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Jordan could have easily been America


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Nice little diatribe about why sKerry is so scary when it comes to terrorism.


Government officials in Jordan say they thwarted an Al-Qaeda plan to set off a chemical bomb and attack the U.S. Embassy and other targets there.  Had they been successful, officials say as many as 20,000 people would have died.  The suspects, in a confession aired on Jordanian television, said their aim was to kill 80,000 people.  They also said they were taking orders from Al-Qaeda.  Maybe now the Arab world will confront their problem of Islamic terrorism ... but probably not. It's the United States' fault, you know.

The brutal fact of the matter is that it is basically up to the United States and Great Britain, with the help of Italy, Australia and a too-small cadre of allies, to fight and to destroy the threat of Islamic terrorism.  Euro-weenie countries like France and Germany, with their large Arab populations, don't have the courage to play a role.  Once again they're relying on the United States to keep them safe, all the while seeking cover from their Muslim inhabitants by criticizing our every move.

Every American, especially those who think our invasion of Iraq is wrong, should take a few minutes today to consider the implications of a chemical terrorist attack in America ... one like the attack planned in Jordan.  What happens to our economy when 100,000 people are killed in Manhattan?  Which presidential candidate is most feared by the Arab world?  Important questions.

The fact of the matter is something like that could very easily happen here. That's why the war on terror is so important and why terrorists must be defeated. The Poodle wants to end the war on terror and treat it like a law enforcement problem.  Which would you rather have? A president willing to track these people down and kill them, or a president willing to track them down and serve them with a subpoena?

There's no way to protect against an attack like this...except to take pre-emptive action and eliminate the terrorist cells.


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Lets see,

WMDs disappear from Iraq.

WMDs appear in Iraq's neighbor, Syria.

WMDs are almost used in American friendly Jordan, which is neighbors to...Syria.

Let me see...there must be a link in here somewhere......

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Lets see,

WMDs disappear from Iraq.

WMDs appear in Iraq's neighbor, Syria.

WMDs are almost used in American friendly Jordan, which is neighbors to...Syria.

Let me see...there must be a link in here somewhere......

David, think about what you're implying before you make that assumption...

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