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MSNBC: McCain to meet with three VP candidates this weekend

Tiger Al

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I think Jindal is in a great position right where he is , so I hope it's not him. His time will come. With Huckabee in McCain's back pocket, I seriously doubt Romney would be his pick, but I'd certainly love it. Romney was my pick for President all along.

Of the 3, Crist seems to be the most likely pick.

I could live w/ all 3, of course, but I really hope he doesn't pick Jindal yet. He's gonna take over the country soon enough on his own.

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I think Jindal is in a great position right where he is , so I hope it's not him. His time will come. With Huckabee in McCain's back pocket, I seriously doubt Romney would be his pick, but I'd certainly love it. Romney was my pick for President all along.

Of the 3, Crist seems to be the most likely pick.

I could live w/ all 3, of course, but I really hope he doesn't pick Jindal yet. He's gonna take over the country soon enough on his own.

Romney would be my favorite, too.

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Of those three, I'd pick Crist. I think Jindal is actually the best candidate but he's a rising star and could use a few years in the governor's chair before going national.

I still prefer Huckabee. Romney would be my least favorite pick. He's a wax mannequin.

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A Romney pick would be eerily similar to an Edwards pick 4 years ago. But it probably makes sense because he could strengthen McCain's economic weaknesses however, I'm not sure how this mends the base. Romney would also strengthen McCain in the West and Great Lakes. As TT mentioned, Huckabee seems to be the safer play.

I'll take Who wants to be a part of a losing ticket for $1,000, Alex.

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A Romney pick would be eerily similar to an Edwards pick 4 years ago. But it probably makes sense because he could strengthen McCain's economic weaknesses however, I'm not sure how this mends the base. Romney would also strengthen McCain in the West and Great Lakes. As TT mentioned, Huckabee seems to be the safer play.

I'll take Who wants to be a part of a losing ticket for $1,000, Alex.

In my opinion, Romney as his running mate would virtually guarantee that McCain would have no chance to win.

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Jindal is a really good guy. I like him a lot.

I would be very disappointed in him if he left though after not even a year of winning the Governors position here.

We need him badly as he has done wonders for us since Katrina even when he wasn't Gov.

I usually vote for Democrats too in Louisiana

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Jindal is a really good guy. I like him a lot.

I would be very disappointed in him if he left though after not even a year of winning the Governors position here.

We need him badly as he has done wonders for us since Katrina even when he wasn't Gov.

I usually vote for Democrats too in Louisiana

I agree with this. Jindal is exactly what that corrupt state government in LA needs. Don't drag him out of there too soon. Plus if he manages to get things going in the right direction in a place like that, it will only make him a bigger deal in a few years.

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A Romney pick would be eerily similar to an Edwards pick 4 years ago. But it probably makes sense because he could strengthen McCain's economic weaknesses however, I'm not sure how this mends the base. Romney would also strengthen McCain in the West and Great Lakes. As TT mentioned, Huckabee seems to be the safer play.

I'll take Who wants to be a part of a losing ticket for $1,000, Alex.

In my opinion, Romney as his running mate would virtually guarantee that McCain would have no chance to win.

Romney, Romney, Romney!!! :cheer::cheer:

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Of these three, I'd think Crist would be the best choice. You?


If his first name is Jesus and he has no earthly father I am so in.

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Of these three, I'd think Crist would be the best choice. You?


If his first name is Jesus and he has no earthly father I am so in.

Charles. Or, Charlie. Sorry. :(

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Jesus in Aramaic is roughly translated into English as Charlie, isn't it ?

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Jindal is a really good guy. I like him a lot.

I would be very disappointed in him if he left though after not even a year of winning the Governors position here.

We need him badly as he has done wonders for us since Katrina even when he wasn't Gov.

I usually vote for Democrats too in Louisiana

Sincere question: What has he done that gives you such great confidence in him?

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Jindal is a really good guy. I like him a lot.

I would be very disappointed in him if he left though after not even a year of winning the Governors position here.

We need him badly as he has done wonders for us since Katrina even when he wasn't Gov.

I usually vote for Democrats too in Louisiana

Sincere question: What has he done that gives you such great confidence in him?

I really should have said that I like him as a "person" and not so much as a politician. I don't agree with him on abortion, I don't agree with him on many tax issues, and I don't agree with him being such a strict Conservative on other issues.

With that said, a lot of what I like about Jindal came after Katrina. He was one of the few politicians who came on the TV/Radio airwaves after Katrina and talked about anything and everything for long amounts of time instead of Vitter/Landrieu who would only come on for 1 hour or so a week (unless a TV spot put them on the national news). He also went to Washington several times and IMO got things rolling for our state on numerous issues after Katrina and him along with Landrieu/Vitter got some things going working together. I was a big fan of his sponsership of the Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act.

Jindal basically lost his first Gov. race because he refused to play dirty with Blanco which I also had a lot of respect for him. Blanco would launch all sorts of TV ads claiming just ridiculous things and not Jindal's credit he would ignore them and move on without getting personal or negative with her. Stupid move not to respond but showed what type of person he is.

Honestly, I still plan on voting for Obama in the general election BUT I respect McCain and I respect Jindal so I wouldn't have a problem with them in the White House as I look at both of them as hard-working, respectable, good people.

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Jindal hasn't been in office more than a few months. Why on earth would you pick him? You might as well ask a random forklift driver down at the warehouse to be your running mate. Yeah, if the guy turns around Louisiana, then he'll be a force to be reckoned with.

Romney would also be a terrible pick for anybody but the most right-wing Republicans. Heck, nobody voted for the guy in the Republican primary. Why do you think he'll do squat in the general election? You do want to win this election don't you?

Crist is still barely a blip on the national radar screen.

Want to know who I'd choose? In an election like this, I would color outside the lines. I'd find somebody who has a great deal of gravitas, who occupies a centrist position and has integrity. Somebody who would absolutely infuriate the Democrats, whipping them up into such a rabid froth that the general public would begin to question their sanity. A running mate who would have major appeal to the great centrist voting public who desperately wants somebody who doesn't stand for partisan rancor.

Joe Lieberman. Hoo boy, that would be a fun pick. It would totally throw the election off kilter. Talk about somebody who would give the DNC fits. He knows where the bodies are buried, he has a major motivation to go after the Democrats after the hose job they tried to pull on him, and the American people like him a lot.

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Jindal hasn't been in office more than a few months. Why on earth would you pick him? You might as well ask a random forklift driver down at the warehouse to be your running mate. Yeah, if the guy turns around Louisiana, then he'll be a force to be reckoned with.

Romney would also be a terrible pick for anybody but the most right-wing Republicans. Heck, nobody voted for the guy in the Republican primary. Why do you think he'll do squat in the general election? You do want to win this election don't you?

Crist is still barely a blip on the national radar screen.

Want to know who I'd choose? In an election like this, I would color outside the lines. I'd find somebody who has a great deal of gravitas, who occupies a centrist position and has integrity. Somebody who would absolutely infuriate the Democrats, whipping them up into such a rabid froth that the general public would begin to question their sanity. A running mate who would have major appeal to the great centrist voting public who desperately wants somebody who doesn't stand for partisan rancor.

Joe Lieberman. Hoo boy, that would be a fun pick. It would totally throw the election off kilter. Talk about somebody who would give the DNC fits. He knows where the bodies are buried, he has a major motivation to go after the Democrats after the hose job they tried to pull on him, and the American people like him a lot.

Come on, otter. From my perspective, Romney would be a GREAT choice! I'd also like to throw Rick Santorum's name in the hat!

As for Lieberman, his ONLY appeal would be his views on the war in Iraq. Unless he suddenly changes his other views, he's still a Democrat. He's pro-choice, opposes flag-burning amendments, opposes bans on gay sex, supports affirmative action, wants to sunset the Patriot Act, supports earned legalization of illegal immigrants, voted "yes" to allow children of illegals to receive food stamps, etc.

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Jindal hasn't been in office more than a few months. Why on earth would you pick him? You might as well ask a random forklift driver down at the warehouse to be your running mate. Yeah, if the guy turns around Louisiana, then he'll be a force to be reckoned with.

Romney would also be a terrible pick for anybody but the most right-wing Republicans. Heck, nobody voted for the guy in the Republican primary. Why do you think he'll do squat in the general election? You do want to win this election don't you?

Crist is still barely a blip on the national radar screen.

Want to know who I'd choose? In an election like this, I would color outside the lines. I'd find somebody who has a great deal of gravitas, who occupies a centrist position and has integrity. Somebody who would absolutely infuriate the Democrats, whipping them up into such a rabid froth that the general public would begin to question their sanity. A running mate who would have major appeal to the great centrist voting public who desperately wants somebody who doesn't stand for partisan rancor.

Joe Lieberman. Hoo boy, that would be a fun pick. It would totally throw the election off kilter. Talk about somebody who would give the DNC fits. He knows where the bodies are buried, he has a major motivation to go after the Democrats after the hose job they tried to pull on him, and the American people like him a lot.

Come on, otter. From my perspective, Romney would be a GREAT choice! I'd also like to throw Rick Santorum's name in the hat!

As for Lieberman, his ONLY appeal would be his views on the war in Iraq. Unless he suddenly changes his other views, he's still a Democrat. He's pro-choice, opposes flag-burning amendments, opposes bans on gay sex, supports affirmative action, wants to sunset the Patriot Act, supports earned legalization of illegal immigrants, voted "yes" to allow children of illegals to receive food stamps, etc.

Lieberman or Romney, please. Lieberman was ineffective the first time. With a big chip on his shoulder, he'd be even less attractive.

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Jindal hasn't been in office more than a few months. Why on earth would you pick him? You might as well ask a random forklift driver down at the warehouse to be your running mate. Yeah, if the guy turns around Louisiana, then he'll be a force to be reckoned with.

Romney would also be a terrible pick for anybody but the most right-wing Republicans. Heck, nobody voted for the guy in the Republican primary. Why do you think he'll do squat in the general election? You do want to win this election don't you?

Crist is still barely a blip on the national radar screen.

Want to know who I'd choose? In an election like this, I would color outside the lines. I'd find somebody who has a great deal of gravitas, who occupies a centrist position and has integrity. Somebody who would absolutely infuriate the Democrats, whipping them up into such a rabid froth that the general public would begin to question their sanity. A running mate who would have major appeal to the great centrist voting public who desperately wants somebody who doesn't stand for partisan rancor.

Joe Lieberman. Hoo boy, that would be a fun pick. It would totally throw the election off kilter. Talk about somebody who would give the DNC fits. He knows where the bodies are buried, he has a major motivation to go after the Democrats after the hose job they tried to pull on him, and the American people like him a lot.

Come on, otter. From my perspective, Romney would be a GREAT choice! I'd also like to throw Rick Santorum's name in the hat!

As for Lieberman, his ONLY appeal would be his views on the war in Iraq. Unless he suddenly changes his other views, he's still a Democrat. He's pro-choice, opposes flag-burning amendments, opposes bans on gay sex, supports affirmative action, wants to sunset the Patriot Act, supports earned legalization of illegal immigrants, voted "yes" to allow children of illegals to receive food stamps, etc.

See? He'd totally throw the Democrats off kilter. Suddenly, it becomes really hard to paint the Republican ticket as a bunch of far-right loonies. Meanwhile, Joe Lieberman can talk about how the scales fell from his eyes, and depict Obama as first among many unhinged Democrats who want to ratchet up taxes and entitlement spending, etc. etc. etc. Of course, Lieberman has to follow President McCain's legislative agenda, while fulfilling the electorate's fervent desire for a centrist ticket, not a bunch of loons from either side of the political spectrum.

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Jindal hasn't been in office more than a few months. Why on earth would you pick him? You might as well ask a random forklift driver down at the warehouse to be your running mate. Yeah, if the guy turns around Louisiana, then he'll be a force to be reckoned with.

Romney would also be a terrible pick for anybody but the most right-wing Republicans. Heck, nobody voted for the guy in the Republican primary. Why do you think he'll do squat in the general election? You do want to win this election don't you?

Crist is still barely a blip on the national radar screen.

Want to know who I'd choose? In an election like this, I would color outside the lines. I'd find somebody who has a great deal of gravitas, who occupies a centrist position and has integrity. Somebody who would absolutely infuriate the Democrats, whipping them up into such a rabid froth that the general public would begin to question their sanity. A running mate who would have major appeal to the great centrist voting public who desperately wants somebody who doesn't stand for partisan rancor.

Joe Lieberman. Hoo boy, that would be a fun pick. It would totally throw the election off kilter. Talk about somebody who would give the DNC fits. He knows where the bodies are buried, he has a major motivation to go after the Democrats after the hose job they tried to pull on him, and the American people like him a lot.

Come on, otter. From my perspective, Romney would be a GREAT choice! I'd also like to throw Rick Santorum's name in the hat!

As for Lieberman, his ONLY appeal would be his views on the war in Iraq. Unless he suddenly changes his other views, he's still a Democrat. He's pro-choice, opposes flag-burning amendments, opposes bans on gay sex, supports affirmative action, wants to sunset the Patriot Act, supports earned legalization of illegal immigrants, voted "yes" to allow children of illegals to receive food stamps, etc.

Lieberman or Romney, please. Lieberman was ineffective the first time. With a big chip on his shoulder, he'd be even less attractive.

No, Gore was ineffective. I'm fairly certain Lieberman is the perfect candidate. The fact that you Democrats are trying to hoot me down confirms that.

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Jindal hasn't been in office more than a few months. Why on earth would you pick him? You might as well ask a random forklift driver down at the warehouse to be your running mate. Yeah, if the guy turns around Louisiana, then he'll be a force to be reckoned with.

Romney would also be a terrible pick for anybody but the most right-wing Republicans. Heck, nobody voted for the guy in the Republican primary. Why do you think he'll do squat in the general election? You do want to win this election don't you?

Crist is still barely a blip on the national radar screen.

Want to know who I'd choose? In an election like this, I would color outside the lines. I'd find somebody who has a great deal of gravitas, who occupies a centrist position and has integrity. Somebody who would absolutely infuriate the Democrats, whipping them up into such a rabid froth that the general public would begin to question their sanity. A running mate who would have major appeal to the great centrist voting public who desperately wants somebody who doesn't stand for partisan rancor.

Joe Lieberman. Hoo boy, that would be a fun pick. It would totally throw the election off kilter. Talk about somebody who would give the DNC fits. He knows where the bodies are buried, he has a major motivation to go after the Democrats after the hose job they tried to pull on him, and the American people like him a lot.

Come on, otter. From my perspective, Romney would be a GREAT choice! I'd also like to throw Rick Santorum's name in the hat!

As for Lieberman, his ONLY appeal would be his views on the war in Iraq. Unless he suddenly changes his other views, he's still a Democrat. He's pro-choice, opposes flag-burning amendments, opposes bans on gay sex, supports affirmative action, wants to sunset the Patriot Act, supports earned legalization of illegal immigrants, voted "yes" to allow children of illegals to receive food stamps, etc.

Lieberman or Romney, please. Lieberman was ineffective the first time. With a big chip on his shoulder, he'd be even less attractive.

No, Gore was ineffective. I'm fairly certain Lieberman is the perfect candidate. The fact that you Democrats are trying to hoot me down confirms that.

You misread me. I hope he does it. I probably prefer Romney, but I'll take Joementum.

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Jindal hasn't been in office more than a few months. Why on earth would you pick him? You might as well ask a random forklift driver down at the warehouse to be your running mate. Yeah, if the guy turns around Louisiana, then he'll be a force to be reckoned with.

Romney would also be a terrible pick for anybody but the most right-wing Republicans. Heck, nobody voted for the guy in the Republican primary. Why do you think he'll do squat in the general election? You do want to win this election don't you?

Crist is still barely a blip on the national radar screen.

Want to know who I'd choose? In an election like this, I would color outside the lines. I'd find somebody who has a great deal of gravitas, who occupies a centrist position and has integrity. Somebody who would absolutely infuriate the Democrats, whipping them up into such a rabid froth that the general public would begin to question their sanity. A running mate who would have major appeal to the great centrist voting public who desperately wants somebody who doesn't stand for partisan rancor.

Joe Lieberman. Hoo boy, that would be a fun pick. It would totally throw the election off kilter. Talk about somebody who would give the DNC fits. He knows where the bodies are buried, he has a major motivation to go after the Democrats after the hose job they tried to pull on him, and the American people like him a lot.

Come on, otter. From my perspective, Romney would be a GREAT choice! I'd also like to throw Rick Santorum's name in the hat!

As for Lieberman, his ONLY appeal would be his views on the war in Iraq. Unless he suddenly changes his other views, he's still a Democrat. He's pro-choice, opposes flag-burning amendments, opposes bans on gay sex, supports affirmative action, wants to sunset the Patriot Act, supports earned legalization of illegal immigrants, voted "yes" to allow children of illegals to receive food stamps, etc.

Lieberman or Romney, please. Lieberman was ineffective the first time. With a big chip on his shoulder, he'd be even less attractive.

No, Gore was ineffective. I'm fairly certain Lieberman is the perfect candidate. The fact that you Democrats are trying to hoot me down confirms that.

You misread me. I hope he does it. I probably prefer Romney, but I'll take Joementum.

Hahaha. Here's the deal. Joe Lieberman has gained a lot more political capital since 2000. The fact that the man could smash the Democratic party machinery in Connecticut after getting kicked to the curb says a lot about the guy. Also, the very swift retraction from the Democrats a few weeks ago when they threatened to strip him of a committee chairmanship for endorsing McCain also speaks a great deal to his backroom ability. The other thing is that Lieberman, like McCain, is pretty much his own man. I think the American people like and respect that a lot--crave it actually.

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Jindal hasn't been in office more than a few months. Why on earth would you pick him? You might as well ask a random forklift driver down at the warehouse to be your running mate. Yeah, if the guy turns around Louisiana, then he'll be a force to be reckoned with.

Romney would also be a terrible pick for anybody but the most right-wing Republicans. Heck, nobody voted for the guy in the Republican primary. Why do you think he'll do squat in the general election? You do want to win this election don't you?

Crist is still barely a blip on the national radar screen.

Want to know who I'd choose? In an election like this, I would color outside the lines. I'd find somebody who has a great deal of gravitas, who occupies a centrist position and has integrity. Somebody who would absolutely infuriate the Democrats, whipping them up into such a rabid froth that the general public would begin to question their sanity. A running mate who would have major appeal to the great centrist voting public who desperately wants somebody who doesn't stand for partisan rancor.

Joe Lieberman. Hoo boy, that would be a fun pick. It would totally throw the election off kilter. Talk about somebody who would give the DNC fits. He knows where the bodies are buried, he has a major motivation to go after the Democrats after the hose job they tried to pull on him, and the American people like him a lot.

Come on, otter. From my perspective, Romney would be a GREAT choice! I'd also like to throw Rick Santorum's name in the hat!

As for Lieberman, his ONLY appeal would be his views on the war in Iraq. Unless he suddenly changes his other views, he's still a Democrat. He's pro-choice, opposes flag-burning amendments, opposes bans on gay sex, supports affirmative action, wants to sunset the Patriot Act, supports earned legalization of illegal immigrants, voted "yes" to allow children of illegals to receive food stamps, etc.

Lieberman or Romney, please. Lieberman was ineffective the first time. With a big chip on his shoulder, he'd be even less attractive.

No, Gore was ineffective. I'm fairly certain Lieberman is the perfect candidate. The fact that you Democrats are trying to hoot me down confirms that.

You misread me. I hope he does it. I probably prefer Romney, but I'll take Joementum.

Hahaha. Here's the deal. Joe Lieberman has gained a lot more political capital since 2000. The fact that the man could smash the Democratic party machinery in Connecticut after getting kicked to the curb says a lot about the guy. Also, the very swift retraction from the Democrats a few weeks ago when they threatened to strip him of a committee chairmanship for endorsing McCain also speaks a great deal to his backroom ability. The other thing is that Lieberman, like McCain, is pretty much his own man. I think the American people like and respect that a lot--crave it actually.

We'll see. He promised CT voters he would caucus as a Dem and immediately after winning threatened not to. Polls show he wouldn't get elected there today. Joe needs McSame to win to have a job. i don't think he wears well on most folks. Too whiny sounding. But I hope you're right.

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One guy that I haven't heard mentioned much is Lindsey Graham. I did hear him mentioned early in the race, but nothing lately. He was a big supporter of McCain in 00 and was still a supporter in 08. He votes conservative a lot, which would help McCain with the hard conservatives of the party, if one is to believe that he needs the help. He is considered more independent minded than some b/c he has spoke out against the party line several times. He has also been known to work across the party lines and sponsor and co-sponsor bills with the Democrats. Plus he is 52, so it's not like he is an old fart or something. I figured he would at least get a mention.

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