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He's overthrowing a lot.He's underthrowing a lot.Man I'm sorry I'm just not that confident in him.I know a HEAP of people are call for his head and some think this may be extreme but when is too much too much?Just asking?

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Tonight's loss was on him, period. But with Field as the #2, I'm not sure we'd be better off. I agree with some who posted that it may be time to give KB some playing time. I don't see how it could get much worse than our O in the second half. I think we saw how much confidence CTT had in Cox with the decision to run out the clock at the end of regulation.

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Are recievers are to slow it takes to long for them to get open Robert Dunn seems to be the only one who can get down field fast enough . . . it makes brandon have to hold the ball a lot longer just waiting for his recievers to get down field. IMO.

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He's overthrowing a lot.He's underthrowing a lot.Man I'm sorry I'm just not that confident in him.I know a HEAP of people are call for his head and some think this may be extreme but when is too much too much?Just asking?

Other than the fact that he's a senior, I don't know what he brings to the table. He can't scramble. He's not mobile. He gets hurt easily. And he's underthowing like crazy. It's going to be a long disappointing season for him.

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Tonight's loss was on him, period. But with Field as the #2, I'm not sure we'd be better off. I agree with some who posted that it may be time to give KB some playing time. I don't see how it could get much worse than our O in the second half. I think we saw how much confidence CTT had in Cox with the decision to run out the clock at the end of regulation.

What's the point of having a 5th year senior QB if you don't even have enough confidence to get the ball within FG range?

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I know CTT said you can't win a ball game with that many turnovers but the turnovers were taken care of by the D.I mean was there any points scored off the turnovers?The problem was were not scoring because we aren't able to pass consistantly.Way too many bad decisions on the throws and over thrown balls as well as behind the receiver throws.Cox is 24 years old his not a kid anymore he's a 5th year Senior and isn't getting better he's in a major slump and tonight the O line gave him the time he needed.

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Tonight's loss was on him, period. But with Field as the #2, I'm not sure we'd be better off. I agree with some who posted that it may be time to give KB some playing time. I don't see how it could get much worse than our O in the second half. I think we saw how much confidence CTT had in Cox with the decision to run out the clock at the end of regulation.

What's the point of having a 5th year senior QB if you don't even have enough confidence to get the ball within FG range?


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He let USF steal momentum from us after they missed a FG by throwing an interception. I cannot believe that this year Brandon was supposedly healthy and we can really "open up our offense". If that is "open", I'm scared for next Saturday.

I said this last week... you cannot physically compare Cox to Campbell but Campbell always checked to the best play his senior year. Cox seems to always check to a run. I'm only 22, in pharmacy school and may not know everything, but if I have noticed this, what do you think an older gentleman, who's job it is to stifle our offense, has noticed?

Defense... can't say enough about them. This reminds me of the teams in the middle to late 90s where our defense spent extreme amounts of time on the field to keep us in games.


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All in all, i thought the entire team and coaching staff were flat. The kicking game, where the "analysts" said we would be weak, is our only strength at the moment. If changes aren't made, we're staring an easy 5 to 6 losses square in the face. My observations below.

Cox seems shell-shocked. That one pass where he ducked was a rookie play. I think all the pounding is getting to him.

Tackling fundamentals on defense are weak...not enough wrapping up. I saw KSU and USF ball handlers bounce off several tackles for extra yards that were stoppable. This bumping garbage isn't working. Lets get with the fundamentals.

Offense...im stumped here. We've got a 5th year sr at qb, and a stable of backs...is the OL just that young? Are the receivers just that young. Looks like last year all over again. It's as though everyone on O is waiting for someone else to make a play.

Coaching? Where's the emotion? I haven't even seen CWM getting hyper...Flat to say the least.


We seem to be asleep this year. Still, its always great to be an Auburn Tiger. Lets hope the team and staff get it in gear for SEC play. WDE!!!

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Are recievers are to slow it takes to long for them to get open Robert Dunn seems to be the only one who can get down field fast enough . . . it makes brandon have to hold the ball a lot longer just waiting for his recievers to get down field. IMO.

I dont think the recivers would have as much of a hard time getting open if Cox would stop stareing at them. What makes good QBS is the ability to look off the defenders Cox hasnt shown this ability sine the UGA game two seasons ago. Dropped balls and turnovers gave this game away. BUT.....BUT what did Tommy tell his team by giving up on getting 40 yards with 49 seconds to go and 2 TWO timeouts left. The time for a change may be comming but B.Cox, The recivers, the DBs and the RBs all get some of this along with Tubs. This was the first time I have seen him give up on Cox or any other QB we have had!

War Eagle and it is Great to Be an Auburn Tiger!

P.S Thank god for DVR cause I cant watch the games without knowing anymore! Almost broke my fingers on the coffe table while throwing my hat after the TD in Ot.

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Tonight's loss was on him, period. But with Field as the #2, I'm not sure we'd be better off. I agree with some who posted that it may be time to give KB some playing time. I don't see how it could get much worse than our O in the second half. I think we saw how much confidence CTT had in Cox with the decision to run out the clock at the end of regulation.

I couldn't believe TT didn't try to get in field goal range and win the game in regular time! You are right! He had no faith in our offense.

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Are recievers are to slow it takes to long for them to get open Robert Dunn seems to be the only one who can get down field fast enough . . . it makes brandon have to hold the ball a lot longer just waiting for his recievers to get down field. IMO.

I dont think the recivers would have as much of a hard time getting open if Cox would stop stareing at them. What makes good QBS is the ability to look off the defenders Cox hasnt shown this ability sine the UGA game two seasons ago. Dropped balls and turnovers gave this game away. BUT.....BUT what did Tommy tell his team by giving up on getting 40 yards with 49 seconds to go and 2 TWO timeouts left. The time for a change may be comming but B.Cox, The recivers, the DBs and the RBs all get some of this along with Tubs. This was the first time I have seen him give up on Cox or any other QB we have had!

War Eagle and it is Great to Be an Auburn Tiger!

P.S Thank god for DVR cause I cant watch the games without knowing anymore! Almost broke my fingers on the coffe table while throwing my hat after the TD in Ot.

He gave up on the whole offense. With two timeouts we could have called draw plays and hope to break one for 20-30 yards.

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Cox does not deserve to play another down this year. That was pitiful. The offense is a joke. When are we going to get some playmakers at receiver? It seems like over the past 5-10 years our receivers have CONSTANTLY hand issues catching the football.

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AuburnU008, I think you are forgetting about Devin, Ben, and Anthony playing wideout. They were the most solid group I've seen come through here in a looooong time. I think a big part of it was the QB throwing them the ball.

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Are recievers are to slow it takes to long for them to get open Robert Dunn seems to be the only one who can get down field fast enough . . . it makes brandon have to hold the ball a lot longer just waiting for his recievers to get down field. IMO.

I dont think the recivers would have as much of a hard time getting open if Cox would stop stareing at them. What makes good QBS is the ability to look off the defenders Cox hasnt shown this ability sine the UGA game two seasons ago. Dropped balls and turnovers gave this game away. BUT.....BUT what did Tommy tell his team by giving up on getting 40 yards with 49 seconds to go and 2 TWO timeouts left. The time for a change may be comming but B.Cox, The recivers, the DBs and the RBs all get some of this along with Tubs. This was the first time I have seen him give up on Cox or any other QB we have had!

War Eagle and it is Great to Be an Auburn Tiger!

P.S Thank god for DVR cause I cant watch the games without knowing anymore! Almost broke my fingers on the coffe table while throwing my hat after the TD in Ot.

He gave up on the whole offense. With two timeouts we could have called draw plays and hope to break one for 20-30 yards.

Agree! I think that was what I was yelling when the "hat incedent" went down!

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AuburnU008, I think you are forgetting about Devin, Ben, and Anthony playing wideout. They were the most solid group I've seen come through here in a looooong time. I think a big part of it was the QB throwing them the ball.

Devin and Ben had good senior years, but their freshman, soph, and jr years were full of drops.

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All I know is that we are in a world of hurt if we can't do something about the QB spot. Brandon, as much as I love the kid, is not going to get it done. If Blake is not good enough, then bring in Kodi and lets get him ready for the long haul.

It sux to have a senior QB who has been a pleasure to watch and now see him TANK!

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Put Cox on the sideline for the remainder of the season. He looks worse than Brodie. At least we can have more experience going into next year. I have seen better decision making from junior high kids that I have taught

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Cox does not deserve to play another down this year. That was pitiful. The offense is a joke. When are we going to get some playmakers at receiver? It seems like over the past 5-10 years our receivers have CONSTANTLY hand issues catching the football.

Didn't want my first post to be one of conflict but here's my $.02....I find it very difficult to agree with this statement about Cox in full. Cox has put his body on the line repeatedly for Auburn, especially over the last two years. He deserves our respect and continued support-even in the face of a questionable loss that leaves you, me, and everyone else mad and scratching our heads. Did he make some bad decisions that contributed to the loss? Yes. Did he lose the game by himself? No. We win as a team, we lose as a team-No one should get thrown under the bus unless they hold up a sign that says "I frickin' quit"-then they should be thrown under multiple buses...repeatedly. Despite our mistakes-Our D AND our QB kept us in it to the end. Sure, we've DEFINITELY got our issues to resolve on multiple levels but we had many improvements in multiple areas over last week's game that were unfortunately easy to be overlooked due to the newfound issues. Many fingers can be pointed in many directions. The best thing to do with the blame game is not to play it. Have faith in our coaches and players and trust that the same group of men that had delivered a 34-5 record coming into tonight's game will turn it around. I would love nothing more than to see Auburn blow out every opponent, every game and to make no "dumb" plays, mistakes, etc. The reality is it ain't gonna happen so let's not start eating our own..ie BAMA STYLE.

When we lose as :au: , it hurts everyone that LOVES, COACHES and ESPECIALLY PLAYS for :au: . When WE LOSE AS :au: Men and Women, WE should do so with the same class and support for :au: that WE do when WE WIN.


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My wife knows nothing at all about football and she watched the game with me tonight. In OT she siad Cox is playing horrible. She wanted to know why the guy behind him isnt playing. I told her because he has not taken many snaps and the coaches are scared he will screw something up. Her response summed it up. She said that Cox screwing up pretty bad, can it get any worse? I agree with her. Why not put Burns in. Did anyone watch the Michigan game today? The Oregon QB made so many plays because of his legs. I will be very happy when we finally get a QB who can move.

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Not trying to say "I told you so..." but I remember last year I had several posts deleted (and several threatening PMs sent) after I posted the obvious truth about Cox: the guy is not an SEC QB and never was. His play has been terrible.

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Not trying to say "I told you so..." but I remember last year I had several posts deleted (and several threatening PMs sent) after I posted the obvious truth about Cox: the guy is not an SEC QB and never was. His play has been terrible.

I think you are trying to say "I told you so..." Just admit it. :poke:

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