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Republican to collegues -- Give me one thing to campaign on


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Right WingNut R House Chip Roy says

“One thing. I want my Republican colleagues to give me one thing — one! — that I can go campaign on and say we did,” he said. “Anybody sitting in the complex, if you want to come down to the floor and come explain to me, one meaningful, significant thing the Republican majority has done.”

Welp, thar ya go! All the stuff he supports -- total anti-abortion, cut Social Security, cut Medicare, cut Medicaid, cut SNAP, etc.

All of his positions are extremist right wing. So ....

Give me one thing I can campaign on.



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Well,,, how about that impeachment inquiry?  What happened to all of the smoke?  Are we not going to save the country from the Biden crime family?

That should rally the base.

Can you run on openly saying that your only goal is to consolidate power and destroy democracy?

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I actually am proud of the guy. He is saying the exact truth. You have to give people reasons to vote FOR you. Saying you don’t suck as bad as the other guy won’t win many elections. In fact it will defang any capital you get if and when you do win. 

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