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Another Hate filled sermon from Trinity


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WND Exclusive ELECTION 2008

Hillary believed she'd win 'cause she's white'

In Trinity sermon, Obama spiritual adviser says Clinton thought 'black man stealing my show'

Posted: May 29, 2008

11:56 am Eastern

By Aaron Klein

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

JERUSALEM – Recognizing her inevitable loss, Sen. Hillary Clinton cried in public because she thought being white entitled her to the Democratic presidential nomination, declared a close associate and spiritual adviser of Sen. Barack Obama at the Illinois senator's Chicago church.

Chicago Catholic pastor Michael Pfleger, speaking Sunday at Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ, implied Clinton was a white supremacist who believed she would win the nomination because of "white entitlement."

Pfleger, who practices black liberation theology, is a regular guest speaker at Trinity church. He was introduced at Sunday's sermon by Obama's new pastor, Rev. Otis Moss III, who called Pfleger a "brother beloved, he is a preacher par-excellence, he is a prophetic powerful pulpiteer."

After Pfleger's remarks about Clinton, Moss thanked Pfleger repeatedly.

Pfleger told the Trinity congregation, "We must be honest enough to expose white entitlement and supremacy wherever it raises its head."

He continued: "Reverand Moss, when Hillary was crying, and people said that was put on, I really don't believe it was put on. I really believe that she just always thought, 'This is mine. I'm Bill's wife. I'm white. And this is mine. I just got to get up and step into the plate.'

"And then out of nowhere came, hey, I'm Barack Obama. And she said, 'Oh damn, where did you come from? I'm white. I'm entitled. There's a black man stealing my show.'"

Pfleger then mimicked Clinton crying as the audience erupted into applause and gave Pfleger's remarks a standing ovation. Clinton has become emotional during several interviews this year, and some media commentators have questioned her sincerity.

In his sermon, Pfleger added, "She wasn't the only one crying. There was a whole lot of white people cryin'."

(Story continues below)

Apparently realizing his remarks might attract media attention, Pfleger stated, "I'm sorry. I don't want to get you into any more trouble."

Moss then took the stage, stating, "We thank God for the message, and we thank God for the messenger. We thank God for Father Michael Pfleger. We thank God for Father Mike."

Moss assumed the leadership of Trinity earlier this month following the retirement of Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., whose controversial sermons have raised questions about Obama's judgment and beliefs.

Obama has said in media interviews he will retain his membership in Trinity under Moss, whom he lauded as a "wonderful young pastor."

Pfleger is a regular guest lecturer at Trinity and has been featured a number of times in Wright's Trumpet magazine, which drew some media attention after it honored controversial Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan.

Obama has appeared on at least three Trumpet covers and last year gave an exclusive interview to the magazine. Obama's wife, Michelle, also recently talked with Trumpet.

Pfleger, an early supporter of Obama who leads a mostly black Chicago parish, has hosted Farrakhan a number of times, drawing the ire of the Catholic Church. The June/July 2007 issue of Wright's Trumpet magazine describes Pfleger as "Afrocentric to the core."

Obama identified Pfleger in a 2004 interview with the Chicago Sun-Times as a key source of spiritual guidance. The Sun-Times piece, which was among the first in which Obama outlined his faith, includes quotes from Pfleger praising Obama.

"Faith is key to his life, no question about it," Pfleger told the Sun-Times. "It is central to who he is, and not just in his work in the political field, but as a man, as a black man, as a husband, as a father. ... I don't think he could easily divorce his faith from who he is."

Pfleger's highly political remarks last week are unusual for him.

Wright's Trumpet magazine reported last year Pfleger "manages to weave into the midday homily at Trinity … his deep and abiding dislike for President George W. Bush. And with this mostly African-American congregation, Pfleger is in good company."

According to a profile of Pfleger in Trumpet, the pastor "counts the mighty as close confidants and friends," specifically Wright, Farrakhan and Obama.

Earlier in Pfleger's Trinity church sermon, he argued for slavery reparations.

"Honestly now, to address the one who says, 'Don't hold me responsible for what my ancestors did.' But you have enjoyed the benefits of what your ancestors did ... and unless you are ready to give up the benefits, throw away your 401 fund, throw away your trust fund, throw away all the monies you put away into the company you walked into because your daddy and grand daddy. ..."

Shouting, Pfleger continued, "Unless you are willing to give up the benefits then you must be responsible for what was done in your generation, because you are the beneficiaries of this insurance policy."

more vulgarity from the pulpit

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WOW! That speaks volumes to BHOs campaign regardless of his denouncing of it or side stepping away from Wright. To "worship" in a place that condones and spreads messages of racism. HUGE reason he will not get my vote. That is horrible. For "a man of God" to cuss in a "sermon". Good grief what is going on here!!!!!!!!!!!!

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WOW! That speaks volumes to BHOs campaign regardless of his denouncing of it or side stepping away from Wright. To "worship" in a place that condones and spreads messages of racism. HUGE reason he will not get my vote. That is horrible. For "a man of God" to cuss in a "sermon". Good grief what is going on here!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, the outrage! C'mon. Obama never had a chance at your vote. Get real.

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The one note song that comes from the pulpit at that church really is not helping him.

I'm not sure these occasional clips give us the data to assert it's a "one note song", but the overall point is well taken. This guest priest did something pretty moronic. Unfortunately, a certain subgroup of clergy have too much showboat in them and get too easily carried away. If you saw the clip, however, it's the kind of thing that had a comedian said it in a comedy club, it would have been kinda funny. He wasn't too far off the mark on Hillary. But it was beyond dumb to do that in any pulpit, especially that one. He has apologized.


The Hillary camp's "outrage" is pretty rich, given all the things that have come from their side.

And calling this sermon "hate-filled" is pretty mindlessly reflexive.

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Mr. Obama, through a statement released to reporters, said he was “deeply disappointed.”

“As I have traveled this country, I’ve been impressed by not what divides us, but by all that that unites us,” Mr. Obama said. “That is why I am deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger’s divisive, backward-looking rhetoric, which doesn’t reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together in common cause.”

Mr. Pfleger, who is the pastor of Saint Sabina Catholic Church in Chicago, a largely black congregation, said he regretted the words he preached last Sunday.

“These words are inconsistent with Senator Obama’s life and message, and I am deeply sorry if they offended Senator Clinton or anyone else who saw them,” he said in a statement released to reporters by his church.

Mr. Obama was not present during the remarks on Sunday. Since he began distancing himself from his longtime pastor about two months ago, he has not attended services at Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago’s South Side.


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So, because Barack Obama knows someone who called someone else a "prophetic powerful pulpiteer" (gotta love the alliteration) who called Hillary Clinton a white supremacist (she has been called worse things on this board), Barack is clearly the one responsible for all of this... This is getting ridiculous.

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Let me guess, Obama is responsible for this sermon too....sigh.

YES, because Sen Obama had a cousin, whose wife worked with the nephew, of a friend, who knew Kevin Bacon.

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Actually it all goes back to guilt by association. It's not always correct. But what's the first thing your parents told you about who you hang out with? Holds true here too. He was in that church for 20 years. You want us to believe that this church just started going in this direction only since he started running for president?

"Hey. Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat...." <in my best Bullwinkle voice>

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Actually it all goes back to guilt by association. It's not always correct. But what's the first thing your parents told you about who you hang out with? Holds true here too. He was in that church for 20 years. You want us to believe that this church just started going in this direction only since he started running for president?

"Hey. Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat...." <in my best Bullwinkle voice>

You're right, it is guilt by association. And you're more right in that it is not always correct. Obviously, stuff like this doesn't reflect well on Barack Obama, just as similar circumstances involving John McCain do not reflect well on him. I think it's important to keep it in perspective, though. Being 100% honest, none of these "pastor problems" have changed the way I view either candidate.

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All we can expect now is someone to dig and find another John Hagee or Ron Parsley sermon and we do this all over again... to even it out.

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All we can expect now is someone to dig and find another John Hagee or Ron Parsley sermon and we do this all over again... to even it out.

The problem in many Americans minds is that there is no way to even it out. What has been preached by achmed's religious mentors is so much worse than anything else said. It's about hate. What the others preach is a (strong) difference in opinion on the interpretation of the bible and how it applies to other religions, not races.

What's coming out of achmed's side is borderline lunacy and racially motivated.

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The one note song that comes from the pulpit at that church really is not helping him.

I'm not sure these occasional clips give us the data to assert it's a "one note song", but the overall point is well taken. This guest priest did something pretty moronic. Unfortunately, a certain subgroup of clergy have too much showboat in them and get too easily carried away. If you saw the clip, however, it's the kind of thing that had a comedian said it in a comedy club, it would have been kinda funny. He wasn't too far off the mark on Hillary. But it was beyond dumb to do that in any pulpit, especially that one. He has apologized.


The Hillary camp's "outrage" is pretty rich, given all the things that have come from their side.

And calling this sermon "hate-filled" is pretty mindlessly reflexive.

Yes it is hate-filled. Did you even watch the video? If I was a member of this church I would immediately withdraw my membership. How can you allow a supposed man of God get into a pulpit and spew out such vulgarity? This church has some major issues. Proverbs 4:23-24, 23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. 24 Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.

Prov 4:23-24 (KJV)

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Let me guess, Obama is responsible for this sermon too....sigh.

It's still his church, is it not ? And this clown is a repeat offender,.err..." guest " at this church, as you heard from the introduction. This hate whitie/ blame whitie message which keeps coming from the TUCofC simply isn't going to play well w/ the rest of the country.

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I actually hope that Obama wins the democratic nomination because I think it will make for an easier election for McCain. I think these issues coming up repeatedly will alienate the white, blue collar crowd that are Clinton loyalist at this time. When Clinton is no longer an available option, those voters will side with McCain rather than Clinton. The DNC better push hard not to alienate those moderate democratic voters or they will be in trouble come November.

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I think that is why for the most part the repubs are laying off of him for now. They want hilldog out of the way then they will focus on the messiah.

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