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McCainites, "if you can't beat em, shoot em"


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First a church, now shooting up the Deomcaratic Headquarters in Arkansas.

Boy, you guys sure do love your guns

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There is nothing in the news to support your obscene accusation. The gunman has not been identified as a Republican or a McCain supporter.

But nothing less than unfounded lies from the left is to be expected.

As a moderator I had the option of deleting your post because it is an obvious out and out lie. But I decided to leave it up so the world will see you as the complete dumbass you are.

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If it was a shooting at a Republican headquarters I can only imagine the headlines you would have posted.I actually posted it as a little sarcasim.

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If it was a shooting at a Republican headquarters I can only imagine the headlines you would have posted. I actually posted it as a little sarcasim.

Oh, that's what that was? Gee, some how it didn't come though. Try harder, next time.


And if it WAS a GOP headquarters which was shot up, you honestly think they'd even report it in the first place?

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Simply Typical of radical operatives.......one side or the other.

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