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UGA picked, not AU


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It boils down to this. Is it the government's cotton picking business?

Back to the lottery vote for a moment. I know for a fact the churches back in Pell City organized opposition to the lottery referendum and went so far as to offer rides to the polls to vote against it. The thing I find hypocritical about this is this same group of people get together every other month to organize "fellowship trips" over to Tunica and Philadelphia for a weekend of fun with the Indians. Go there sometime and count the number of church vans and busses parked in the parking lot. I guess salvation ends at the state line for some people.

Well, remember that several key Christian groups opposing the lottery were getting their funding from the Mississippi casinos. So they probably got a good deal on their trip out of gratitude.

Here's my thinking on that: It's perfectly okay and acceptable for churches to stake out a moral position. But when they begin abetting one side or another in a political contest, then they always become tainted. Because politics is a sleazy business, and the church becomes corrupt by extension.

Of course, the minister at my church said, "Personally, I don't do it. But there's no biblical prohibition against gambling. And they cast lots in Acts to see who would fill Judas's position as the 12th apostle."

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A serious suggestion...join your local AU Alumni Club.

The Atlanta Auburn Club sponsors some scholarships that send people from their area to the Plains.


You Can Help Us Send Metro Area Tigers to AU

The Atlanta Auburn Club is a nonprofit organization with 501©(3) status held by its

Roy B. Sewell Memorial Scholarship Fund. Every year charitable contributions made to this fund help the AAC finance scholarships for graduates of metro Atlanta high schools to attend Auburn University.

To help young Tigers get to Auburn, send your tax-deductible donation to AAC Treasurer Janet Mertz. You can e-mail her at treasurer@atlantaauburnclub.org. Please make your check out to the Roy B. Sewell Memorial Scholarship Fund.

More than 17,000 Auburn alumni call the metro Atlanta area home – a total second only to Lee County, Ala., home of Auburn University.

Here's a link to all the clubs in your area.



Most of the club scholarship winners are chosen by AU admissions. Your club sets certain criteria: could be grades, location, any combination. They find the candidate that best fits your criteria.

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Ok, that's just dumb.

The money would have gone to improve our 47th ranked education system, not the politician's wallets.

We all can tell that you are a youngun. If you told a over 35 person this about Alabama politics, they would die laughing. Alabama politicians are famous for draining the education funds for their own good( wallets in most cases). That si why AL is still at the bottom.

For those that believe that a lottery would improve all levels of education because of the extra money, how much do you send to your local school each month? I believe those that truly believe the schools need extra money, would send monthly donations. Just write a check to you local school, or pick one out across the state and just send them cash each month. The fact is that I believe most don't. We just want someone else to pay for it.

Now this is one of the dumbest ideas I have ever heard. Give more money to the very folks that have so much gubment administration that they can't even make it on what they have. Even though that number is above what most private schools charge. Laughable.

Yea and while we are talking about it. All you folks that send your kids to public schools need to cut me a check right now. I have no kids and do not get anything for the portion of my taxes that goes toward the school system.

Only if you own land or real property. Other than a special tax, no other taxes should be going to education.

Look at the situation at UGA for example. UGA is becoming the "Harvard of the South" as one has previously said on this board; the fact is applicantions to UGA has increased four or five fold since the lottery came online. So, UGA picks the cream of the crop to admit; and it ain't the poor black kids from College Park and LaGrange with "B" averages getting into UGA, it is the upper middle class kids from the "better" school districts with "B" average along with the higher ACT and SAT scores because their parents could pay for them to take the prep courses.

BTW..offical thread highjack

Total crap. Just like AU, all you have to be is an average minority student and you'll get in before the rich white folks. Why do you think every college in the south has a minority relations department?

The lottery here in GA helps fund more than just HOPE. PeachCare also falls under this. PeachCare has helped the children of many folks who cannot afford or choose not to have medical insurance. It also funds programs for pre-school age children to begin learning early.

And yes, I'm sure there are several companies that earn a nice penny on some of the programs.

But if my child has the opportunity to attend a college on HOPE or have me pay ten times the amount to send them to AU, it's HOPE baby.

I thought AL had a program that you could invest in so that it would pay a childs tuitin at any state school. Is that still around?

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My whole view on this...

One there are other ways to help out with scholarships... I wouldn't mind seeing welfare being much more controlled and giving it to those that REALLY need it and not those coming in and buy regular groceries with their welfare checks and buying lobster and alcohol with their own money... And using the saved money to help with education. Give some partial scholarships to those who keep up a certain GPA. Include trade schools in this. That will pretty much help many who are one welfare with an excuse that they don't have the money to get an education. And those that don't want to go to school or don't maintain the required GPA will just be out of luck. It is their fault for not keeping up with it... let them starve.

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My whole view on this...

One there are other ways to help out with scholarships... I wouldn't mind seeing welfare being much more controlled and giving it to those that REALLY need it and not those coming in and buy regular groceries with their welfare checks and buying lobster and alcohol with their own money... And using the saved money to help with education. Give some partial scholarships to those who keep up a certain GPA. Include trade schools in this. That will pretty much help many who are one welfare with an excuse that they don't have the money to get an education. And those that don't want to go to school or don't maintain the required GPA will just be out of luck. It is their fault for not keeping up with it... let them starve.

But who'll keep all dem chillins while dey is in skool?

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