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Dipped below 11,000 today for first time in 2 yrs.

Not long ago it was at 14,000.

Can't be very good for privatized retirement investment, can it? I don't hear too many politicians talking about privatization and dismantling social security. Why is that?

Fannie and Freddie Mac are on the verge of going under.

Who's taking credit for the economy now? Republicans? Democrats? I don't hear much about that lately.

This is really about the economy more than politics, so I'm still on my political holiday.

Any thoughts?

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One thing that could do wonders for the economy is to drill now.

Instead libs would rather continue what has become the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. $700 billion and counting for this year.

Why drill here and help our economy when we can continue to be bled dry by other countries? Ask an idiotic liberal and let them try to explain that one.

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Let's see...the market is down another 200 so far today, oil is about to hit $150/barrell, major financial institutions are fighting for their lives...nope nothing really to say here....it's a cyclical thing. You gotta really understand capitalism, free markets, macro economics/global markets to have this conversation....complicated stuff really.

Besides, as you know it's all the socialist Democrats fault. We just need more tax cuts, more drilling, more wars, etc. Move along now.

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One thing that could do wonders for the economy is to drill now.

Instead libs would rather continue what has become the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. $700 billion and counting for this year.

Why drill here and help our economy when we can continue to be bled dry by other countries? Ask an idiotic liberal and let them try to explain that one.

Weren't the "Conservatives" in power for 6 of the last 7.5 years? What did they do to keep this from happening?

Sounds like drilling is the only answer. . . No need for alternative energy?

What about experts like T. B. Pickens who say we can't drill ourselves out? Liberal commies? A pox upon them all?

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You just don't get it do you. We are NOT in a Recession. This is just a little economic "down turn". This is all in "your head" so quite your "whinning."

So just listen to McCain's Chief Economic Advisor. Kind of reminds me of that scene in Animal House where Kevin Bacon stands up and says something to the effect of "were O.K."

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As far as what can be done, all we're hearing from McCain is to: keep taxes low, lower taxes, and cut spending

all we're hearing from Obama seems to be is: raise taxes, make government bigger, and cut spending

they are being too broad.

nobody should be bailed out of their mortgage. no business should be bailed out either. no more stimulus packages.

interest rates shouldn't be lowered. they shouldn't have been lowered the last couple of times.

The Dow was at 14k not long ago. We went from 12k to 14k very, very fast. Now, we drop from 14k to 11k very, very fast. Things in this country are beginning to rise and fall very fast. Same can be said in the housing market. We went from record high home sales to record low home sales in only 3-5 years. Now home prices are free falling at record rates. Having said that, have you seen the median home sale price at the result of those drops? The median home price is now at a mere $190k to $200k. Are these prices a hand in velvet glove fit for middle America? We can't seem to do anything in moderation anymore.

We're hearing about fuel supply. We're hearing let's drill! Then, the other side says, "we'll it'll take years before any oil is on the market." No quick fix awww. We hear about alternative energy. Doubters say " it'll take years before we see any affect on fuel prices." no quick fix. Awww. People, something like this will not be a quick fix. Can some people and some in the media get past this fact? So do we just sit on our thumbs and continue to give ourselves prostate exams and do nothing and allow oil to rise because there it no quick fix and we can only do things a certain way, or do we buck up and try to drill or develop something? I choose drill and develop alternative fuels. This shouldn't rely soley on the government. Sure, they should loosen some regulations, but government shouldn't be the one who solves the problems. They should get out of the way.

we're not going to be in a recession.

tough economic times might feel like a recession, but factually it is not. of late though, we have depended more on feelings than facts.

small businesses, although going through a tough time themselves, continue to add jobs. it's the bigger manufacturers that are hurting right now.

I would like to know the effect it will have on the economy if : the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire, the capital gains tax increases ( remember...panic panic private retirement investors, the dow is at a friggin 2 year low!!), social security cap is lifted ( how will that affect self-employed people?), windfall profit tax on oil companies.

If our economy is in such dire straint, what's with all the talk of giving .5-.7% of our GDP away? Are Americans a priority or not?

Congress couldn't even allow a one time, (one time) freeze on pork barrel spending. Again, really, how bad off are we if we couldn't do this one time thing?

The iPhone seems to be doing ok today. Maybe priorities are out of whack?

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One thing that could do wonders for the economy is to drill now.

Instead libs would rather continue what has become the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. $700 billion and counting for this year.

Why drill here and help our economy when we can continue to be bled dry by other countries? Ask an idiotic liberal and let them try to explain that one.

Weren't the "Conservatives" in power for 6 of the last 7.5 years? What did they do to keep this from happening?

Sounds like drilling is the only answer. . . No need for alternative energy?

What about experts like T. B. Pickens who say we can't drill ourselves out? Liberal commies? A pox upon them all?

It has been a narrow margin in congress and has since flipped to the dems. Most conserv's are for drilling but haven't been able to get it pushed thru. Liberal hero clinton vetoed the anwr deal while in office.

Drilling more in America has always been needed, but only very lately has it become an extreme necessity. Since it has become an extreme necessity lib's have been blocking it. Pretty cut, dried, and simple to understand.

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Reps. have had a reasonable majority in Congress. The Administration and Congress have been unable to convince the American public that we should drill.

The Dems have the narrowest margin in Congress now.

Why have the "conservatives" not pushed with Dem support for alternative energy?

Are alternative energy and independence from oil not proper goals?

What will we do when we have exhausted all of our natural oil reserves? Why not save it for later?

Pretty cut, dried and simple to understand?

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Reps. have had a reasonable majority in Congress. The Administration and Congress have been unable to convince the American public that we should drill.

They haven't really tried that hard because until recently there was no need to. Now, an overwhelming majority of Americans are ready to drill NOW, before it is too late. Unfortunately, idiotic liberals won't allow it YET.

The Dems have the narrowest margin in Congress now.

Just like the repubs have had the narrowest margins until recently.

Why have the "conservatives" not pushed with Dem support for alternative energy?

Exactly what programs have the dems presented that offer a definite fix for our problems and will help us out before it is too late?

Are alternative energy and independence from oil not proper goals?

Yes, but only if those goals can be reached without crippling and/or destroying society as we know it. Harvesting our oil now and developing alternative energy sources are a close #1 and 2 on the priority list with harvesting our oil at the top.

What will we do when we have exhausted all of our natural oil reserves? Why not save it for later?

Lets worry about the first question when he have harvested, say, 50% of what is currently under American soil and sea locations. We are a long way from that. When you say "why not save it for later?", I assume you mean after we can't implement an alternative energy fast enough, our shaky foreign oil supply gets even shakier and/or dries up, and we collapse as a society.

Pretty cut, dried and simple to understand?
I guess for someone who is willing to gamble the entire future of the nation on a bunch of maybes when the sure thing is right in front of them, it is. To me it makes no sense whatsoever.
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