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Watching the Hist Chan

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History chan show about ancient aliens then the Black Plague was brought up about how so many were killed.Then my cousin asks me which do you think has killed more people over history?I don't know where to begin to look for such info!Any help would be great!

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Im confused. What exactly is a skeeter? Am I missing something here?


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Im confused. What exactly is a skeeter? Am I missing something here?


I apologilse I know better than to skip on exacts here .OK I just like sayn SKEETER!!JK!

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Ohhhhhh, Duh Ryan. Sorry, I'm apparently too tired to function properly.

In terms of total numbers, I'd have to say mosquitoes in many different ways. However, 1918 influenza may have killed more people ultimately, but only because the world's population was much larger than it was during the 13th and 14th centuries. Bubonic plague was perhaps the closest thing to causing a mass extinction of human kind in all of our recorded history.

As an interesting aside, because of genetic similarities and traits, HIV and the bubonic plague may constitute an almost identical strain of virus in certain ways. It has been hypothesized that if you are a direct descendant of a survivor of the 14th century plague, (someone who contracted it and recovered) you might be immune to HIV. There is of course no proof, just thought it was interesting to pass along.


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Genocide and 1918 flu pandemic

genocide? Not a shot at you but just how many died natually from these critters through the years?That's all I'm asking.

Imios understood the question as not necessarily involving insects, but a general "what" has killed more people in history?

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Then my cousin asks me which do you think has killed more people over history?

UAT losses. :big:

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It has to be mosquitos when you factor in malaria and yellow fever in addition to any other mosquito borne diseases. Interesting fact, is that Dr. Thomas Fearn, the first physician in Huntsville co-discovered that quinine was effective for malaria treatment at the same time another, i think Scottish researcher, did. The plague has been a short lived problem. Malaria has been killing millions for probably thousands of years.

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It has to be mosquitos when you factor in malaria and yellow fever in addition to any other mosquito borne diseases. Interesting fact, is that Dr. Thomas Fearn, the first physician in Huntsville co-discovered that quinine was effective for malaria treatment at the same time another, i think Scottish researcher, did. The plague has been a short lived problem. Malaria has been killing millions for probably thousands of years.

And since DDT has been banned, more have died.

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