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Vandals attack man's Hummer and leave note.


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Vandals Attack Man's Hummer, Leave Note

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

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(07-18) 20:03 PDT WASHINGTON (AP) --

When Gareth Groves brought home his massive new Hummer, he knew his environmentally friendly neighbors disapproved. But he didn't expect what happened next. The sport utility vehicle was parked for five days on the street before two masked men smashed the windows, slashed the tires and scratched into the body: "FOR THE ENVIRON."

"The thought of somebody vandalizing it never crossed my mind," said Gareth Groves, who lives near American University in Northwest Washington. "I've kind of been in shock."

Police said they see small acts of vandalism in the area from time to time, but they have not seen anything so severe, or with such a clear political message, in recent years.

"This seems to be an isolated event," Cmdr. Andy Solberg said.

Investigators said they are searching for the vandals but don't have many leads. Witnesses said they saw two men smash up the seven-foot-tall SUV early Monday and then run off.

Now, as Groves contemplates what to do with the remains of his $38,000 Hummer, he has had to deal with a number of people who have driven by the crime scene and glared at him in smug satisfaction.

"I'd say one in five people who come by have that 'you-got-what-you-deserve' look," said his friend Andy Sexton.

Neighbor Lucille Liem, who owns a Prius hybrid, said that a common sentiment in the neighborhood is that large vehicles such as the Hummer are impractical and a strain on the Earth.

"The neighborhood in general is very concerned with the environment," said Liem, whose Prius gets about 48 miles a gallon compared with the Hummer's 14 miles a gallon. "It's more liberal leaning. It's ridiculous to be driving a Hummer."

Liem quickly added that she does not condone violence.


Information from: The Washington Post,


I would buy a Dully next with 44"superswampers with a lift package and a big winch. That would really tick them off.

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Serves him right.

I'm just kidding. Although I do admit to rolling my eyes when I meet someone who drives a Hummer or some other beast mainly to go back and forth to work and they have maybe one kid if any. I wouldn't prevent them from getting one, I just think it's stupid.

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Serves him right.

I'm just kidding. Although I do admit to rolling my eyes when I meet someone who drives a Hummer or some other beast mainly to go back and forth to work and they have maybe one kid if any. I wouldn't prevent them from getting one, I just think it's stupid.

Well, he did leave it in the street. That could get a Prius bashed in some places.

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They have a point in the video if they're trying to show the morality of radical liberals. That was absurd.

You don't have to be a Freudian to know that a Hummer is just another Penile Inadequacy Compensation Device.

So is an M3. Should people get spit on for driving those too?

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Nah, just snickered at a little.

I think snickered at is the appropriate term. The video was just for fun.

BTW, the guy I know that drives a 1 ton Ford duelie deisel is also the biggest nerd I could name, real poindexter type. Govt employee, AF retiree, etc. Great guy, you get the idea.

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Maybe, just maybe, they do have a point...


You don't have to be a Freudian to know that a Hummer is just another Penile Inadequacy Compensation Device.


I doubt the guy was driving a Hummer H-1 like this for two reasons.

1. The article said that his car was $38,000, there's no way you get an H-1 at that price.

2. He parked it on the street. There is no way you can park an H-1 on the street and still have room to get around it.

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Nah, just snickered at a little.

I think snickered at is the appropriate term. The video was just for fun.

BTW, the guy I know that drives a 1 ton Ford duelie deisel is also the biggest nerd I could name, real poindexter type. Govt employee, AF retiree, etc. Great guy, you get the idea.

The point of the video is that Greenpeace types justify juvenile delinquent behavior towards others' automobile choice.

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Nah, just snickered at a little.

I think snickered at is the appropriate term. The video was just for fun.

BTW, the guy I know that drives a 1 ton Ford duelie deisel is also the biggest nerd I could name, real poindexter type. Govt employee, AF retiree, etc. Great guy, you get the idea.

The point of the video is that Greenpeace types justify juvenile delinquent behavior towards others' automobile choice.

I saw one normal guy and 100 buttwipes. If I ever caught ANYONE spitting in my drink, the ass whooping would be phenomenal. To even show that as an option, shows what kind of degenerate human beings those greenies are. Thank God Georgia is a right to carry state.

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