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SaltyTiger last won the day on May 30 2022

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  1. Be while, she said get the ladder. The tall one.
  2. I will, need to something outside for Mrs Salty right now……maybe son will further explain for you.
  3. There is no real comparison to buy. Jesus was not convicted, he was actually acquitted then condemned by the people. I can see what son is trying to say.
  4. He will not. Just saying he will support Trump politically. I guess you could consider the thing a politically motivated conviction.
  5. Not a doctor but I did work at the Vet school in college. Not uncommon to have wmv and several other viruses accompanying TDS. There is no connection between the trial and historic racism. Good way to point out “regional juries”.
  6. Sue for what? Yep, gotta watch those damn Magas. They have been pretty good around here.
  7. A prison similar to the one that the Watergate folks went to at Maxwell in Montgomery would be fine. Did some work there years ago. Asked what it would cost to become a member.
  8. What type of community service? Trump and “community service” just doesn’t rhyme.
  9. In 2020 that would have been called “mostly peaceful protest”.
  10. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/business/trump-media-stock-falls-after-guilty-verdict.html “One poster said: “We are all disgusted by this sham verdict and want to live in a world with a better and strong America so we are donating to Trumps campaign and buying shares.” Another said that buying the stock was “the only peaceful protest we have left.” On Friday morning, some of the trending topics of discussion on Truth Social were: “Trump2024,” “MAGA” and “IStandwithTrump”
  11. Doesn’t need public appearances. The man gets more press and attention by waking up every morning than our sitting President.
  12. Loved that show. Wish we had more like it. We never followed the ER series. Watching it about nightly thanks to streaming.
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