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Carter-Hamas meeting achieved nothing: Palestinians

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Carter-Hamas meeting achieved nothing: Palestinians

Apr 23 07:29 AM US/Eastern

‘I Have No Authority’: Carter Says He Wouldn’t Meet With Al Qaeda That hasnt stopped you so far...

Last week's meeting between former US president Jimmy Carter and the exiled leader of Hamas militants did not produce any results, Palestinian foreign minister Riyad al-Malki said here Wednesday.

"President Carter came to the region thinking he could achieve something. Unfortunately president Carter left without anything concrete," he told a conference in the Spanish capital.

"The only thing he achieved was permission on the part of Khaled Meshaal of Hamas to deliver a letter from a detained Israeli soldier to his family. Nothing else," he said.

"Hamas offered nothing to president Carter. They reiterated the same positions. There was no change on the part of Hamas," Malki added.

Carter's meetings with top Hamas leader Meshaal and his deputy in Syria angered Israel and the United States, which consider the movement a terror group despite its victory in 2006 elections.

He was unable to secure a ceasefire or a prisoner exchange for an Israeli soldier seized by Gaza militants in 2006, but on Monday Carter said Hamas told him it would recognise Israel's right to exist (IF?) such a deal was approved by a Palestinian vote.

Just hours later Meshaal told a press conference in Damascus that Hamas would not recognise the Jewish state and would insist on the right of return for 4.5 million Palestinian refugees.

Dumbest man on the planet... :yes:

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If he is so hell bent on doing something for the greater good of humanity, then he needs to continue to support the Habitat Houses and get off the political map. The American people didn't like the job he was doing in the late 70's and voted him out of office. What makes him think that we would approve of anything he did today? I heard a guy on TV the other night explain it best. Carter is kinda like that senile grandpa, he wonders around aimlessly and gets into things and situations that embarrasses the family. He needs to give it a rest.

Jimmy Carter = worst Pres ever! Sorry Bush haters, Carter has him beat.

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The essence of Jimmy Carter, a great democrat.

Sometimes pictures are better than words


Once again Michael Ramirez nails it with a cartoon.

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