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Isn't this a scream?

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"War of the daisies

Posted by Dennis Pillion January 31, 2008 1:21 PM

This means war. Put yourself in this situation: Your team just won the BCS National Championship despite having two losses and a coach who may or may not have all his mental faculties about him. You're getting ready to sign a top-15 recruiting class, which is actually kind of a disappointment compared to the classes you've signed for the past few years. You didn't lose your possibly-insane head coach to Michigan, and you've got a crop full of 5-star recruits ready to fill in for all the players you're losing to the NFL this year.

How do you react in that scenario? Do you celebrate in the streets? Buy new national championship merchandise and DVDs from Sports Illustrated?

Apparently not, if you're an LSU fan. It seems a number of them would prefer to wage floral warfare on the state of Alabama.

That's right, some scholars and gentlemen from Baton Rouge have decided it would just be a great idea to throw seeds of purple and gold flowers from moving vehicles along I-20/59 in Tuscaloosa.

Just the latest installment of things that make you go "huh?" from the Bayou Brainiacs. Who can forget the classic Purple and Gold Houndstooth hats?

The organizer of the great botanical assault on Alabama, Pike Barkerding (I could not make that up), called the project "forget-me-not" flowers for Saban.

Don't worry, Pike. Nobody forgets their psycho exes.

LSU just won a title and the Tiger fans still can't let it go that we hired a guy who used to coach there. Seriously? This is a sign of a well-adjusted, mentally-balanced fan base?

If you really want to drive Saban crazy, how about wearing all that national championship gear or devising clever chants about Alabama's frequent forays to the Independence Bowl. The There's no need to resort to drive-by gardening, or defacing a Houndstooth hat.

Was this really necessary?

LSU fans should be saying "Nick who?" right now instead of taking strange and elaborate measures to cheapen the traditions and interstate highways of Alabama.

No matter what LSU fans do to the median on I-20, the Baton Rouge Tigers will never be higher than third on Alabama's list of rival schools. You can't just manufacture a rivalry out of thin air and purple and gold will never be more hated in Tuscaloosa than the insidious orange of Auburn and Tennessee.

So if you're cruising down the interstate near Tuscaloosa and you see someone throwing seeds out a window, feel free to point and laugh at them for having the worst case of coach envy in sports history. The folks in Baton Rouge should chill out and enjoy their championship. You don't get to win one of those every year, no matter how many flowers you plant."

I hate to tell this idiot this, but LSU is not trying to become SPUAT's rival. LSU simply hates SPUAT. Come to think of it, so do I. And the flowers are a nice touch.

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He is more pointing out that LSU should be celebrating a title, not messing with Alabama. You would think with winning a title, the LSU fans would just forget about Saban until next season, but I guess that's too much to ask. I could understand if we pissed in their Wheaties, but they beat US this year, and all they can think about doing is to continue to talk about our coach, and throw seeds on the interstate.

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Come to Mobile, the LSU fans are worse than any UAT fans. They come out the woodwork in 03 after their title and now they are even more obnoxious. I think they gained 10000 bandwagon fans after this years title.I hate LSU.

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