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Arkansas game will be tough...


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I hope nobody is looking ahead to the LSU game. Arkansas is going to give Auburn everything they've got and then some. This is going to be a very difficult and challenging game. It's Brandons' first road game of his carreer. I hate to say it, but we just may get upset. Don't be shocked.. Thoughts??? Comments???

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I don't think so. We will absolutely roll over Arkansas. No, I'm not looking forward - I'm just that confident in our football team. My prediction: we win by 4 or more touchdowns.

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Our wideouts vs their secondary. Running game improving week to week, defense improving week to week.

Arkansas has always been a monkey on Tubervilles back in the past, he won't forget that. They have gotten us in the past more than once, Tuberville has learned his lesson with them I think. Auburn will be very well prepared going into this game and coming in healthy.

Could be ugly for the Hogs.

Plus its obvious that the Hogs are having problems filling the seats, I don't think its gonna be rowdier for the hometeam than the away team..... the Arkansas faithful will probably be giving it to their own team and Nutt more than Auburn.

I said it before and I'll say it again, the role that Cox was forced to play combined with the loss in that GT game probably did more for him than if we were undefeated atm. I think he will be just fine in Fayetville.

The linking of arms against S. Carolina was just another step to this team circling the wagons for this season and gelling.

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Well we have had trouble filling our seats this year too. I could not even give my extra tickets away at the SC game. You would think that a team that went 13-0 last year could fill up their stadium. Yes I know that WKU and Ball St. are not exactly enticing, but other big schools fill their stadiums for games like those. I would love for us to blow out Ark., but I just don't see it.

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Well we have had trouble filling our seats this year too. I could not even give my extra tickets away at the SC game. You would think that a team that went 13-0 last year could fill up their stadium. Yes I know that WKU and Ball St. are not exactly enticing, but other big schools fill their stadiums for games like those. I would love for us to blow out Ark., but I just don't see it.


Ya'll have had one of the worst fan schedules thus far this year.

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Arkansas is a team that we should throttle, but probably won't...we have no idea how this particular bunch will respond to playing a road game, especially Brandon Cox. You want to get out to an early lead in every game, but it's even more important to do so away from home, especially against a team whose fan base seems to be very disgruntled. If :au: can get out to a 14-0 lead, the Hogs might start mentally checking out.

I think it's closer, though...something like 20-10 good guys.

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I think there is little doubt that AU will get the Hog's best effort so far this year. If the Hogs eliminate miscues and turnovers, it could be close. On the other hand if AU is not focused and commits drive killing penalties and turns the ball over it could be a long night. But I don't see this AU team not being focused. Keep in mind that Arkansas has for the most part always played AU tough.

Hopefully AU will not turn the ball over and can scrape by with a 42 point win. :big:

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This game will not be televised and the only evidence will be the score. If it is close, then that will not help us in the polls. If it is close, then we need to take a step back and rethink our assessment of the teams progress. Arkansas has not been a very good team this year. They play well early but get overpowered in the second half. We need to be good enough to control the line of scrimmage and make plays down field. I don't expect our running game to be anything except maybe slightly above average this year.

Our D should control this game and give the O a chance to show how much it has improved. We need big time improvement from our O to be able to play with teams later in the schedule.

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I tend to agree with most of you. I just don't have a good feeling about this one. Mainly because Cox doesn't have any road experience. We'll just have to wait and see. Our kicking game isn't the greatest either. We're inconsistant on FG's. At least our kickoffs are getting into the endzone now!! :big:

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I have bad feelings about this game as well.Theres something about CTT going home that causes him problems, even when he was at :om: they could be decent, go to :arky: and look like Fidos' rear end. I'm ready to get this one over with.

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As Tubs said, we are good, not great...... We cannot afford to look ahead to any game this year.

I think we still need to become a more physical football team and play with more emotion like last year. We don't seem to have that "cheerleader" like Caddy was last year or the team chemistry that is so essential to being able to make a comeback when things go south. I think the next two games will be critical to our season and it's essential that we make real progress in the area of physical play, eliminating mistakes, and becoming a cohesive unit or team. Remember, the "comeback" boys Bammer are waiting........ WDE!

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Auburn has a much better team than Arkansas. We should beat them handily. If we lose aren't don't handle them, then it is a result of coaching. We have the better team and their is no excuse for not winning this game.

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Well we have had trouble filling our seats this year too. I could not even give my extra tickets away at the SC game. You would think that a team that went 13-0 last year could fill up their stadium. Yes I know that WKU and Ball St. are not exactly enticing, but other big schools fill their stadiums for games like those. I would love for us to blow out Ark., but I just don't see it.


I think things such as gas prices have taken its effect on alot of teams. You look at other teams in games against the WKU's and the Ball States and they aren't filling to capacity either. Seen plenty of ACC/SEC replays on CSS to know we aren't the only ones not having every sold ticket used.

Difference is, Arkansas fans don't want their coach atm, and they don't want to go to the game for reasons other than gas etc, heck read boards and see alot of them glad the game isn't even going to be on tv. Those that are there will probably turn on Nutt at the first sign of trouble, making life easier for Cox. Course our loss to GT made alot of people not want to go to games to, which is sad. But we aren't to the point Arkansas fans appear to be at.

If its a problem for SEC games then perhaps they should expand the student section, seeing as the university had to pay a fine to the firemarshal due to the fact that they don't have the seats to meat the demands of the students and overloaded it.

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If its a problem for SEC games then perhaps they should expand the student section, seeing as the university had to pay a fine to the firemarshal due to the fact that they don't have the seats to meat the demands of the students and overloaded it.


I had not heard anything about the firemarshall. Not that I dispute it, but do you have a link for that?

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If its a problem for SEC games then perhaps they should expand the student section, seeing as the university had to pay a fine to the firemarshal due to the fact that they don't have the seats to meat the demands of the students and overloaded it.


I had not heard anything about the firemarshall. Not that I dispute it, but do you have a link for that?


No I don't have a link, this came from my academic advisor, Auburn has oversold the student section by about 2-3,000 seats, every year the freshmen class gets bigger but the student section never grows.

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