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AU Spring Graduation

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Actually, three things bothered me. I was at (and in) the spring graduated this past Thursday and prior to receiving my degree here are the questions I have still yet to have answered:

Why was there no traditional graduation speaker?

Why did Richardson not wear the presidential medallion (it is supposed to be worn by the president presiding over every graduation)?

Why did Richardson cheapen my graduation with a commercial plug for his wife's book? At least I expected the AU Alum guy to ask for money, but come on!

Oh well, it's over now and I'm not planning on reenacting it! I'm taking my diploma and running!

I should also mention that even graduation at AU could not pass w/o the mention of Bear Bryant. :poke: I thought it was quite humorous...

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I was so hungover at my graduation that for all I know the president could have been naked and I wouldn't have noticed.

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At least you didn't have to sit through Alabama's graduation. Elton Stephens the founder of EBSCO (It was either Elton or one of his kids) was the speaker. He used it as an opportunity to speak out against the war and American foreign policy.

He got booed off the stage.

Regardless of your political stance, a graduation is not the time to air your opinion on something like that.

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At my graduation, spring 97, the engineers and business majors began throwing beach balls back and forth. President Muse paused during his speech and said, "Graduates, please hold on to your balls."

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I couldn't even tell you who our speaker was...'course, it was nearly 16 years ago now (summer '91).

Somebody next to me snuck in a bottle of champagne underneath his robe...about a half-dozen of us made paper cups out of the back of the program and polished it off pretty quickly.

My mother did not see that, but she did tell me later that if I had reached up and hit the beach ball that was making the rounds (it didn't get close to us in the back), she was going to yell my name as loudly as possible. That was no idle threat, believe me.

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At my graduation, spring 97, the engineers and business majors began throwing beach balls back and forth. President Muse paused during his speech and said, "Graduates, please hold on to your balls."

Ha Ha! That was my graduation as well. And yes, I was a business major, although I don't think I hit the beachball.

I think our speaker was Auburn grad and author Anne Rivers Siddons.

Hard to believe that was a decade ago!

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