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Bush admits rich people don't need tax cuts


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Bush has repeatedly said in a variety of forms:

Bush added that "the really rich people figure out how to dodge taxes anyway."


Well, this may be something he is speaking from experience about, but what is he proposing to do about it? Make their tax cuts permanent? Isn't that like saying "drug addicts are gonna get high anyway, why make it so gosh darn hard for 'em?"

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The really rich don't make most of their money from income, they make it from investments and clever accounting (all legal). Ask John Edwards. He managed to save almost $600k in Medicare taxes on income of $26.9 million by setting up an S corporation and paid himself a small salary ($360k) out of it. He counted the rest as dividends:


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The really rich don't make most of their money from income, they make it from investments and clever accounting (all legal). Ask John Edwards. He managed to save almost $600k in Medicare taxes on income of $26.9 million by setting up an S corporation and paid himself a small salary ($360k) out of it. He counted the rest as dividends:


Money made from investments is income. It's not wages, but it is income. Don't you want John Edwards to pay his share? Bush doesn't seem to care. Maybe that's because his family and friends take advantage of every dodge they can. Daddy even listed a hotel room in Houston as his home address during his presidency instead of the mansion in Maine to avoid state income tax.

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As has been shown numerous times here, the rich do pay their share. They pay their share and a lot of other people's share too for that matter. Even with the tax cuts. Or have you not seen the IRS figures for who pays income tax in this country?

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"Daddy even listed a hotel room in Houston as his home address during his presidency instead of the mansion in Maine to avoid state income tax. "

That B******!! Bypassing tax laws by living in a state, and owning property to become a state resident.

Don't worry. I am sure Pres GHWB paid his fair share in sales taxes for his Astros Season Tickets!

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John and Teresa have avoided more dollars in taxes through loopholes than GWB has ever made. Kerry and Edwards are the wealthiest duo ever to run for President and VP; how their supporters can say anything about taxes and loopholes is ludicrous. It just goes to show how devious the liberales are about their true intent and policies.

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Just a refresher for those who missed this information:

...The most recent figures show that the top 1% of wage earners pay over 33% of all the income taxes. The top 5% account for over 53% of all income taxes paid. And the top 25% pay over 84% of all income taxes. By the way, you're in the top 25% if you had more than $55,225 in household income.

By contrast, the bottom 50% of wage earners account for less than 4% of the income taxes. So in other words, half this country is working to provide a working government and all the benefits it provides for the other half.

So tell me again why the rich should pay even more?


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Just a refresher for those who missed this information:
...The most recent figures show that the top 1% of wage earners pay over 33% of all the income taxes. The top 5% account for over 53% of all income taxes paid. And the top 25% pay over 84% of all income taxes. By the way, you're in the top 25% if you had more than $55,225 in household income.

By contrast, the bottom 50% of wage earners account for less than 4% of the income taxes. So in other words, half this country is working to provide a working government and all the benefits it provides for the other half.

So tell me again why the rich should pay even more?


Because discrimination is only a term used in conjunction with poor or black. Its OK to discriminate against the rich white guy!!!

Everyone should pay the same percentage. Flat tax is the way to go.

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Its OK to discriminate against the rich white guy!!!

Boo hoo. Poor rich white guy. BTW, where do you get the absurd notion that any tax on the wealthy excludes blacks? Oprah gonna lose out big time! Quite an assumption.

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John and Teresa have avoided more dollars in taxes through loopholes than GWB has ever made. Kerry and Edwards are the wealthiest duo ever to run for President and VP; how their supporters can say anything about taxes and loopholes is ludicrous. It just goes to show how devious the liberales are about their true intent and policies.

Devious b@stards! As Teresa says, Republicans didn't mind that some money one bit when it belonged to a Republican senator.

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John and Teresa have avoided more dollars in taxes through loopholes than GWB has ever made.  Kerry and Edwards are the wealthiest duo ever to run for President and VP; how their supporters can say anything about taxes and loopholes is ludicrous.  It just goes to show how devious the liberales are about their true intent and policies.

Look how little the devious Teresa paid:

Teresa Heinz Kerry Releases 2003 Income Tax Information

For Immediate Release

Washington, DC - Mrs. Teresa Heinz Kerry announced today that she has received an extension for filing her 2003 federal income tax return and is releasing the following personal tax information.

Mrs. Heinz Kerry paid approximately $750,000 towards her 2003 federal, state and local income tax liability at the time of the extension filing.   This represents approximately 32 percent of her gross taxable income.  She paid $587,000 in estimated federal income taxes for 2003, and $162,777 in estimated state and local income taxes.  In addition, in April she paid $280,000 towards expected additional 2003 and 2004 federal tax liability.

Based upon the information received to date concerning her investments, her advisers estimate that in 2003, Mrs. Heinz Kerry had gross taxable income of approximately $2,338,000, consisting primarily of dividends and interest, and tax exempt interest income of approximately $2,777,000 from state, municipal and other public entity bonds.


Don't she git it? Bush is helpin' her out!

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As has been shown numerous times here, the rich do pay their share. They pay their share and a lot of other people's share too for that matter. Even with the tax cuts. Or have you not seen the IRS figures for who pays income tax in this country?

Okay, then why you picking on Johnny Sunshine? ;)

Still dodging the issue. If they find ways out of paying, then did Bush really give them a tax cut? He attaches a dollar amount to the tax cut he gave which assumes that they pay. So is he just being deceptive when he uses that number?

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If you libs are so concerned about not paying enough taxes, why don't you ask all your Liberal elitist buddies like the Kerrys and the Clintons and the Moores to send the IRS a donation totalling what they think they ought to be paying.

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As has been shown numerous times here, the rich do pay their share.  They pay their share and a lot of other people's share too for that matter.  Even with the tax cuts.  Or have you not seen the IRS figures for who pays income tax in this country?

Okay, then why you picking on Johnny Sunshine? ;)

Still dodging the issue. If they find ways out of paying, then did Bush really give them a tax cut? He attaches a dollar amount to the tax cut he gave which assumes that they pay. So is he just being deceptive when he uses that number?

It's based on what they showed as taxable income the prior year, so as far as can be ascertained, it was an accurate figure.

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If you libs are so concerned about not paying enough taxes, why don't you ask all your Liberal elitist buddies like the Kerrys and the Clintons and the Moores to send the IRS a donation totalling what they think they ought to be paying.

Next time we get together for drinks I'll suggest that. Thanks for the tip!

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If you libs are so concerned about not paying enough taxes, why don't you ask all your Liberal elitist buddies like the Kerrys and the Clintons and the Moores to send the IRS a donation totalling what they think they ought to be paying.

Next time we get together for drinks I'll suggest that. Thanks for the tip!

What? You gonna raise the table cloth, look up and hope they notice that you're finished with their shoes?

Hey, don't expect a tip. That's what welfare is for!

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