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Ronald McDonald

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Great article!! I will always love Bobby Cox. I didn't always agree with everything he did. I got mad at him sometimes and asked him through the tv what the heck he was doing. The difference was I still trusted him and I knew he was doing what he thought was best for the Atlanta Braves and that's all I can ask for.

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I'm also hearing that they are working on fundamentals more than what Bobby did. Ex. working on run downs, bunting, base running

That's very good to hear!!

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Did you guys know David Ross played at Auburn? I just read an article on atlantabraves.com about him being a sophomore on the 97 team that went to the CWS (Tim Hudson was the ace of the staff, which is the connection the article made)...and come to think of it, that means I have his autograph, because I've got a ball that was signed by the team either in 96 or 97 (can't remember which; it's still at my parents' house).

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Yep I knew he played at AU. When Simpson hit the HR last year against Clemson in the regional, AB made reference to him. "David Ross, YOU HAVE COMPANY!!!" 

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Man yeah :thumbsup: Can't wait for Opening Day... Any prediction on who Fredi will start?

I'm gonna have to go with D-Lowe. He's started the past two Opening Day's for us and I don't see this one being any different.

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Man yeah :thumbsup: Can't wait for Opening Day... Any prediction on who Fredi will start?

I'm gonna have to go with D-Lowe. He's started the past two Opening Day's for us and I don't see this one being any different.

D-Lowe will probably get the nod, but I still feel like Hudson should get it. D-Lowe is great when he's on, but he's can be bad when he doesn't have his stuff going. Hudson has pretty consistently good outings

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Yeah, analysis of the spring rotation points to D-Lowe, but I agree that Huddy deserves it.

So is it pretty set in stone that Prado, McClouth, and obviously Heyward are going to our starting outfielders? I had heard that Schafer was going to be contending. I hope McClouth keeps having a good spring, but he didn't show me anything last year. I've seen slumps before but not many that bad, and he also let it affect his base running and fielding to where those suffered. He needs to be able to contribute a lot more in some aspect of the game, or he needs to be benched quickly. We don't have time to waste with the Phillies having their ridiculous rotation

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Yeah, that's what it looks like. Prado, McLouth, Heyward with Shafer as a fourth. Who knows, hopefully last year was just a fluke for McLouth, but those who were here during last season known my feelings toward McLousy

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I probably feel the same way. I went to a few games last year, and sat down the left field line when he was playing, and on some balls hit to him, it really looked like he wasn't trying at all and would come up short.

When I played all my years of baseball, I always knew that if you were in a slump or playing bad, you better at least make it look like you're trying hard. I can't put up with mental mistakes or lack of effort

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Yeah I think you got it. From an interview I saw of Chipper talking about him, it seems like he has had a bit of an attitude adjustment and is trying to be more aggressive at the plate. I'm hoping he has a great year, because if so, then we really won't have a big weak spot anywhere on the team

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Yeah I do. I'm about to finish up my sophomore year. I'm in the school of business so I wouldn't have to classes like Physics haha. What about you? And yeah my brother bought mlb.tv last year, so I bummed his e-mail and password from him

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Ha, that's the way to go. Yeah, I'm a sophomore-bout-to-turn-junior in aerospace engineering. Always nice to talk to other students here! Do you go to AU baseball games?

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An 09 high school grad I assume then? That's what I am. And you know it, I've been to 5 or 6 already this year. Baseball was the only sport I played all the time growing up competitively, so it's my number one. Well Auburn football usually takes precedence, but I love me some baseball

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Yup, exactly. Spanish Fort High School class of '09. Sounds alot like me. While I didn't play baseball in high school (tennis team man myself), it's always been my sport, and I couldn't live without it. Hadn't missed a game yet myself

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Dang, that's pretty good to not missed one yet. I go to church on Sundays, and then Sunday afternoons are usually for homework or naps, so I knew that I would miss some Sundays, but I had been to the others, until today. I wasn't able to make it to the one today. But I graduated from Prattville, I played there. I miss it every day. I actually played with Cory Luckie and Andrew Morris. I talk to Andrew quite a bit, we grew up together

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Ah that's awesome man. Tell him he needs to be put in the starting rotation. I'm sure I'll miss some eventually. I've just missed baseball alot, so I've taken every opportunity I can get

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Yeah I'm definitely getting on him about that one. He's got the stuff to be dominant, he threw multiple no-hitters while he was in JUCO. While it's Juco, a no-hitter is still a no-hitter. He just needs to get his head on straight. But I'm ready for that Arizona St series coming up in 2 weekends. That will be a good test of our team

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Yeah, I can't wait to see him in full action. I know it's a longshot, but I would LOVE to see what Varnadore AND Morris could do against that team. I was hoping Morris would get the start tomorrow, but John Luke Jacobs is. Hopefully Morris will get in the rotation soon. I've heard some crazy good things about Morris, and I can't wait to find out if they're true. I caught his relief appearance, but he seemed distracted and didn't seem to have his control down tight then, which I attribute to him making his debut performance

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