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Trey Blackmon????


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Haven't seen his name in a while in anyone's posts, but does anyone have any update on where he is or what is going with his status with the team?

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This came off some of the pay boards so I cannot link it but it is said that he is back in class, with his problems behind him. According to the pay site he is up to 223lbs and is faster. I guess he has been working hard during his leave of absence.

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I just figured that if you were not enrolled in classes that you are not on the team. My misinformation! Thanks for posting your info! I guess he will just have to start at the bottom again and prove that all that crap is behind him.

Oh yeah and i misspelled his name...I meant Tray!

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I just figured that if you were not enrolled in classes that you are not on the team. My misinformation! Thanks for posting your info! I guess he will just have to start at the bottom again and prove that all that crap is behind him.

Oh yeah and i misspelled his name...I meant Tray!

My understanding is that he was never off the team. He has to make up some credits before Fall to be elligiable but I think he was somewhat ahead so that is not an anticipated problem. He will have some proving to do but his hiatus was of a purely personal nature.

Also, Here is how you spell his name. Spell Check

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well, he wasn't exactly off the team, but he wasn't with them in the spring. So he kinda was off the team because he wasn't practicing with them.

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Geez...the weekly thread asking about Tray Blackmon. How many more of these threads are we going to see before the upcoming football season?

I am not trying to be a jerk here, but it helps to scan the first few pages of the board before starting a new thread. Don't assume just because it is not on the first page that is is old news or it has never been posted. Recent news gets buried quick off the first page sometimes, especially when redundant threads are made. There was at least 4-5 threads in April about him, so guess we are getting an early start for May. :lol:

I'll get off my soapbox now and return you to your regular scheduled broadcast of AUNation. :big:

FYI...he was never off the team. His eligibility was in question for the upcoming season because of his grades. He was not with the team this spring because CTT wanted him to focus on school and nothing else. Hope that clears up some of the confusion.

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I don't believe Tray has been in school this semester...he went home to straighten out...he got back this week and is working construction on the new FOY until school lets out...then he picks it back up this summer...he is supposedly in good graces with CTT and isn't serving any type of susension

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223?? WOW sounds like he's had the same regiment as Stew did last year! :cheer: what was he last year,210??

210 is pretty generous... I'd say 200 is closer... if he's really 223 he's put on 25 lbs of muscle... incredible

Go Tray build our new Foy!... So metaphorical

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FWIW--I happened to be at an Auburn Club meeting last night where Coach Nall was speaking. In the midst of his thoughts about the offensive line, he brought up Tray out of the blue. Said he was back in Auburn everything was working out.

My quess is he knew that everyone was thinking, "What's the deal with Tray?"

So, he put us out of our misery. He also noted, "For someone to play six games and make All-SEC is amazing. He will make a tremendous difference for us."

Thought I'd share...

:au: War Eagle :au:

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How is that metaphorical?

You're not making any ****ing sense.

Tray Blackmon working on our new student union is a metaphor for him building up our student body through his play on the field.

If that was a rhetorical joke... I forgive for the literal explanation.

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How is that metaphorical?

You're not making any ****ing sense.

Tray Blackmon working on our new student union is a metaphor for him building up our student body through his play on the field.

If that was a rhetorical joke... I forgive for the literal explanation.

it didn't make any ****ing sense.

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FWIW--I happened to be at an Auburn Club meeting last night where Coach Nall was speaking. In the midst of his thoughts about the offensive line, he brought up Tray out of the blue. Said he was back in Auburn everything was working out.

My quess is he knew that everyone was thinking, "What's the deal with Tray?"

So, he put us out of our misery. He also noted, "For someone to play six games and make All-SEC is amazing. He will make a tremendous difference for us."

Thought I'd share...

:au: War Eagle :au:

Not to hijack, but what did Coach Nall have to say about the O line?

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Guest Tigrinum Major

How is that metaphorical?

You're not making any ****ing sense.

Tray Blackmon working on our new student union is a metaphor for him building up our student body through his play on the field.

If that was a rhetorical joke... I forgive for the literal explanation.

it didn't make any ****ing sense.

Fmnstr ****ing gets it.

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How is that metaphorical?

You're not making any ****ing sense.

Tray Blackmon working on our new student union is a metaphor for him building up our student body through his play on the field.

If that was a rhetorical joke... I forgive for the literal explanation.

it didn't make any ****ing sense.

I don't think he was enrolled and the since news on something like TB is always changing I'm glad AUyopp risked looking stupid by asking the question. I am glad TB is getting another chance and here is to TB making the most of it WDE....He has NFL written all over him if he can keep it together

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FWIW--I happened to be at an Auburn Club meeting last night where Coach Nall was speaking. In the midst of his thoughts about the offensive line, he brought up Tray out of the blue. Said he was back in Auburn everything was working out.

My quess is he knew that everyone was thinking, "What's the deal with Tray?"

So, he put us out of our misery. He also noted, "For someone to play six games and make All-SEC is amazing. He will make a tremendous difference for us."

Thought I'd share...

:au: War Eagle :au:

Not to hijack, but what did Coach Nall have to say about the O line?

Coach Nall was in full on 'coach-speak' during some of his O-line thoughts. He said several times, "I don't know how good we will be on the line, I really don't."

He went through the 1st teamers and commented that he felt good about them.

The most significant 'paragraph' was when he talked about the incoming freshmen. Best group he has ever seen. They have even started spenting time together, even going to Arkansas to spend time with Zimbia (hope I spelled that right.).

He pumped up Ben Tate.

Best line of the night was off the record...at least that is what he kept telling the local reporter who was sitting five feet away. Suffice it to say, Coach has an interesting take on the 92,000 at the red team's scrimmage. (or is it 92 million by now?? I lose track.)

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This came off some of the pay boards so I cannot link it but it is said that he is back in class, with his problems behind him. According to the pay site he is up to 223lbs and is faster. I guess he has been working hard during his leave of absence.

He should be good to crush a sternum or two this year...namely JPW's...that'd be flippin sweet.

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