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No, Barack, we're not bitter.


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Bob Lonsberry

Written April 14, 2008

No, Barack, we're not bitter.

We're American.

And it's too bad you don't realize that. It's too bad you're gotten into middle-age, gone to the best schools, made yourself a millionaire, been elected to the Senate, and still have no idea how the majority of Americans see their country.

It's too bad your nose-in-the-air superiority complex gives you the arrogance to dismiss tens of millions of your fellow citizens as your intellectual and social inferiors.

It's too bad your view of this country is based on bigoted stereotype and simplistic generalization.

But the fact is, slick, that you're full of crap.

At issue is Barack Obama's from-the-heart comment to some liberal San Francisco pals about the stupid people he'd like to preside over. Explaining to the enlightened people in the Golden State how these backward clods get to be backward clods, he wrapped it all up nicely in a liberal elitist bow.

“You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them,” the most condescending man in America said.

"And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

He sounds like an anthropologist explaining some primitive tribe, or a psychiatrist talking about people who have a mental handicap. He sounds like a guy who lives in a “those people” world. The values and opinions of others are flushed down the toilet of relevance by being written off as bitterness.

So let's take this step by step, to understand exactly the insult he lodged, to see this prejudice piece by piece.

Bitterness, Barack says, is the reason people “cling to guns.” I guess he's talking about members of the National Rifle Association and the other near 50 percent of American homes which contain a firearm. Those who believe the Second Amendment is, in fact, a civil right are not being reasonable, or displaying a love for freedom, they are merely being bitter.

Just like people who go to church.

Not three weeks after lecturing the country on how he is a “devout Christian,” and how his racist pastor is really a lot like his “typical white person” grandmother, Barack dismisses the religious zeal of others as bitterness.

It's not faith, it's not conviction, it's bitterness.

Can you think of a similarly dismissive claim by any politician at any other time in your life? This joker doesn't even allow others the presumption of religious sincerity. They cling to their religion not because they believe in Jesus Christ or because they love God or their fellowman, but because they are bitter over a lack of jobs.

Again, Barack insists that people accept his religious sincerity, and then condemns untold millions of others as religious posers. What an incredible double standard, what an astounding brand of egoism.

Then he equated Americans' religious faith with racial bigotry. He said “antipathy to people who aren't like them” was another fruit of this bitterness tree. It is another breathtaking assumption and indictment, claiming vast stretches of the American population are racists.

Does he believe that America's religious views are moral and social failings that can be remediated, like racial bigotry?

Then he dismisses the entire illegal alien debate as another fruit of this bitterness – rule of law be damned – and throws in America's disquiet over trade with China, just for good measure.

What he did was take most of the issues of conservative America – family and faith, the Second Amendment, trade imbalance and illegal immigration, with some defamatory racial bigotry thrown in for good measure – and dismissed them all by defining them as the fruit of bitterness.

Conservatives are conservatives, he told his liberal friends, because they are less evolved. Because they scapegoat, because they are too dumb to find jobs, because they aren't sophisticated enough to process their bitterness in a healthy way.

Well, Barack, you're full of crap.

Those millions of people in the Midwest – and all across America – cling to their faith because they believe in God. Because they are exercising their God-given right to freedom of conscience. Because they have sincere beliefs that your sneering scorn can mock but cannot diminish.

They believe in the Second Amendment because their understanding of how freedom is preserved is better than yours, not worse. Because they understand what the Founders wanted and why. Because they love freedom and insist on exercising their constitutional right to be ready to defend it.

And your claim that these Americans have “antipathy to people who aren't like them” is ridiculously hypocritical because that quote exactly describes your world view. You, Barack, have antipathy to people who aren't like you.

You have bigotry to people who aren't like you.

And this quote proves it.

These people aren't bitter, Barack.

They are Americans.

- by Bob Lonsberry © 2008


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Now you need to take that back. We have heard from the Obama supporters on this site that he is not condescending, arrogant, misleading and he does not have a superiority complex. He never went to a bigoted church and the pastor and his spiritual mentor of that church was misunderstood, he is not a bigot. Obama would never stereotype typical white people. Obama would never stereotype gun owners. Obama would never stereotype Christians who "cling to their religions". Obama would never stereotype people living in small towns. Obama would never stoop to any of that, don't you know he is the savior of the world as we know it. He is the one to carry the dreams and ambitions of all and lift us to a higher plane. A plane no one could ever attain without his guidance and benevolence. He is the one who makes women faint and rr wet his pants at the mere thought of standing in his shadow.

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What if some of us do not care to be on a plane? I haven't flown since 1989. Not bitter about it, either. :rolleyes:

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Once again Obama has shown his true colors.

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You two guys sound pretty darn bitter to me. :poke:B)

I'll be pretty darn bitter if a racist (Reverend Wright), anti-american (these comments), tax raiser (liberal economic/healthcare policies) is elected president.

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I swear, put a teleprompter in front of him and Obama appears to be the smartest man in the room. Take away the teleprompter and he suddenly has a room temperature IQ. I am sure he would tell me that Im just bitter....

Dont like Hillary. Dont care for McCain's policies although he is a nice man. Obama... is sliding away so fast I might just stay home.

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I swear, put a teleprompter in front of him and Obama appears to be the smartest man in the room. Take away the teleprompter and he suddenly has a room temperature IQ. I am sure he would tell me that Im just bitter....

Dont like Hillary. Dont care for McCain's policies although he is a nice man. Obama... is sliding away so fast I might just stay home.

Obama is generally very well-spoken in interviews and debates. When you are talking all day long every day, you're going to have times when your words are less well-chosen. Whether folks agree with him or not, Obama is often the smartest guy in the room.

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I swear, put a teleprompter in front of him and Obama appears to be the smartest man in the room. Take away the teleprompter and he suddenly has a room temperature IQ. I am sure he would tell me that Im just bitter....

Dont like Hillary. Dont care for McCain's policies although he is a nice man. Obama... is sliding away so fast I might just stay home.

Obama is generally very well-spoken in interviews and debates. When you are talking all day long every day, you're going to have times when your words are less well-chosen. Whether folks agree with him or not, Obama is often the smartest guy in the room.

Obama is often the smartest guy in the room.... :roflol: . Based on what?

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I swear, put a teleprompter in front of him and Obama appears to be the smartest man in the room. Take away the teleprompter and he suddenly has a room temperature IQ. I am sure he would tell me that Im just bitter....

Dont like Hillary. Dont care for McCain's policies although he is a nice man. Obama... is sliding away so fast I might just stay home.

Obama is generally very well-spoken in interviews and debates. When you are talking all day long every day, you're going to have times when your words are less well-chosen. Whether folks agree with him or not, Obama is often the smartest guy in the room.

Obama is often the smartest guy in the room.... :roflol: . Based on what?

You have to consider the source. Tex said Obama was not a condescending elitist and that he didn't attend a church with a racist pastor.

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I swear, put a teleprompter in front of him and Obama appears to be the smartest man in the room. Take away the teleprompter and he suddenly has a room temperature IQ. I am sure he would tell me that Im just bitter....

Dont like Hillary. Dont care for McCain's policies although he is a nice man. Obama... is sliding away so fast I might just stay home.

Obama is generally very well-spoken in interviews and debates. When you are talking all day long every day, you're going to have times when your words are less well-chosen. Whether folks agree with him or not, Obama is often the smartest guy in the room.

Obama is often the smartest guy in the room.... :roflol: . Based on what?

Harvard Law Review editors are usually pretty bright. Of course, I said "often" and not "always"-- I wanted to allow for those occasions when you and/or TigerMike might be in the same room with him. B)

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I swear, put a teleprompter in front of him and Obama appears to be the smartest man in the room. Take away the teleprompter and he suddenly has a room temperature IQ. I am sure he would tell me that Im just bitter....

Dont like Hillary. Dont care for McCain's policies although he is a nice man. Obama... is sliding away so fast I might just stay home.

Obama is generally very well-spoken in interviews and debates. When you are talking all day long every day, you're going to have times when your words are less well-chosen. Whether folks agree with him or not, Obama is often the smartest guy in the room.

Obama is often the smartest guy in the room.... :roflol: . Based on what?

Harvard Law Review editors are usually pretty bright. Of course, I said "often" and not "always"-- I wanted to allow for those occasions when you and/or TigerMike might be in the same room with him. B)

I probably wouldn't be smarter, but I damn sure would be much more honest and less condescending, less arrogant and no where near the elitist as Obama. I would also know deep down in my heart that if I ever attended a church with a racist anti American pastor, I would leave and wouldn't hang around for 20 years.

I can live with that.

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I swear, put a teleprompter in front of him and Obama appears to be the smartest man in the room. Take away the teleprompter and he suddenly has a room temperature IQ. I am sure he would tell me that Im just bitter....

Dont like Hillary. Dont care for McCain's policies although he is a nice man. Obama... is sliding away so fast I might just stay home.

Obama is generally very well-spoken in interviews and debates. When you are talking all day long every day, you're going to have times when your words are less well-chosen. Whether folks agree with him or not, Obama is often the smartest guy in the room.

Obama is often the smartest guy in the room.... :roflol: . Based on what?

Harvard Law Review editors are usually pretty bright. Of course, I said "often" and not "always"-- I wanted to allow for those occasions when you and/or TigerMike might be in the same room with him. B)

I probably wouldn't be smarter, but I damn sure would be much more honest and less condescending, less arrogant and no where near the elitist as Obama. I would also know deep down in my heart that if I ever attended a church with a racist anti American pastor, I would leave and wouldn't hang around for 20 years.

I can live with that.

They've told you to latch on to that word "elitist" and you're minding well. Got all the talking points down already and it's only April!

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I swear, put a teleprompter in front of him and Obama appears to be the smartest man in the room. Take away the teleprompter and he suddenly has a room temperature IQ. I am sure he would tell me that Im just bitter....

Dont like Hillary. Dont care for McCain's policies although he is a nice man. Obama... is sliding away so fast I might just stay home.

Obama is generally very well-spoken in interviews and debates. When you are talking all day long every day, you're going to have times when your words are less well-chosen. Whether folks agree with him or not, Obama is often the smartest guy in the room.

Obama is often the smartest guy in the room.... :roflol: . Based on what?

Harvard Law Review editors are usually pretty bright. Of course, I said "often" and not "always"-- I wanted to allow for those occasions when you and/or TigerMike might be in the same room with him. B)

I probably wouldn't be smarter, but I damn sure would be much more honest and less condescending, less arrogant and no where near the elitist as Obama. I would also know deep down in my heart that if I ever attended a church with a racist anti American pastor, I would leave and wouldn't hang around for 20 years.

I can live with that.

They've told you to latch on to that word "elitist" and you're minding well. Got all the talking points down already and it's only April!

Call it like I see it and am honest about it.

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I swear, put a teleprompter in front of him and Obama appears to be the smartest man in the room. Take away the teleprompter and he suddenly has a room temperature IQ. I am sure he would tell me that Im just bitter....

Dont like Hillary. Dont care for McCain's policies although he is a nice man. Obama... is sliding away so fast I might just stay home.

Obama is generally very well-spoken in interviews and debates. When you are talking all day long every day, you're going to have times when your words are less well-chosen. Whether folks agree with him or not, Obama is often the smartest guy in the room.

Obama is often the smartest guy in the room.... :roflol: . Based on what?

He has been known to hang out with a lot of libs. Being the smartest guy in THAT ROOM aint that hard to do , bro. ;)

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"I'm tired of playing defense all the time," Sen. Barack Obama told a bustling crowd of union members here [in Washington] Tuesday. "I want to play some offense."

... "If you've been filling up your gas tank, you're angry," Obama said. "You've got to feel some frustration. You've got to feel some anger when you get the sense that the American way of life for so many people is slipping away."

... he added, that such anger was "not a reason to give up hope."

Though he never mentioned Clinton, he did say, "If anyone denies that people are frustrated and angry and yes, sometimes bitter, then they are out of touch."

... In Pennsylvania, Michelle Obama ... spoke at length about her own humble upbringing, with a father who had no college education and supported a family of four on a Chicago city worker's salary.

She also talked about her husband's mother, "an 18-year-old single white woman raising a black child in the '60s," who sometimes relied on food stamps to feed her family.

Things were hard for their parents, she told a crowded theater, but she argued it's even harder for working people to get by in today's economy.

"Folks are struggling like they have never struggled before, thinking they are doing everything that has been asked of them to reach an ever-shifting bar," she said.

"Yeah, people are frustrated," she said. "You stop believing that folks in these positions care. So folks fold their arms in disgust . . . . Yeah, people feel divided and isolated."



Asked about the flak he’s been taking, Obama said the charges make little sense to him.

“I am amused about this notion of elitist, given that when you’re raised by a single mom, when you’re on food stamps for a while when you were growing up, you went to school on scholarship….” he said, also talking about his wife Michelle’s money troubles.

“So when somebody makes that argument, particularly given that I spent my entire life working with workers, low-income communities to try to make people’s lives a little bit better, then that’s when you know we’re in political silly season,” he told a veterans forum in Washington, Pa.

“Hopefully it’ll come to an end fairly soon and we can start focusing on the issues that the people of Pennsylvania and the American people care about.”

The individual who asked about the comments suggested the charges of elitism had racial overtones.

“As a white person, this term, the way it is being used against you, it isn’t far from ‘uppity,’ OK?” the man told Obama angrily. “And I think the Clintons are getting away with something that they must be called on. They will continue to do it until somebody states, ‘Mrs Clinton, you’re really close to prejudice here. This is wrong.’”

Obama said it was “nice to say that,” but he didn’t think racial overtones were shading the debate.

“I think that, you know, it’s politics,” he said. “When we start getting behind in races, then we start going on the attack.”

In a counter to Clinton’s ad, Obama’s campaign release an ad Tuesday that showed footage of Clinton being jeered for bringing up Obama’s “bitter” comments at a Pittsburgh event the day before.

“There’s a reason people are rejecting Hillary Clinton’s attacks,” the narrator says. “Because the same old Washington politics won’t lower the price of gas or help our struggling economy. Barack Obama will represent all Americans. He offers a new approach”

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