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New Online Newspaper


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My dad sent this to me in an email a few minutes ago. Could be good...

A quick introduction: My name is Ken Bradley and I’m one of the senior editors of Sporting News, the nation’s oldest sports magazine — and also an Auburn grad (Class of 94, Journalism).

Last week, we launched a new product called Sporting News Today. It’s the world’s first online daily sports newspaper — and it’s free. It’s about 30 pages a day and very easy to navigate. It takes all of about 7 seconds to sign up for it — just name, email and year of birth. Readers can do that at sportingnewstoday.com. Best to do on anything but Safari (Explorer, Firefox, etc.). We’ve been having a few technical difficulties with Safari today.

Anyway, I was hoping you could send this to your Auburn alumni chapter members. Why should they sign up? Well, besides the fact that it truly is America’s best sports section (hands down) and free, we’ll also have a guest columnist every week Auburn fans might be interested in.

His name? Sen’Derrick Marks.

The All-SEC defensive lineman is one of 22 college football players who’ll write for us. His column debuted in Sunday’s edition and will continue to run throughout the football season.

Thanks for your time, and I hope all’s well. Should be another great Auburn football season.

Thanks again.



Ken Bradley

Senior Editor, Sporting News

120 West Morehead Street, Suite 200

Charlotte, NC 28202

(704) 973-1611

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Yeah, I signed up for this when it first started. I quit subscribing to Sports Illustrated and ESPN Mag a couple of years ago and started reading the Sporting News instead. I like it much better then those other two wastes of paper. This new online version is pretty good and it is updated daily, like a local fish wrap would be.

I wonder how long the will keep this free. It is actually a very well made site for them to be offering it for free or they start offering extra premium material. If they keep it as good as it is right now, I might be willing to pay a few extra bucks a month. It would still be much better then the ripoff job that is cold ESPN Insider.

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