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Fred Thompson


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Who polls 2nd when they're not even in the race? Fred Thompson. It's amazing.

McCain is out of it thanks to electing to carry George Bush's baby. Romney is too slick for them. And, Rudy's entirely too liberal for the present day GOP. Fred Thompson WILL be the Republican nominee and will likely get my vote in the general election.


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According to poll numbers right now, even conservative Republicans are willing to look past Rudy's different view because of his proven leadership ability and toughness.

Fred Thompson? I don't think so. I think he's a last ditch hairball being coughed up by the remaining Bush supporters. He has no legs. People just know him as the DA on Law and Order.

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According to poll numbers right now, even conservative Republicans are willing to look past Rudy's different view because of his proven leadership ability and toughness.

Fred Thompson? I don't think so. I think he's a last ditch hairball being coughed up by the remaining Bush supporters. He has no legs. People just know him as the DA on Law and Order.

On the contrary - I support Fred Thompson not because he is like Bush (either one) but because he is like Reagan. Thompson is a Reagan conservative, and that is why I like him. He says what he thinks and I agree with 99% of it. (read the Fred Thompson Report and you will see what I mean.) He also has a hell of a resume beyond Law and Order - born in Sheffield, Alabama, by the way, a JD from Vandy, US Assnt attorney in Tennessee, co-chief counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee, business lobbyist, and US Senator from Tennessee (he filled Al Gore's seat and then was re-elected in his own right).

Being an actor didn't hurt Reagan...

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According to poll numbers right now, even conservative Republicans are willing to look past Rudy's different view because of his proven leadership ability and toughness.

Fred Thompson? I don't think so. I think he's a last ditch hairball being coughed up by the remaining Bush supporters. He has no legs. People just know him as the DA on Law and Order.

On the contrary - I support Fred Thompson not because he is like Bush (either one) but because he is like Reagan. Thompson is a Reagan conservative, and that is why I like him. He says what he thinks and I agree with 99% of it. (read the Fred Thompson Report and you will see what I mean.) He also has a hell of a resume beyond Law and Order - born in Sheffield, Alabama, by the way, a JD from Vandy, US Assnt attorney in Tennessee, co-chief counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee, business lobbyist, and US Senator from Tennessee (he filled Al Gore's seat and then was re-elected in his own right).

Being an actor didn't hurt Reagan...

He's no Reagan. The "base" may eat this kinda stuff up:

But Reagan would have never done that. He would have dismissed Moore with a pithy one-liner and been done with him.

Smoke 'em if you got'em, kids!

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For all the positives I have for the guy, I still have to rationale away his support for The McCain / Feingold Campaign Reform Act Bill.


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For all the positives I have for the guy, I still have to rationale away his support for The McCain / Feingold Campaign Reform Act Bill.


He's got my vote! I would recommend everyone to read up on his background his views. He beats the hell out of all of the alternatives.

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For all the positives I have for the guy, I still have to rationale away his support for The McCain / Feingold Campaign Reform Act Bill.


He's got my vote! I would recommend everyone to read up on his background his views. He beats the hell out of all of the alternatives.

Oh, I agree. I especially like his very frank and straight forward views on illegal imigration. I've heard some of his comments from his Paul Harvey stand ins. Very impressive. But it's not like there aren't any other good choices either. I'm still likin' Mit Romney....maybe as VP ? Hell, I'd even take Giuliani over any of the Dems.

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For all the positives I have for the guy, I still have to rationale away his support for The McCain / Feingold Campaign Reform Act Bill.


He's got my vote! I would recommend everyone to read up on his background his views. He beats the hell out of all of the alternatives.

Oh, I agree. I especially like his very frank and straight forward views on illegal imigration. I've heard some of his comments from his Paul Harvey stand ins. Very impressive. But it's not like there aren't any other good choices either. I'm still likin' Mit Romney....maybe as VP ? Hell, I'd even take Giuliani over any of the Dems.

On an issue that strongly divides Republicans -- illegal immigration -- Thompson has staked out a position against the current Senate bill that would provide a path for citizenship for the 12 million illegal immigrants already here, create a temporary worker program and stiffen penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants.

He even used his spot as a guest host on the Paul Harvey radio program to voice opposition.

However, in the Senate, Thompson voted in 1998 for a bill that established a temporary farm worker program, similar to the guest worker program supported by Bush.

John Vinson, president of American Immigration Control, said no candidate is perfect but believes there are reasons to oppose Thompson.

"I'm happy he condemned the bill in the Senate," Vinson told Cybercast News Service. "But I'm bothered he doesn't seem to think we should encourage them to go back."


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Maybe Fred's come around to see that the elites in both parties have it wrong, and that the country can no longer allow for a border which leaks so bad when national security is such a priority.

GOP elites - Want illegals seen, but not heard. These folks want cheap labor and essentially want to keep things as they are. They'll trade secruity and allowing all manner of bad apples into the country to keep costs down.

DNC elites - Want illegals heard, but not seen. Or mabye seen too, but either way, the elites of the DNC have no problems with allowing illegals the right to vote. Give illegals a voice in OUR Gov't, and they can get paid off w/ Federal handouts. A perfect quid pro quo that the Dems have enjoyed w/ lower income blacks for decades. Many elites are willing to even pi$$ off the labor unions , for the short time, in favor for allowing cheap labor into the country. The promise will be that these illegal workers will soon unionize, and demand higher wages , beneifts, etc, that ultimately will benefit all involved, except the prosperity of the nation.

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Maybe Fred's come around to see that the elites in both parties have it wrong, and that the country can no longer allow for a border which leaks so bad when national security is such a priority.

I think he's come around to see the issue is a loser in the Republican primary.

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I liked his reply to Michael Moores trip to Cuba. It was funny, usually Republicans are the butt of the joke, nice to be on the other side.

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I liked his reply to Michael Moores trip to Cuba. It was funny, usually Republicans are the butt of the joke, nice to be on the other side.

It was funny. The base loves it. But he's not the next Reagan. Reagan wouldn't have done it.

And for all his controversy, Moore did call Thompson on his hypocrisy. Thompson cockily embraced his hypocrisy in the video. Republicans eat it up. Most Republicans aren't bothered by hypocrisy, unless they perceive it in someone they don't like.

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According to poll numbers right now, even conservative Republicans are willing to look past Rudy's different view because of his proven leadership ability and toughness.

Fred Thompson? I don't think so. I think he's a last ditch hairball being coughed up by the remaining Bush supporters. He has no legs. People just know him as the DA on Law and Order.

On the contrary - I support Fred Thompson not because he is like Bush (either one) but because he is like Reagan. Thompson is a Reagan conservative, and that is why I like him. He says what he thinks and I agree with 99% of it. (read the Fred Thompson Report and you will see what I mean.) He also has a hell of a resume beyond Law and Order - born in Sheffield, Alabama, by the way, a JD from Vandy, US Assnt attorney in Tennessee, co-chief counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee, business lobbyist, and US Senator from Tennessee (he filled Al Gore's seat and then was re-elected in his own right).

Being an actor didn't hurt Reagan...

Sheffield? I may know his family...

For me, it is either Fred, or Guiliani. I do not see a Dem I am even remotely considering at this moment. Shocking, I know. ;)

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Maybe Fred's come around to see that the elites in both parties have it wrong, and that the country can no longer allow for a border which leaks so bad when national security is such a priority.

I think he's come around to see the issue is a loser in the Republican primary.

How so ? Seems to me that it's a very legitimate issue that has the entire base extremely motivated and involved.

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Maybe Fred's come around to see that the elites in both parties have it wrong, and that the country can no longer allow for a border which leaks so bad when national security is such a priority.

I think he's come around to see the issue is a loser in the Republican primary.

How so ? Seems to me that it's a very legitimate issue that has the entire base extremely motivated and involved.

The issue he once supported is now a loser.

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I have been leaning towards Fred Thompson, but still not sure. What may put me over the top is how much Texas Tiger does not want him to be the nominee. I think they (dems) may fear him.

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The true gauge of how much fear they have will be how many hit pieces get printed by the MSM after he officially declares.

For the record, I think they are scared of him. Thompson and Guilliani.

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Dear Fred Thompson,

Are you going to run for president or not? You should just make up your mind. Being indecisive is never a good thing.


Billy Donovan

Nick Saban

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Maybe Fred's come around to see that the elites in both parties have it wrong, and that the country can no longer allow for a border which leaks so bad when national security is such a priority.

I think he's come around to see the issue is a loser in the Republican primary.

How so ? Seems to me that it's a very legitimate issue that has the entire base extremely motivated and involved.

The issue he once supported is now a loser.

Could you elaborate more on the topic than simply saying " the issue is now a loser " ? What's the down side of wanting secure borders ? I think most Americans would agree on that much.

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Maybe Fred's come around to see that the elites in both parties have it wrong, and that the country can no longer allow for a border which leaks so bad when national security is such a priority.

I think he's come around to see the issue is a loser in the Republican primary.

How so ? Seems to me that it's a very legitimate issue that has the entire base extremely motivated and involved.

The issue he once supported is now a loser.

Could you elaborate more on the topic than simply saying " the issue is now a loser " ? What's the down side of wanting secure borders ? I think most Americans would agree on that much.

This is the issue he once supported which is now not popular:

However, in the Senate, Thompson voted in 1998 for a bill that established a temporary farm worker program, similar to the guest worker program supported by Bush.

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I have been leaning towards Fred Thompson, but still not sure. What may put me over the top is how much Texas Tiger does not want him to be the nominee. I think they (dems) may fear him.

I don't really care who they nominate. I just think it's sadly amusing the way Republicans look for the next Reagan. Reagan is to Republicans what Bear is to Bama fans. You guys laugh at the Bammers for doing what you do with Reagan. He's dead folks. And if he were alive and running, he'd be skewered for granting amnesty to illegal aliens in 1986 and for cuttin' and runnin' in Lebanon and negotiating with terrorists. B)

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I think the issue of illegal immigration is far larger than any farm worker bill that was on the table 8 yrs ago or so. Much larger.

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