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Free Stephen Davis Autograph Magazines


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While cleaning out some of my rooms today I ran across two magazines signed by Stephen Davis that I figured I'd offer you to guys. If I keep them they'll end up being tossed in a box and probably never seen again. One is The Sporting News pre-season edition from his senior year (1994?) and the other is a very glossy SEC Preview magazine. The Sporting News is signed in blue ink, the other in silver. Both are in great shape. I just have such limited space that I'm trying to get rid of things that aren't just absolutely wildly valuable to me. If anyone wants them shoot me an email at tjtoler@mchsi.com. If you're in or around Huntsville I'd be glad to meet you and give them to you. Otherwise, send me the money to cover shipping via PayPal or whatever your preferred method is and I'll get it out to you within a day or so.

For those skeptical of sending me your $3, I've done business with David before if you'd like to make sure I'm not an ass.


The mags are spoken for

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