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Colin Cowherd


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Its a little too soon man.

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Too soon for what? To call someone out on a insensitive and hate filled comment?

Apparently, the bodies of those dead students and teachers are jokes to Cowherd. I hope he's happy.

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Its a little early for political agendas.

I don't Cowherd ever had this in mind when he said that. Yeah, it was insensitive, but not as cold hearted as you make it out to be. Obviously you've been holding onto that bit for a while and holding a grudge against Cowherd. Let it go, WC, let it go.

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What was that again? Tornado bait? I don't hear much laughter anymore...

i think cowherd is a prick. He is always right and anyone who challenges him is an idiot, or lives in fantasy land. The fact that he has the nerve to chastise someone for using the term coona$$ and then refer to people of lower socioeconomic status as "tornado bait" is disgusting. He needs to witness the devastation first hand, maybe that would humble him. While some of you may think this is too soon I think ESPN needs to be flooded with emails about this subject in an effort to make him realize that his comments are extremely insensitive and least of all not funny. This is a horrible tragedy, it doesn't get much worse than school children dying in school.

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A political agenda? That's funny.

You obviously have a beef with Cowherd over his comments about Alabama. Political means motivated by one's personal partisan interests. Hence, political agenda. I thought his comments were tasteless and classless too, but now isn't the time to take up the charge using these poor kids and families as ammunition.

I've seen it happen to the bus crash victims here in Huntsville and nothing disgusts me more than people pushing their personal agenda through victims of a terrible tragedy. WC, yours isn't to the same degree, but if you had such a problem with it before, you could have harped on it before. But now, an tragedy has given a face and emotion to your cause. I like you and your postings (but not in that way :big: ) and I think you are above that.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

News flash, he's not "above that".

He's showing his true colors and they are those of a punk kid who thinks he has the solutions to everyone's problems.

I can't wait until he gets into the real world and has to answer for some decision he makes. He'll need to be wearing Depends when it hits the fan.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Too soon for what? To call someone out on a insensitive and hate filled comment?

Apparently, the bodies of those dead students and teachers are jokes to Cowherd. I hope he's happy.

Insensitive and hate filled? Grow the @#(%$@# up. Put on your panties. You're mad at Colin because he had the audacity to ridicule Saint Saban and the (un)Holy Crimpson Empire. Were it not for that affront on his part you wouldn't give a hoot in a holler about his comments. But since he did have the unmitigated gall to refuse to worship at the altar of Bahr, you're going to use a real-life tragedy to get your shots in. It's you who are insensitive and hate filled.

Gee, Colin didn't refer to schools as tornado bait. So you really have no point.

I've heard trailer parks referred to as "tornado magnets" all my life. I guess all those people who've done that should atone. I know several schools which have a tornado as their mascot. I guess they should quit being so hate filled and insensitive and change their mascot to a daisy. No, wait, some people have horrible allergies. How could they be so insensitive as to make a daisy their mascot?

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