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I don't give a damn


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about impressing the pollsters right now. When did this become our obsession? On occasion, we are going to give up 17 points, maybe more. Our expectations are a little unreasonable. Check out AU's SEC record over the last three years. 11 other teams would love to have that record. I don't know if we are the #2 team in the country or the #12, but if we can keep winning, I'll try to manage a smile.


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about impressing the pollsters right now. When did this become our obsession? On occasion, we are going to give up 17 points, maybe more. Our expectations are a little unreasonable. Check out AU's SEC record over the last three years. 11 other teams would love to have that record. I don't know if we are the #2 team in the country or the #12, but if we can keep winning, I'll try to manage a smile.



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I understand wanting to impress the pollsters, but just keep winning thats all that matters we take an L its all for nothing.


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I agree. And any of my posts and gripes are not because we didn't win with style, but almost didn't win period. I'm glad we pulled out the W, but we are going to struggle with Florida if we don't get this defense solved. And we need to be more productive on offense.

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The way I see it, if you let some limp-wristed New England sports writer's opinion get in the way of enjoying a victory then you have forgotten what football is all about. Football in the SEC, on the road, in the rain, is gonna be messy. Throw in the fact that we played on a Thursday night, something we haven't done since the '01 season, and I'd take a 1 point win where they miss an extra point, and we score on a questionable call. A win is a win is a win is a win. If you have ever coached or played any sport you know that wins are like pizza and sex, even when they're bad, they're still good. So, to everyone who is hung up on whether or not we were in the right coverage, or whether this guy did that right on this play, GET OVER IT! I will take that kind of a win against every team we play for the rest of my life; be it Temple or Texas. There are never any asterisks by W's. If you looked back at all the undefeated mnc teams over the past twenty years, they all have atleast one game that they were d*mn lucky to win. South Carolina played a great game tonight. I haven't seen that much perserverance from a team in a long time. It was a great game that went back and forth. They took some serious blows and kept coming back for more. There's something to be said of a team that doesn't touch the ball in the third quarter, allows a handful of third and long conversions, three fourth down conversions, and gives up an on-side kick, then comes out and plays a fourth quarter like that in the rain. My hats off to SC. They gave us a helluva game and I'm proud of our guys for surviving it. If you would've told me a month ago we'd be 5-0, I would have taken it any day of the week. We have lost one SEC game in the last 2 1/2 years, and we barely lost that one. It's great to be an Auburn Tiger! Don't let anyone convince you of anything different. War Damn Eagle! Bring on the bacon!!!

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about impressing the pollsters right now. When did this become our obsession? On occasion, we are going to give up 17 points, maybe more. Our expectations are a little unreasonable. Check out AU's SEC record over the last three years. 11 other teams would love to have that record. I don't know if we are the #2 team in the country or the #12, but if we can keep winning, I'll try to manage a smile.



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sure this forum is designed for opinions, conversation and critques; however, this forum is one espn burp from a meltdown. people need to quit worrying about the f@#%^&g polls after the 5th game and our lack of respect. anybody @ anytime can play with the best.

the way i look at it, we have 7 more games to win or loose. as my mentor, war tim says, one game at a time.

i agree we did not play our best and will need to make adjustments for the pork rinds and the gator boots. have confidence and faith. if not, take a wellbutrin.

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I don't too much care about Auburn impressing the "keepers of the polls"( :) ) either.BUT I do care about them impressing me.So nobody here ever whine about ESPN not giving us our due if we're not worried about impressions.

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AU won their game and is the leader in the clubhouse for this weekend. OSU, SC, WVU & UM have yet to play. We don't know how they're all going to play this weekend or if they'll even win. The "pressure" is all on them.

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i reached my 'happy place' w.r.t. rankings/polls in 2004. if somenoe else's opinion can dictate my level of enjoyment of Auburn football (and the ever-increasing victories), then that's my fault.

we cannot control the polls, only what happens on the field. and we've been doing a pretty good job of that lately. :)


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I congradulate the coaching staff and entire Auburn football team on an excellent performance last night on the road in Columbia, SC.

War "Damn" Eagle!

That was an excellent performance.

Just keeping winning one game at a time.

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O N E at a time indeed.

Onward and upward. There are NO "style" points for SECOND place. WE WON! (On the ROAD in the SEC against one of the BEST coaches in AMERICA!)

It's over. Time to move on to the little piggies.


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I agree. And any of my posts and gripes are not because we didn't win with style, but almost didn't win period. I'm glad we pulled out the W, but we are going to struggle with Florida if we don't get this defense solved. And we need to be more productive on offense.

Florida!, Arkansas runs a similar offense, and they just learned alot more.

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I do think its a big positive that the young DBs are getting the experience, on the job, and we are winning. Ever piece of game film is an opportunity to get some coaching. A lot of young guys now have a few quarters on film, and now can work to get better.

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about impressing the pollsters right now. When did this become our obsession? On occasion, we are going to give up 17 points, maybe more. Our expectations are a little unreasonable. Check out AU's SEC record over the last three years. 11 other teams would love to have that record. I don't know if we are the #2 team in the country or the #12, but if we can keep winning, I'll try to manage a smile.


On that, Tex...you and I can definitely agree! :cheers:

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"...about impressing the pollsters right now. When did this become our obsession"?

About the time we decided a national championship in football would be nice. One game @ a time, yeah, yeah, we should be happy to walk away w/ a win while playing sloppy football, also correct. But, not caring about what somebody thinks who has your destiny in their hands (e.g. the idiot New England pollsters) is :no: That makes no sense at all. Unless we're happy w/ being the perennial runners-up of college ball forever, we should get SCREAMING mad when another team plays like crap and doesn't get slammed by somebody w/ a vote, while we get hammered in the media by pollsters when the same thing happens to us. And saying that doesn't happen to us regularly is like saying the Holocaust never happened, there's so much evidence it's hard to decide where to begin. I'm not asking for anything we haven't earned and being the ONLY Div. 1 team in college football HISTORY to go 13-0 and not even get a chance to PLAY for the national championship that year is one heck of a lesson on media manipulation. :au:

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I am not obsesses with the polls because if each part of the team does their best, tehn the polls will take care of themselves. CWM got a little lesson in "Don't grab the squirrel by the tail." He looks cute and all, but he will scratch your a$$ and good. I feel we were exposed from a defensive SCHEME standpoint. We know we have a very agressive defense if it used correctly. CWM is new at this and tends to be alittle conservative. If you are going to play with the big boys, you gotta go wide open. Take a few chances. Sometimes you might get burned. But, hell, we were playing consevative and still got burned. I'd much rather get burned by a QB as he is hitting the ground than one who only has a 3 man rush to worry about. It looked like Nall trying to call offensive plays. In the SEC, you cannot have a coaching breakdown. We almost had one against SC. Hopefully Tubs will give hand and have some input on how agressive the D should be from here on out.

Offense. Still vanilla. Got me worried that when the time comes, can we actually score quick and often. Gotta get some folks catching the ball downfield. That means we have to have receivers learn how to get open. We will see 8 in the box a lot. For a team to keep its place in the polls, it has to look solid. We did not look solid. We really looked confused on defense. Could be that SC does not lose any more games and we look like we were the lucky ones. I sure hope so.

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I don't give a damn about impressing the pollsters right now. When did this become our obsession? On occasion, we are going to give up 17 points, maybe more. Our expectations are a little unreasonable. Check out AU's SEC record over the last three years. 11 other teams would love to have that record. I don't know if we are the #2 team in the country or the #12, but if we can keep winning, I'll try to manage a smile.


Well said Tex!

I'll take any win, any day.

Same here!

There are a lot of teams that wish they were 5 - 0 at this point in the season (4 - 0 since most have not played this week.) TCU played last night and the nations longest winning streak came to an end. Texas, Notre Dame, Alabama & Tennessee, FSU, MIAMI & Nebraska all wish they were 5 & 0 right now.


5 = 0! Arkansas next on the schedule.

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about impressing the pollsters right now. When did this become our obsession? On occasion, we are going to give up 17 points, maybe more. Our expectations are a little unreasonable. Check out AU's SEC record over the last three years. 11 other teams would love to have that record. I don't know if we are the #2 team in the country or the #12, but if we can keep winning, I'll try to manage a smile.


What he said!


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