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Want to See Nick Saban Get Absolutely Shredded?

DKW 86

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Let me go ahead and get all the bammer replies to this out of the way:

"but he didn't lie...he did the same thing that every other coach has done"

"pine box"

"He did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky"

"He is not a crook"

"If the glove does not fit, you must aquit"

The writer called Tuscaloosa a "cow town". :roflol:

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Awesome stuff! I'd say this guy just ate Nick's lunch!

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Do I have to pull up all the "whaa-whaaas" about Tommy Tubberville's "Fear the Thumb" T-shirts? About how they hate Auburn fans blasting them for a five-game losing streak?

You want Auburn to shut up? Beat them.

And as far as "crying you a river," Alabama FanHouse--even though you now have a good coach--I believe it is you who had better get the tissue ready for when your Crimson Tide gets pounded into submission by Auburn and LSU.


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Want to See Nick Saban Get Absolutely Shredded?

OK, I told myself I'd make one Nick Saban post and then move on. After all, this is Dolphins FanHouse. Not Lets-Bash-Saban FanHouse.

That was until I stumbled on to this. This simply cannot be ignored.

Click here to see little Nicky get absolutely CRUSHED.

Dan LeBatard, senior writer at the Miami Herald, absolutely laid the wood on the Nick Saban "error." LeBatard calls Saban a greasy, slimy loser and a weasel.

The write-up is absolutely worth reading every word. LeBatard smacks Saban harder than any other South Florida media member, and not surprisingly so.

Also, in another not-so-surprising move, the University of Alabama FanHouse ridiculed other writers for displaying their opinion of Saban's manipulative and condescending exodus to the cow town of Tuscaloosa .

Alabama FanHouse told Yours Truly to, "cry him a river" after they read my "He Really Did It. Saban Left" blog.

First of all, Alabama fans telling other fans not to cry is like Jenna Jameson telling other people not to have sex.

Do I have to pull up all the "whaa-whaaas" about Tommy Tubberville's "Fear the Thumb" T-shirts? About how they hate Auburn fans blasting them for a five-game losing streak?

You want Auburn to shut up? Beat them.

What about their feud with Tennessee's Philip Fulmer? Man there was some serious moaning from that episode.

Bama fans now think they sit on the pedestal of college football because they just hired a very good coach. And Nick Saban is just that. A very good college coach.

You see, Alabama FanHouse's problem is they are so blinded by their euphoria of hiring Saban that they cannot logically see just how conniving and disrespectful Saban's way of handling the situation really was.

"Saban had no ties to Miami."

What? He was the Miami Dolphins.

He didn't let another soul even think about having a say in who the team signed as a free agent, who they drafted or who they hired to the coaching staff. Saban was a total control freak in every sense of the word.

He didn't even let assistant coaches speak to the media. Dolphins fans heard what Mike Mularkey and Dom Caper's voices sound like for the first time in the days following Saban's leaving.

Saban absolutely made every tie to Miami because he was the only one who controlled the strings.

And yes, Alabama FanHouse, he should have been loyal because he signed a five-year contract. Either Alabama fans don't know what a contract is or they can't count, because Saban only honored two of those years.

Do you know how Nick Saban said "good-bye" to the players on the Miami Dolphins?

By e-mail. By freaking e-mail.

The very players he preached honor, integrity and honesty to, he ditched in a heartbeat and let them know by an electronic message.

Alabama fans, you had better hope beyond all hopes that college recruits considering going to Alabama don't read about the way Saban handled the Miami-to-Alabama situation.

Because they'll be able to see right through his old, tired played-out speech of "honesty and character." As Saban is preaching this in high school athletes' homes and in front of their parents, it will be hypocrisy of the highest form.

And as far as "crying you a river," Alabama FanHouse--even though you now have a good coach--I believe it is you who had better get the tissue ready for when your Crimson Tide gets pounded into submission by Auburn and LSU.

Same link as above

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I believe what Chad was referring to was this link in the article:

Click here to see little Nicky get absolutely CRUSHED.

I got the same thing when i clicked on it.

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The writer above is pretty much spot on.

If I was a Bama fan, I would be excited about Saban but I wouldn't be arguing to Dolphin fans about it.

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The writer above is pretty much spot on.

If I was a Bama fan, I would be excited about Saban but I wouldn't be arguing to Dolphin fans about it.

Yes, but this was the same group talking smack to South Carolina and West Virginia fans.

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