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You're 4-0 vs UA!!! Can't think of any other OC for Auburn that can say they were 4-0 against Alabama after their 1st 4 years?? CAN YOU??. You called a good game today and deserve the AU Family's respect and admiration for further solidifying our hold on our biggest and most hated rival. Now let's give the boys a big pat on the back, get 'em ready for that bowl game and THEN RECRUIT YOUR BIG BEAUTIFUL, 4 & 0-VS-UA BUTT OFF!!!


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You're 4-0 vs UA!!! Can't think of any other OC for Auburn that can say they were 4-0 against Alabama after their 1st 4 years?? CAN YOU??. You called a good game today and deserve the AU Family's respect and admiration for further solidifying our hold on our biggest and most hated rival. Now let's give the boys a big pat on the back, get 'em ready for that bowl game and THEN RECRUIT YOUR BIG BEAUTIFUL, 4 & 0-VS-UA BUTT OFF!!!


War Eagle IT but borges couldn't call a good game with a cheat sheet. He has to go, i don't care the record we are pathetic on offense and it has nothing to do with the players.

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You're 4-0 vs UA!!! Can't think of any other OC for Auburn that can say they were 4-0 against Alabama after their 1st 4 years?? CAN YOU??. You called a good game today and deserve the AU Family's respect and admiration for further solidifying our hold on our biggest and most hated rival. Now let's give the boys a big pat on the back, get 'em ready for that bowl game and THEN RECRUIT YOUR BIG BEAUTIFUL, 4 & 0-VS-UA BUTT OFF!!!


War Eagle IT but borges couldn't call a good game with a cheat sheet. He has to go, i don't care the record we are pathetic on offense and it has nothing to do with the players.

what he said
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It isn't just Borges. We had some open receivers tonight that didn't get the ball and Carl Stewart was open for a very nice play (probably a TD) but a crazy throw didn't help. I am not by any means bashing the teams performance, I am just saying that Borges actually did a good job tonight IMO. Had Alabama's defense all mixed up. I think we should give him one more year with Kodi Burns.. see what happens, before we call it over for him.

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It isn't just Borges. We had some open receivers tonight that didn't get the ball and Carl Stewart was open for a very nice play (probably a TD) but a crazy throw didn't help. I am not by any means bashing the teams performance, I am just saying that Borges actually did a good job tonight IMO. Had Alabama's defense all mixed up. I think we should give him one more year with Kodi Burns.. see what happens, before we call it over for him.

I agree, give Borges another year...it's not his job to catch the passes.

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Not to mention, Cox missed Stewart and Tate, both wide open. Stewart would have scored a TD and Tate would likely still be running if the ball hadn't been thrown poorly.

I'd give Al another year.

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There were several plays where Cox was obviously the reason why things didn't work out, why we didn't get a first down and what not, and then there were some plays where EVERYBODY knew a blitz was coming and we didn't get the protection we wanted. Some plays I saw Cox couldn't make a long enough throw (like the one where he threw coming back across the field to Stewart that went short).

Give him a QB with a cannon arm and we will see what he does with it. Next year, if it doesn't improve next year then I can see us having legitimate reasons to can him.

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Yeah, since we are now the dominant program in the state, let's fire coaches for the hell of it! Who cares how what their overall record is since they have been at Auburn! :rolleyes:

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I was aggravated that we were throwing the ball on 3rd and short. There were several times this happened and we didn't convert! But hey! We won! WAR DAMN EAGLE!! 6 in a row!!! :cheer::au::cheer:

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He's got to go....the numbers don't lie.

Yeah you are right, numbers don't lie....

Auburn's record with Al Borges as OC...41-9 overall and 26-6 SEC record in his 4 years as OC.

That is an average of an overall record of 10.25 wins and 2.25 losses each year (6.5-1.5 SEC record).

Records against major SEC schools:

Tennessee 2-0

LSU 2-2

UGA 2-2

Florida 2-0

Arkansas 3-1

UAT 4-0

That is an overall record against the biggest SEC contenders of 15-5. He has a winning record against all other SEC schools also. Then there is that pretty damn good record of wins against Top 10 teams.

Yep those numbers suck and we should start Borges the door and start all over with another OC. :rolleyes:

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He's got to go....the numbers don't lie.

Ranger, I think he was talking about this little stat

101 Auburn 11 1685 1967 746 3652 4.9 332.0

Auburn is ranked 101 out of 119 D-1 teams. The offense has been horrible for most of the year and being 101 in the country tells me its time to change. You cant blame the whole offensive problem on Cox, Borges needs to feel the heat, his playcalling this year has been horrible.

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He's got to go....the numbers don't lie.

Yeah you are right, numbers don't lie....

Auburn's record with Al Borges as OC...41-9 overall and 26-6 SEC record in his 4 years as OC.

That is an average of an overall record of 10.25 wins and 2.25 losses each year (6.5-1.5 SEC record).

Records against major SEC schools:

Tennessee 2-0

LSU 2-2

UGA 2-2

Florida 2-0

Arkansas 3-1

UAT 4-0

That is an overall record against the biggest SEC contenders of 15-5. He has a winning record against all other SEC schools also. Then there is that pretty damn good record of wins against Top 10 teams.

Yep those numbers suck and we should start Borges the door and start all over with another OC.

Thanks to Ranger for actually bringing numbers that help justify opinion...nothing like the facts to confuse the experts.

My gut instinct tells me to start pimp-slapping some of ya'll with some good common sense but in honor of AU's 6th in a row I'm gonna extend my contentious yet well intentioned AU bretheren out there a little victory grace. Let me remind you of a famous post Iron Bowl comment and ask you to then step up and show our coaching staff the respect they deserve for at least the rest of the week.....

"That doesn't matter right now-we just beat Alabama!!" CTT 2002 Iron Bowl

Try to live in the moment a little and give AL his due would ya?? SHEEZE!! 17--10 WAR EAGLE!!!

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He's got to go....the numbers don't lie.

Ranger, I think he was talking about this little stat

101 Auburn 11 1685 1967 746 3652 4.9 332.0

Auburn is ranked 101 out of 119 D-1 teams. The offense has been horrible for most of the year and being 101 in the country tells me its time to change. You cant blame the whole offensive problem on Cox, Borges needs to feel the heat, his playcalling this year has been horrible.

I am not saying his play calling was great by any means this year. Heck yeah I think we can do much better then what we have shown this year. However, we are going to can him because of one bad year? Who are you going to replace him with? You would start over with a brand new OC and a first year starting QB next year? Yes, the play calling has been bad this year, but what do you call when your O-line had problems blocking for your QB, your QB takes sacks when he should throw it away or makes bad passes, and your WRs are dropping passes? Heck, the guy went undefeated his first year on the Plains, so how could he improve on that? In all fairness, he has not had a Jason Campbell, Caddy, and Ronnie Brown caliber backfield since then. Our current RBs are very good, but they are not a Cadillac and Ronnie Brown package by any means. Maybe the guy just set himself up for failure by having a perfect season his first year.

You can quote stats and rankings to me all day, but in the end the most important numbers are wins and losses. I think his record against the SEC, especially against the usual contenders in the conference, I find it hard to justify getting rid of him. Like I said, he are we going to replace him with? Count me as one of those that thinks this is not a good time for starting another revolving door for coordinators.

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He's got to go....the numbers don't lie.

Ranger, I think he was talking about this little stat

101 Auburn 11 1685 1967 746 3652 4.9 332.0

Auburn is ranked 101 out of 119 D-1 teams. The offense has been horrible for most of the year and being 101 in the country tells me its time to change. You cant blame the whole offensive problem on Cox, Borges needs to feel the heat, his playcalling this year has been horrible.

I am not saying his play calling was great by any means this year. Heck yeah I think we can do much better then what we have shown this year. However, we are going to can him because of one bad year? Who are you going to replace him with? You would start over with a brand new OC and a first year starting QB next year? Yes, the play calling has been bad this year, but what do you call when your O-line had problems blocking for your QB, your QB takes sacks when he should throw it away or makes bad passes, and your WRs are dropping passes? Heck, the guy went undefeated his first year on the Plains, so how could he improve on that? In all fairness, he has not had a Jason Campbell, Caddy, and Ronnie Brown caliber backfield since then. Our current RBs are very good, but they are not a Cadillac and Ronnie Brown package by any means. Maybe the guy just set himself up for failure by having a perfect season his first year.

You can quote stats and rankings to me all day, but in the end the most important numbers are wins and losses. I think his record against the SEC, especially against the usual contenders in the conference, I find it hard to justify getting rid of him. Like I said, he are we going to replace him with? Count me as one of those that thinks this is not a good time for starting another revolving door for coordinators.

I was wrong about the stats let me edit myself, Auburn is ranked 103rd in offense, and 78th in points per game. To go to the next level we must improve the offense that is the bottom line.

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How any Auburn person can bash this team or staff after this game is beyond me. Would you rather be led by Tatu and be a part of the delusional Mullet Nation? No doubt, we should not base our overall success on whether we beat the Turd since they are a perennial .500 or worse program but it sure is nice to be in the middle of the LONGEST AU streak vs. those ass-hats. Savor this streak and be thankful for who we have leading this team and program. Any tme we can be in the middle of AT LEAST 2560+ days without losing to the Turd is special...


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The bottom line is this. The offense must be fixed,period,if CTT feels that Borges is capable of turning it around I"ll respect that. This defense was too good this year to lose 4 games,because the offense could not score enough points. If Borges stays I think it must be clear that we must improve,immensely.I have a feeling that Cox"s limited abilities may be more to blame than Borges" coaching ability. We shall see.

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Guys, give it a freakin break! I am CERTAIN that Tubs has a significant role in the game plans and he has stated before that "a strong passing game" is not in our character. I'm sure some of it is Borges fault but a lot lies with Tubs and with the failure of others to recruit and develop TOP QUALITY wide receivers and use them Others have criticized Cole bennett, but hey, Cole has been an excellent blocker as well as Trott. THAT'S what they are used for primarily in Tubs and Borges offense. Before you crucify Borges, remember Knox, Tuberville and others have a role in that as well. Lets see how our team character changes next year with either Caudle, Burns or Field having Hawthorne, Slaughter, Dunn, Billings, Rod Smith et. al. with another year of coaching under their belt and a sophomore " O " line before we judge further.

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I think this thread is silly. You can't enjoy a damn thing in here some time!

I thought the game plan was great except for the refusal to run the ball in the third quarter. We could have sealed that game a long time before we did......HOWEVER...........missed open receivers kept UAT in the game prior to that. ENJOY the win and give people who have the credentials a break.

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He's got to go....the numbers don't lie.

Ranger, I think he was talking about this little stat

101 Auburn 11 1685 1967 746 3652 4.9 332.0

Auburn is ranked 101 out of 119 D-1 teams. The offense has been horrible for most of the year and being 101 in the country tells me its time to change. You cant blame the whole offensive problem on Cox, Borges needs to feel the heat, his playcalling this year has been horrible.

I am not saying his play calling was great by any means this year. Heck yeah I think we can do much better then what we have shown this year. However, we are going to can him because of one bad year? Who are you going to replace him with? You would start over with a brand new OC and a first year starting QB next year? Yes, the play calling has been bad this year, but what do you call when your O-line had problems blocking for your QB, your QB takes sacks when he should throw it away or makes bad passes, and your WRs are dropping passes? Heck, the guy went undefeated his first year on the Plains, so how could he improve on that? In all fairness, he has not had a Jason Campbell, Caddy, and Ronnie Brown caliber backfield since then. Our current RBs are very good, but they are not a Cadillac and Ronnie Brown package by any means. Maybe the guy just set himself up for failure by having a perfect season his first year.

You can quote stats and rankings to me all day, but in the end the most important numbers are wins and losses. I think his record against the SEC, especially against the usual contenders in the conference, I find it hard to justify getting rid of him. Like I said, he are we going to replace him with? Count me as one of those that thinks this is not a good time for starting another revolving door for coordinators.

I was wrong about the stats let me edit myself, Auburn is ranked 103rd in offense, and 78th in points per game. To go to the next level we must improve the offense that is the bottom line.

Actually we were pretty poor last year too:

76nd total offense

56th scoring

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You're 4-0 vs UA!!! Can't think of any other OC for Auburn that can say they were 4-0 against Alabama after their 1st 4 years?? CAN YOU??. You called a good game today and deserve the AU Family's respect and admiration for further solidifying our hold on our biggest and most hated rival. Now let's give the boys a big pat on the back, get 'em ready for that bowl game and THEN RECRUIT YOUR BIG BEAUTIFUL, 4 & 0-VS-UA BUTT OFF!!!


War Eagle IT but borges couldn't call a good game with a cheat sheet. He has to go, i don't care the record we are pathetic on offense and it has nothing to do with the players.

what he said

Guys, Borges called a great game. The execution of certain plays, which would have been huge, was very poor at times. CAB has done great with what he has been dealt. He deserves another year. Did CAB lose the USF game? How many of those turnovers did he commit? How about the MSU game? Did CAB call for those turnovers also? CAB also must have called for LSU to get a perfect pass and a miracle catch against textbook coverage? Even in the UGA game, the offense did not collapse like the defense both of which just hit a 11 straight game wall.

CTT is a smart coach to know defense wins championships. Offense can win games, but it will also lose games. (See Louisville.) Having a QB which has a disease which prevents him from having muscle memory resulting in him having to think each action through resulted in AU playing relatively conservative on offense. I expect that to change some in the next year. There will be a learning curve next year (WVU early in the year is still a challenge and September '08 is insane), but I expect we will see significant improvement in AU's offense during the '08 season.

I do question if some coaching assignments need to change around. Particularly WR, Special Teams, maybe TEs, and even OLine....

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I think this thread is silly. You can't enjoy a damn thing in here some time!

We need an entirely new mindset on offense. We were 8-4 this year. Our offense has been in the bottom of the SEC in most statistical categories the last two years. If you want to keep enjoying wins like these, a change is needed IMO. Staying the course when there are signs of problems makes zero sense.

The timing seems appropriate too, with a new QB next year.

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Yeah, since we are now the dominant program in the state, let's fire coaches for the hell of it! Who cares how what their overall record is since they have been at Auburn! :rolleyes:

if all we care about is being better than a bottom tier sec team then hell yeah, give him a raise for bieng the 101st best oc in the country. but if we want to compete on a national scale we have to make some changes. btw we may be the best team in the state but troy's offense blows ours out of the water.

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