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I don't believe Cox had a good night of football, but there is a lot of football left to play. I don't see the QB problem being resolved anytime soon. But I must add, Cox did not give South Florida 26 points tonight, the D did with a little help from special teams. We need to learn to tackle and cover kickoffs. The last kickoff that went 50 something yards, was not Cox's fault. I just believe the team needs a little more time playing together, and some of the issues will be worked out. I do know it is Great to be an Auburn Tiger!!!

Are you new to this game of football?

Probably been around the game longer than you.

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its been a while since i've been able to say our qb lost the game. This loss is undeniably on cox. He had time to throw the ball all night and consistently threw into coverage and missed recievers. Time to re-open the starting job on monday.

I will agree that Cox had a bad game. I don't know how you can put all of this game on Cox though. HE didn't arm tackle on defense or returns. He didn't drop a sure touchdown. He didn't sit on a 3 pt lead in the second half (that is not the first time that has happened and it finally got to us). Like I said, he did not have a good game but to blame him solely for the loss is ridiculous. It was the offense, defense, special teams, coaching, fans that should be blamed for the loss. We win as :au: we lose as :au:

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First post of all time so forgive me if lack some of the subtle nuances that you seasoned vets have...

Other than a few big plays and mistakes in the first half, I think our defense played well. I don't think there are too many defenses that would hold USF to fewer points than we did. They aren't the problem. The offense (other than the turnovers and Cox...and i'll get to that in a moment) seemed a hell of a lot better than last week. The running game was much much better. Why we didn't keep pounding and pounding them in the second half I'll never know. Cox has never been a great quarterback. He has made many clutch throws over the last couple of years, and I have always been pleased by toughness and consistency. However, he is like a an old pickup that can't get over 50 mph, has a broken tailgate, and the brakes don't work too well. Sure, you can use it to haul some small stuff around town, but if you need to make a long journey (to a NC or SEC championship) you probably wouldn't want to try to make the trip with it. At some point, it will break down and you will watch as all the 2008 F-350 super duty's pass you by. He's not terrible (although he showed flashes of that last night)....he's serviceable....period. Just an average QB for SEC standards whose been blessed (as we all have) to play with an above average running game and defense...that's it. He doesn't look off safeties, he doesn't throw the ball away, and he's slower than a seven year itch. Granted, our offensive line is young and would have trouble protecting anybody. But I have never thought we could win any kind of championship with Cox at the helm. He's just not that good. I wouldn't matter if he came out next week and went 24-30 with 300 yards and 3 TD's....he still has average talent. I support him. I love the way he has persevered and will continue to....I just know I need a new truck before I can make the long journey to the promised land.

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I agree with the general consenses of this thread. COx is a great guy. He loves AU. He has sacrificed a lot for us, but we will never be that great with him as a QB. It wouldn't have taken much for us to win the game last night. He just isn't a SEC QB. He makes pooer pre-snap decisions. He makes poor post-snap decisions. He is inaccuate. He can't throw with any velocity. He even admits that he isn't a great leader. He is a geat guy, but there are a bunch of great guys who love AU out there. It doesn't mean they need to be our starting QB.

I said it for JC from the beginning when he was competing with Cobb. The same is true with COx and Burns now. Let the talent play even if they are young. I agree with the poster above. If Burns would have been the QB, he may have made as many mistakes as BC, but there is no way he fails to make more more plays.

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I don't believe Cox had a good night of football, but there is a lot of football left to play. I don't see the QB problem being resolved anytime soon. But I must add, Cox did not give South Florida 26 points tonight, the D did with a little help from special teams. We need to learn to tackle and cover kickoffs. The last kickoff that went 50 something yards, was not Cox's fault. I just believe the team needs a little more time playing together, and some of the issues will be worked out. I do know it is Great to be an Auburn Tiger!!!

Are you new to this game of football?

Probably been around the game longer than you.

Judging by your post no one could tell it.

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Cox had a bad game. A QB at this level does no miss the open guys like he did. Not sure I have seen this bad of a game from him since GT. But it's been coming for a while now. When Cox showed up at AU, he was the best QB I had seen in a long time at going through his progressions. Now he stares down the WR. As my 11 yr old said, can a guy just lose his talent? I told him no, that it has to be coached out of him. I was at the game and paid close attention to the play calling. The short game had 3 plays. One 7 yd crossing route to the WR that ended up with 15. And 2 to CS out of the backfield (one great, one, everybody knew it was coming).

PRod had one of those games that he would love to have back. He made a few good catches, but the big ones he did not do well on. On one, he jumped too early and the ball went over his head, in the endzone. Definite TD. On a dig across the middle, he heard footsteps and pulled an alligator. At this level of competition, you can't do that. The pass to Trott in the endzone was ignorant. A quick flip = a TD. That crap that BC put up was just stoopid.

We had several chances that if the play were made, we would not be discussing this now. But Borges seems to put together a game plan that is either run or go long. Anything in between does doesn't happen often. A coaches job is to coach to the level of the talent you have. We have excellent catch and run talent. Dunn on a short cross can create havoc. It also gives Cox confidence.

MF is the real deal. Folks, when he came in, a true RB came in. If he can hold on the the ball, expect Tate to start backing up CS. Tate has no burst and runs like he is still in high school. Unless you are a speed burner, you DO NOT change direction laterally in the backfield.

It looks as though the QB and WRs are on a different speed level. It's like they practice at one level then play at another. This can throw off the QB's timing. Or maybe Cox looks great in practice, but has just lost his game edge. Not sure. But until he gets it back, Borges needs to draw the defense in with a short game and then pop on e or two long. Very frustrating game to sit through. As always, a great atmosphere. Just frustrating.

Can it get better? New game plan may allow Cox not to put so much pressure on himself. But at this rate, even the bottom of the SEC will eat us alive. I fell very uneasy about the rest of the season.....

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Told ya so. Thanks for bashing me long before the season began when I said we would be better off if somebody beat out Cox(because he was not going to be the guy to win us a championship). Of course, to be fair this coaching staff likely would not and will not start anyone over Cox regardless of how they play because they are stubborn stubborn stubborn. So who wants to lecture me on how important experience is and how great a leader Brandon is now? Galen's Ghost you out there? Flame away, I don't care, just make sure not to talk when you've got a big mouthful of crow.

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I don't believe Cox had a good night of football, but there is a lot of football left to play. I don't see the QB problem being resolved anytime soon. But I must add, Cox did not give South Florida 26 points tonight, the D did with a little help from special teams. We need to learn to tackle and cover kickoffs. The last kickoff that went 50 something yards, was not Cox's fault. I just believe the team needs a little more time playing together, and some of the issues will be worked out. I do know it is Great to be an Auburn Tiger!!!

buddy, if you really think this team's problem is defense, i'm not sure you need to continue football analysis.

Yes, they tackle real well, and that’s why the USF running back was able to break 6 tackles for yardage on many downs. This happened in the first quarter too, so don’t tell me they were already tired. So, I guess we can blame the majority of USF's points, 14 in the first quarter, on Cox.

let me say it again:

buddy, if you think this team's problem is defense, i'm not sure you need to continue football analysis.

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I don't believe Cox had a good night of football, but there is a lot of football left to play. I don't see the QB problem being resolved anytime soon. But I must add, Cox did not give South Florida 26 points tonight, the D did with a little help from special teams. We need to learn to tackle and cover kickoffs. The last kickoff that went 50 something yards, was not Cox's fault. I just believe the team needs a little more time playing together, and some of the issues will be worked out. I do know it is Great to be an Auburn Tiger!!!

buddy, if you really think this team's problem is defense, i'm not sure you need to continue football analysis.

Yes, they tackle real well, and that’s why the USF running back was able to break 6 tackles for yardage on many downs. This happened in the first quarter too, so don’t tell me they were already tired. So, I guess we can blame the majority of USF's points, 14 in the first quarter, on Cox.

let me say it again:

buddy, if you think this team's problem is defense, i'm not sure you need to continue football analysis.

This defense was time and again put in rotten situations with turnovers in our own territory, having to go right back out on the field with barely a breather because of a stupid turnover and having to chase down a mobile quarterback and some pretty decent backs and WRs and kept turning them aside. You simply can't expect them to hold under those circumstances all night.

Put it this way...if we don't commit 5 frickin' turnovers, what do you think happens? Did the defense commit those turnovers?

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He's overthrowing a lot.He's underthrowing a lot.Man I'm sorry I'm just not that confident in him.I know a HEAP of people are call for his head and some think this may be extreme but when is too much too much?Just asking?

Last season, for me anyway.

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Yes, they tackle real well, and that’s why the USF running back was able to break 6 tackles for yardage on many downs. This happened in the first quarter too, so don’t tell me they were already tired. So, I guess we can blame the majority of USF's points, 14 in the first quarter, on Cox.

The defense did start a little sluggish, I'll give you that. But please, don't take anything away from Mike Ford. He was a beast who could easily be playing for any program in the country. We'll be hearing his name on ESPN for a few more years.

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Well, maybe we need a "quarterback whisperer" or something, or maybe we should call in Dr. Phil. Seriously, we all know that Cox has the skills to be a good quarterback. Has everyone forgotten the night he stepped up in the pocket and fired the rocket that broke Georgia's heart in front of 90,000 screaming fans between the hedges? His confidence is shaken right now (maybe too many blows to the head these past two years). But all of this foaming at the mouth and calling for his head on the message boards is not going to help. Our coaches would be nuts to sit a fifth year senior and start over with a QB with no experience at this point. I will guarantee you Brandon is going to win some big games for us before this season is over. Sometimes you just have to hang in there! WDE

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I lived in MS when CTT was at Ole Miss, and I vaguely remember a situation where he was blindly loyal to a senior qb, if there are any OM lurkers perhaps they could confirm.

I'm not saying to bench Cox, I don't believe that KB could have led the winning drive last week, but what about some designed rollouts or something just for KB? Remember opening up against WV next year, are we going to start someone for their first game?

Also, it's time to think about getting rid of Borges. I've been saying this since last year, not just going crazy after a loss.

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I think more and more people are going to be saying that as the season goes.

I know he's got a good rep for being a nice guy, but the O has not been clicking for awhile and CTT will NOT take the fall for this. He will make a change.

I could be wrong, but things are not changing or being corrected. That's not good.

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As for BC, I have never seen another Auburn QB get pressured and hit repeatedly like he has been since the beginning of last year. I wish we could have seen what he could have done with confidence and an o-line that could truly protect him....Some of the best QBs in the NFL have little or no mobility but they have the o-line to protect them. I'm not sure if can ever come close to his potential after all the hits he has taken. In my opinion he should be given the next 2 games to show significant improvement, but if he doesn't someone else should be given a shot. As I remember Caudle was one of the top QB recruits in the country out of HS(we so quickly forget when we get another big recruit), so he should be given the opportunity to become the future of the program if BC can't cut it this year. He had basically become the 2nd string QB before getting injured during the preseason. Also, playing Burns would be a waste this year.

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No, it sounds like you could not play the position, with that offensive line. This kid was beat to a bloody mess last seaseon for you and me to question his ability. Answer the question, and tell me who could do a better job.

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He's overthrowing a lot.He's underthrowing a lot.Man I'm sorry I'm just not that confident in him.I know a HEAP of people are call for his head and some think this may be extreme but when is too much too much?Just asking?

I am thankful HIS team mates have confidence in him. Thankfully, you are not one of them.

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Also, it's time to think about getting rid of Borges. I've been saying this since last year, not just going crazy after a loss.

I think this is ridiculous. He's had two extremely good seasons and one bad one plus two games. For those paying attention, one of those really good years was with Brandon at QB and no Ronnie or Caddy.

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I was at the game, yes, I was upset that we lost. Do I hate the team, no. I am still proud to be an Auburn Tiger! I have been reading all the stuff people are saying, but what no one is doing is giving credit that USF is a good team. I think a lot of people are thinking about the USF of old. Both KState and USF are not patsy's, unlike Western Carolina or some of the others we have played before. People have been moaning that we need a tougher schedule, well you have it now. Okay, I will get off my soapbox.

Brandon is a good guy, yes, he is scared, do I think Tubbs should bench him, no, but when a player has that many turn overs and interceptions, when do you call for backups? What are we going to do if Brandon gets hurt? On the replay the announcers continually said he looked scared, he wasn't throwing correctly, he was ducking, etc. The line did play better yesterday, so maybe BC will be a little more confident. He has gone through a lot in his career at Auburn. I am thankful for him, just not happy with how he played.

I always see other teams who start freshmen quarterbacks, ones who beat out the senior, why doesn't Auburn ever do this. Not saying they should now, but just wonder? Why do we always have to wait until our quarterback's are juniors, or even seniors then we only have them for one or two years and have to start over again and again. I am just asking, and not trying to say we should, but can someone enlighten me?

Also, does it seem to you that our offensive plays are getting too vanilla? I mean we only had one reverse all night and we just seemed so predictable! EVen though Fannin fumbled 2 times (the first time it was stripped out, I don't think anyone could have held on to that ball) I think he is going to be great! He is so fast. Reminds me of Ronnie Brown, he fumbled in his first game as well and look at him now.

War Eagle and thanks for anyone who can help me with my questions.

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I always see other teams who start freshmen quarterbacks, ones who beat out the senior, why doesn't Auburn ever do this. Not saying they should now, but just wonder? Why do we always have to wait until our quarterback's are juniors, or even seniors then we only have them for one or two years and have to start over again and again. I am just asking, and not trying to say we should, but can someone enlighten me?

Tre Smith syndrome.

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