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Anybody else notice that there are trends among fans of different teams? Just from reading this board, I think I can stereotype each fanbase.

1) Bama fans are extremely argumentative. They're quick to point out faults in others and are too stubborn to admit their own. They feel entitled to tell you how great they've been and how great they're going to be. They try to act like they're humble but portray the opposite. They don't think they're going to be as great as they were with the Bear but will quickly rise to the powerhouse ranks of today.

2) Auburn fans are rather content and confident. We, I'm sorry, they are very settled in with winning 10 games a year. Because of that, they can carry a bit of a "cocky" swagger and get away with it. They'll argue a good deal on this forum but understand that because of what has happened on the field over the last three seasons, they don't have to prove anything on this board. This causes potentially great posts to turn into comedy events.

3) LSU fans are just plain weird. Do we have any intelligent LSU fans on this board? How many times am I going to check the rival forum and see a post about how LSU won the softball championship? Or listen to their fight song? They seem, at least from recent posts, to be completely enamorated with themselves. They don't understand the concept of rivalry because they don't have a real rival. Therefore, they think everybody cares about what's going on at LSU.

4) We only have one Georgia fan, I believe, and he seems to be one of the more reasonable members on this board. I think this comes from years of persecution and oppression delivered by Florida. They're capable of having a civil conversation about their team without jumping to the conclusion, "We're going to be the best team next year!"

5) Nebraska fans enjoy joining other teams' forums and josh a little. The smack talk never turns into anything hostile and the mood is usually merry. Although their visit was short lived, it was a memorable experience.

Man, summer vacation is boring.

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One could consider me quite argumentative. Though I don't know that I represent my fanbase as a whole. Also, AU fans here would have to be equally as argumentative, otherwise I would just be arguing with myself.

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I'm really not that argumentative. I can be when I think something is inaccurate. Yet, who isn't? I don't think I'll be spending every New Year's Eve in New Orleans with Saban, but expect the program to take a great leap forward.

I'm very objective. I'll bash AU and UA when I see fit, and praise them just the same.

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Also, AU fans here would have to be equally as argumentative, otherwise I would just be arguing with myself.

No you wouldn't. :poke:

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4) We only have one Georgia fan, I believe, and he seems to be one of the more reasonable members on this board. I think this comes from years of persecution and oppression delivered by Florida.

Yo mama

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Of course, remember the population sample here is only those who choose to participate in this board, so it may not be indicative of the fans as a whole.

In particular, I would imagine anyone that goes on their rival's board to post is likely to have a bit of a "competitive" personality to his/her posts than the average fan may lack. To seek out a little back-n-forth with your rivals on their board indicates a certain ability to enjoy a spirited debate, IMO. ...Not that there's anything wrong with that: I enjoy a good debate myself.

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Of course, remember the population sample here is only those who choose to participate in this board, so it may not be indicative of the fans as a whole.

In particular, I would imagine anyone that goes on their rival's board to post is likely to have a bit of a "competitive" personality to his/her posts than the average fan may lack. To seek out a little back-n-forth with your rivals on their board indicates a certain ability to enjoy a spirited debate, IMO. ...Not that there's anything wrong with that: I enjoy a good debate myself.

Yeah I understand that. I wasn't serious at all with this post. For the past few days, I've honestly been doing nothing but playing NCAA 2007 and checking this forum. I'm extremely bored. I really don't remember writing this post and definitely don't know what I was thinking at the time.

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:au: talks about their swim team every once in a while.

:ua: talks about their gymnastics team sometimes.

I posted about LSU winning 2 sec championships in 1 weekend. I'm not sure why my topic is so much more different than an AU fan posting something about a non-football related topic. Especially when I put it on the Rivals Board. No harm in that. The band topic was alittle strang, but LSU traditionally has a VERY good band and has won the Sudlers trophy a few times in the past. They've also been voted #1 in the SEC quite a few times in the past few years. Hell, I can't tell you if AU's band is good because I couldn't hear them at Joradan -Hare Stadium. I know it's a bit off-topic, but why do you guys play that dang music so loud on 3rd down?

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Just an FYI, enamorated is not a word. Enamored is. I believe that's the one you're looking for.

LSU fans are strange. I've got a buddy at work who's an LSU grad and one of his friends, who happens to be a lawyer, sends him at least 5 emails a day of photoshopped pics that are football(mostly SEC) related. Some are pretty funny, but some I look at and just say - What the f.......

The moral of that story - become a lawyer so you can sit around and play with photoshop all day.

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Anybody else notice that there are trends among fans of different teams? Just from reading this board, I think I can stereotype each fanbase.

1) Bama fans are extremely argumentative. They're quick to point out faults in others and are too stubborn to admit their own. They feel entitled to tell you how great they've been and how great they're going to be. They try to act like they're humble but portray the opposite. They don't think they're going to be as great as they were with the Bear but will quickly rise to the powerhouse ranks of today.

2) Auburn fans are rather content and confident. We, I'm sorry, they are very settled in with winning 10 games a year. Because of that, they can carry a bit of a "cocky" swagger and get away with it. They'll argue a good deal on this forum but understand that because of what has happened on the field over the last three seasons, they don't have to prove anything on this board. This causes potentially great posts to turn into comedy events.

3) LSU fans are just plain weird. Do we have any intelligent LSU fans on this board? How many times am I going to check the rival forum and see a post about how LSU won the softball championship? Or listen to their fight song? They seem, at least from recent posts, to be completely enamorated with themselves. They don't understand the concept of rivalry because they don't have a real rival. Therefore, they think everybody cares about what's going on at LSU.

4) We only have one Georgia fan, I believe, and he seems to be one of the more reasonable members on this board. I think this comes from years of persecution and oppression delivered by Florida. They're capable of having a civil conversation about their team without jumping to the conclusion, "We're going to be the best team next year!"

5) Nebraska fans enjoy joining other teams' forums and josh a little. The smack talk never turns into anything hostile and the mood is usually merry. Although their visit was short lived, it was a memorable experience.

Man, summer vacation is boring.

Our rival posters as a whole have to be some of the best around, with the exception of bammer perry and the obnoxious Husky fan (Naughty by Nature). Has anyone figured out why he comes on here trashing AU and the rest of the SEC?

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Anybody else notice that there are trends among fans of different teams? Just from reading this board, I think I can stereotype each fanbase.

1) Bama fans are extremely argumentative. They're quick to point out faults in others and are too stubborn to admit their own. They feel entitled to tell you how great they've been and how great they're going to be. They try to act like they're humble but portray the opposite. They don't think they're going to be as great as they were with the Bear but will quickly rise to the powerhouse ranks of today.

2) Auburn fans are rather content and confident. We, I'm sorry, they are very settled in with winning 10 games a year. Because of that, they can carry a bit of a "cocky" swagger and get away with it. They'll argue a good deal on this forum but understand that because of what has happened on the field over the last three seasons, they don't have to prove anything on this board. This causes potentially great posts to turn into comedy events.

3) LSU fans are just plain weird. Do we have any intelligent LSU fans on this board? How many times am I going to check the rival forum and see a post about how LSU won the softball championship? Or listen to their fight song? They seem, at least from recent posts, to be completely enamorated with themselves. They don't understand the concept of rivalry because they don't have a real rival. Therefore, they think everybody cares about what's going on at LSU.

4) We only have one Georgia fan, I believe, and he seems to be one of the more reasonable members on this board. I think this comes from years of persecution and oppression delivered by Florida. They're capable of having a civil conversation about their team without jumping to the conclusion, "We're going to be the best team next year!"

5) Nebraska fans enjoy joining other teams' forums and josh a little. The smack talk never turns into anything hostile and the mood is usually merry. Although their visit was short lived, it was a memorable experience.

Man, summer vacation is boring.

Our rival posters as a whole have to be some of the best around, with the exception of bammer perry and the obnoxious Husky fan (Naughty by Nature). Has anyone figured out why he comes on here trashing AU and the rest of the SEC?

I'm one of the biggest softball fans in the LSU forum.......never thought, growing up, there would be any chance of that but having daughters changed that. Furthermore, in meeting/getting to know some of our softball players, it does bind you to their games. Kinda like when someone goes to a concert and runs out to buy the band's CD I guess.

We have some AU posters in the Den who are great and represent your fanbase well.

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One could consider me quite argumentative. Though I don't know that I represent my fanbase as a whole. Also, AU fans here would have to be equally as argumentative, otherwise I would just be arguing with myself.

No...I must say, BG, you don't represent your fan base...as a hole. :)


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:au: talks about their swim team every once in a while.

:ua: talks about their gymnastics team sometimes.

I posted about LSU winning 2 sec championships in 1 weekend. I'm not sure why my topic is so much more different than an AU fan posting something about a non-football related topic. Especially when I put it on the Rivals Board. No harm in that. The band topic was alittle strang, but LSU traditionally has a VERY good band and has won the Sudlers trophy a few times in the past. They've also been voted #1 in the SEC quite a few times in the past few years. Hell, I can't tell you if AU's band is good because I couldn't hear them at Joradan -Hare Stadium. I know it's a bit off-topic, but why do you guys play that dang music so loud on 3rd down?

UHHHHH...because it's an AUBURN BOARD!!!??? <_<


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I'll give a fan of another team's perspective.

1.) LSU fans: LSU fans are very passionate. This passion is expressed very very loudly and frequently. Many people misread it as arrogance or being a jerk. Contrary to popular belief, we do not think we are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Words that have been used to describe LSU fans are psycho, crazy, weird and down right odd. As an LSU fan, I'd say these are very accurate. But hey, we love our team.

2.) Auburn fans: Auburn fans have a deep love for their team. They are proud to be Auburn Tigers. For the most part Auburn fans don't express their love or passion as loudly as LSU fans do. Another dominating charactiristic is their deep deep hatred of all things Bama. I have noticed that Auburn fans tend to compare everything they do to Bama. Not trying to flame, but you guys seem to feel like you will alwas be in Bama's shadow. Even if that is the truth, you have beatin them 5 times in a row. You own Alabama, so don't worry about Bama's past success.

3.) Alabama fans: Bama fans are also very passionate about their team. They feel like it is their right to be dominant. The fact that they are no longer dominant is killing them inside. I have not seen much flaming from Bama fans directed to LSU or Auburn fans these days. It is usually the other way around. Bama fans constantly talk about their past success. It is like they are trying to relive it.

None of this post was meant to flame anyone. I am aware that some people reading this will take it as an attack and begin to flame. My response to that is to stop being so sensitive. All this is, is my observation of the 3 fan bases.

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I'll give a fan of another team's perspective.

1.) LSU fans: LSU fans are very passionate. This passion is expressed very very loudly and frequently. Many people misread it as arrogance or being a jerk. Contrary to popular belief, we do not think we are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Words that have been used to describe LSU fans are psycho, crazy, weird and down right odd. As an LSU fan, I'd say these are very accurate. But hey, we love our team.

2.) Auburn fans: Auburn fans have a deep love for their team. They are proud to be Auburn Tigers. For the most part Auburn fans don't express their love or passion as loudly as LSU fans do. Another dominating charactiristic is their deep deep hatred of all things Bama. I have noticed that Auburn fans tend to compare everything they do to Bama. Not trying to flame, but you guys seem to feel like you will alwas be in Bama's shadow. Even if that is the truth, you have beatin them 5 times in a row. You own Alabama, so don't worry about Bama's past success.

3.) Alabama fans: Bama fans are also very passionate about their team. They feel like it is their right to be dominant. The fact that they are no longer dominant is killing them inside. I have not seen much flaming from Bama fans directed to LSU or Auburn fans these days. It is usually the other way around. Bama fans constantly talk about their past success. It is like they are trying to relive it.

None of this post was meant to flame anyone. I am aware that some people reading this will take it as an attack and begin to flame. My response to that is to stop being so sensitive. All this is, is my observation of the 3 fan bases.

Pretty good non-offensive summation. I would note, completely in the non-flaming spirit in which your post was intended, that you LSU fans have a segment of your fanbase that exceeds "passionate...psycho, crazy, weird and down right odd" and moves into the "scary" and "dangerous" category. Every team has its extremists, but you Bayou Bengals seem to have the lion's share of this particular breed of fan.

Why do you suppose that is? Do we non-bayou folk not understand passion for football? Do we demand a little more restraint in public?

Honest, non-flame, inquiry.

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I'll give a fan of another team's perspective.

1.) LSU fans: LSU fans are very passionate. This passion is expressed very very loudly and frequently. Many people misread it as arrogance or being a jerk. Contrary to popular belief, we do not think we are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Words that have been used to describe LSU fans are psycho, crazy, weird and down right odd. As an LSU fan, I'd say these are very accurate. But hey, we love our team.

2.) Auburn fans: Auburn fans have a deep love for their team. They are proud to be Auburn Tigers. For the most part Auburn fans don't express their love or passion as loudly as LSU fans do. Another dominating charactiristic is their deep deep hatred of all things Bama. I have noticed that Auburn fans tend to compare everything they do to Bama. Not trying to flame, but you guys seem to feel like you will alwas be in Bama's shadow. Even if that is the truth, you have beatin them 5 times in a row. You own Alabama, so don't worry about Bama's past success.

3.) Alabama fans: Bama fans are also very passionate about their team. They feel like it is their right to be dominant. The fact that they are no longer dominant is killing them inside. I have not seen much flaming from Bama fans directed to LSU or Auburn fans these days. It is usually the other way around. Bama fans constantly talk about their past success. It is like they are trying to relive it.

None of this post was meant to flame anyone. I am aware that some people reading this will take it as an attack and begin to flame. My response to that is to stop being so sensitive. All this is, is my observation of the 3 fan bases.

Pretty good non-offensive summation. I would note, completely in the non-flaming spirit in which your post was intended, that you LSU fans have a segment of your fanbase that exceeds "passionate...psycho, crazy, weird and down right odd" and moves into the "scary" and "dangerous" category. Every team has its extremists, but you Bayou Bengals seem to have the lion's share of this particular breed of fan.

Why do you suppose that is? Do we non-bayou folk not understand passion for football? Do we demand a little more restraint in public?

Honest, non-flame, inquiry.

Yes we do have a portion of our fan base that maybe should consider mental help. Part of the reasoning for that may be that LSU is pretty much the only show in this state with regards to college football. So what you basically have is an entire state of people all cheering for the same team. Another reasoning would be the fact that LSU fans may consume more alchohol than any other fanbase out there. Don't forget that party city is just 75 miles to the south. The same people who go nuts at Mardi Gras are the ones going nuts in Tiger Stadium. Maybe Louisiana is just full of party animals and crazy people.

Another thing I just thought of, you have to understand something that went on several years ago. After competing for SEC titles in basically every decade of the conference's history, LSU had a big drop off in the 90's. In 1992 it hit an all time low when we finished 2-9. The 1990's were by far the worst decade in LSU history. Then in 2000 we started this current run of success. Maybe being down for a decade and then finally raising to among the elite in college football has caused an even greater stir in our already rabid fanbase.

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1.) LSU fans: LSU fans are very passionate. This passion is expressed very very loudly and frequently. Many people misread it as arrogance or being a jerk.

It isn't mis-read when you are the only school that has had to have their AD send out three letters of apology to the other teams coaches/fans for inappropriate behavior in the last few years alone....such as AU in '01, UGA in '03 or the latest one from 2005


AD Skip Bertman apologized to the Tennessee AD, president, and fans for the rowdy behavior before & after the LSU football game.

LSU fans rocked the Tennessee team bus and threw beer bottles, cracking four windows. LSU police had to intervene to lead the buses out of harms way.

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Well as far as the 2001 LSU/Auburn game goes, when the opposing PLAYERS display a classless act like stomping on your midfield logo before the game, and not having their head coach stop them...what do you expect from the home fans?

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Well as far as the 2001 LSU/Auburn game goes, when the opposing PLAYERS display a classless act like stomping on your midfield logo before the game, and not having their head coach stop them...what do you expect from the home fans?

I love it...trying to justify the actions. Only makes you and your fans look even worse.

Keep it up. Only makes my argument look better.

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Our rival posters as a whole have to be some of the best around, with the exception of bammer perry and the obnoxious Husky fan (Naughty by Nature). Has anyone figured out why he comes on here trashing AU and the rest of the SEC?

That's Perfect by Nature, and I actually rarely have anything bad to say about the SEC. The AU fanbase's tendency to relate everything to Alabama used to really annoy me, but I've gotten over that (or at least gotten over responding to that), and I can't think of much else bad I've had to say about AU.

Auburn fans are different from the other SEC fans I've experienced, and I'm only just now learning how to converse with you guys.

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Well as far as the 2001 LSU/Auburn game goes, when the opposing PLAYERS display a classless act like stomping on your midfield logo before the game, and not having their head coach stop them...what do you expect from the home fans?

Tell me... what happened the next year? I recall the same thing happening with LSU in Jordan-Hare.

Want to talk classless? Don't get it started. There's quite the list.

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The band topic was a little strang, but LSU traditionally has a good band and has won the Sudlers trophy a few times in the past.

No argument that LSU’s band is very good, but just as a point of clarification a band can only win it once. LSU did it in 2002.

Past Winners

Either way, they always have a very good band.

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