at 11:02 PM, AURex said:

In any accusation, the #1 priority is SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE. So far, there is zero evidence. And the testimony of their superiors is .. Nope!


Just wait then. If there is no evidence, or has it been covered up? Lets see what a Special Prosecutor finds out?

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