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A Tale of Two Idiots


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Sadly, in Tennessee, we have to choose between Republican Senate Candidate Corker and Democrat Ford.

In true Republican tradition, Corker is wealthy and will look out for his buds if elected. Otherwise he is of only dubious moral character - kind of a likeable guy.

The Democrat Ford is out of a family of Memphis politicians with a history of corruption and low moral values. This one has not been tainted directly with any such scandals that I'm aware of. However, the impression I get is that he is a little smarter than his kin - not necessarily of better character.

I expect I'll vote for Ford, because I would be an irresponsible American not to do what I can do to rid us of the control of the current administration. How great it would be to have a strong third party candidate to vote for. If it weren't for the mismanagement of government by the current administration, I could vote for Corker. Since I'm an American, I have to do what is best for my country.

Which idiot would you choose and why?

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Sadly, in Tennessee, we have to choose between Republican Senate Candidate Corker and Democrat Ford.

In true Republican tradition, Corker is wealthy and will look out for his buds if elected. Otherwise he is of only dubious moral character - kind of a likeable guy.

The Democrat Ford is out of a family of Memphis politicians with a history of corruption and low moral values. This one has not been tainted directly with any such scandals that I'm aware of. However, the impression I get is that he is a little smarter than his kin - not necessarily of better character.

I expect I'll vote for Ford, because I would be an irresponsible American not to do what I can do to rid us of the control of the current administration. How great it would be to have a strong third party candidate to vote for. If it weren't for the mismanagement of government by the current administration, I could vote for Corker. Since I'm an American, I have to do what is best for my country.

Which idiot would you choose and why?

Barring some last minute change of heart, I'm voting for Ford. From the things I've researched on him, I have no solid reason to paint him with the same brush of his stupid relatives. As he has said, you can't pick the family you're born into.

Basically, I don't trust Corker. He's consistently played fast and loose with the truth in this campaign, starting with some rather unfair attack ads on his opponents in the GOP primary. He's still trying to repair the damage done with the supporters of those other Republicans. Then he started in on Ford and was again the first to go negative and put ads out there that have little to nothing to do with the Senate race or competing ideas. Then in the debates I've seen, he doesn't seem to have anything of substance to say while Ford does.

While Ford isn't as pro-life as I would prefer, Corker's pro-life stance seems to be rather recent and smacks of political expediency. And Ford does have some practical ideas for reducing abortions, even signing on in support of the 95-10 Initiative from Democrats For Life and sponsored by Rep. Lincoln Davis (D-TN). He opposes partial birth abortion, late-term abortions (except to save the mother's life) and supports parental notification laws and prohibiting transportation of minors across state lines to obtain abortions without a parent's consent.

So I don't see it as a choice between two idiots. I see it as a decision of who to trust, who seems to have ideas and not just cut and paste ideology and who is willing to stand up to either party when he thinks they are wrong.

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I'm for a balanced budget.

I'm for a limited federal government.

I'm for maximum personal freedom and rights.

I'm for honest government.

I'm for taking care of our necessary interests and avoiding volunteering at any opportunity to be world policemen.

I'm for following the constitution. We can't have a "war" unless congress approves one. Citizens should have their Fourth Amendment Rights protected at all costs. Giving up freedom to ensure freedom doesn't pass the test for me.

I'm for ending illegal immigration.

Clearly, I cannot vote Republican. Unless I want to waste my vote in protest, I'm left with voting for a Democratic Congress.

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I'm for a balanced budget

I'm for smart, effective government.

I'm for honest, transparent government.

I'm pro-life, which I take to mean more than just making abortions illegal.

I'm for only using military force when absolutely necessary.

I'm for getting a grip on illegal immigration because I see the current situation as untenable from a national security standpoint.

I'm for kicking our dependency on foreign sources of energy. Why send billions of dollars to countries that hate our guts and undermine our interests? Invest heavily in alternative fuels...if Brazil can do it, why can't we?

I'm for small businesses, entreprenuers and the regular guy trying to make a living over large conglomerates and multinational corporations.

I think consolidation of the media is bad for democracy. Too much control of information in the hands of too few.

I think the FTC has abdicated its responsibility to protect competition. Capitalism doesn't work when there are fewer and fewer capitalists on the playing field.

I'll try to think of some others.

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